
  • 网络signal intelligence;SIGINT
  1. 新型波音737信号情报飞机

    New Boeing 737 SIGINT Aircraft

  2. 奥巴马总统关于重新审议信号情报问题的讲话

    Remarks by the President on Review of Signals Intelligence

  3. 通常情况下信号情报是保密的,但是在马航MH17航班这起事件中,他们决定向公众公开部分情报。

    Typically , signal intelligence is secret , but in the case of Flight 17 , the decision was made to make some of it public .

  4. 我把这给了信号情报员。

    I picked it up in signals lntelligence .

  5. 信号情报接收机的发展现状及趋势

    Development and Trend of SIGINT Receiver

  6. 国务院将指定一名高级别官员,负责协调我们在与技术及信号情报有关的问题上的外交工作。

    The State Department will designate a senior officer to coordinate our diplomacy on issues related to technology and signals intelligence .

  7. 首先,这项指令明确指出,美国仅为合法的国家安全目的使用信号情报,不是为了不分青红皂白地审查普通百姓的电子邮件或电话通话。

    To begin with , the directive makes clear that the United States only uses signals intelligence for legitimate national security purposes , and not for the purpose of indiscriminately reviewing the emails or phone calls of ordinary folks .

  8. 我要发送欺骗性无线电信号和假情报,把部队部署成迷惑敌人的阵势。

    I would put out misleading wireless signals , send false intelligence reports , dispose my troops in a misleading fashion .