
  • 网络Information Times
  1. 甚至在中国南方城市广州一份官方报纸《信息时报》的文章中也可以看到“无代表,不纳税”这样的字句。

    Even the words " no taxation without representation " have found their way into print , in an article in the Information Times , a government-owned newspaper in the southern city of Guangzhou .

  2. 在信息时报通过策划独家作出报道后,许多市民互动提供线索从而帮助严女士找到儿子,信息时报又继续挖掘报道那些助人的爱心人士,新闻的价值得到升华。

    Though the planning and exclusive coverage of the Information Times , many citizens interact and provide clues to help Ms Yan find her son . Information Times continues to dig and report those love people and their stories . The value of the news gets distillation .

  3. 《信息时报》消息,台湾娱乐圈知名人士陈建州(黑人)和女友范玮琪相恋10年,于今年二月在新泽西NBA球场求婚成功。

    Popular Taiwanese entertainer Blackie Chen and girlfriend of10 years , Christine Fan , are finally getting engaged this Saturday , Information Times reports .

  4. 今天,广州出版的《信息时报》和其他许多报纸都在头版报道了骗子“艺术家”王细牛的轰动性新闻。

    The Guangzhou-based Information Times and many other newspapers featured con artist Wang Xiniu on the front page today .

  5. 广州当地各大报纸,包括信息时报,都报道警察在突袭行动中,成功端掉藏匿于越秀区一公寓大楼内的地下制毒窝点。

    Several Guangzhou-based newspapers , including the Information Times , covered a police raid which successfully busted an underground drug lab hidden in an apartment complex in Yuexiu District .

  6. 位于北京的《信息时报》援引了西南政法大学的调查称,性别歧视已经成为女大学毕业生找工作时的一大的绊脚石。

    Citing a survey by the Southwest University of Political Science and Law , the Beijing-based Information Times said sex discrimination has turned out to be a major stumbling block for female undergraduates during the job-hunt .