
  1. 财产保险费率市场化的生成机制研究

    The formation mechanism for premium rate deregulation for property insurance industry

  2. 论我国保险费率市场化

    On the Marketization of the Rate of Insurance Fee in China

  3. 论全面推进保险费率市场化改革

    Reformation of the Market Turns of Rate of Premium

  4. 机动车辆保险费率市场化研究

    Research on Premium Rate Marketability of Motor Vehicle Insurance

  5. 保险费率市场化改革的时机、路径与步骤

    Opportunity , Path and Step of Reformation for the Market Turns of Rate of Premium

  6. 在汽车保险费率市场化改革的进程中,保险公司应提高经营管理水平,从而提高竞争力。

    In the reform of the premium rate of motor vehicle insurance , insurance company should increase the operative and managing level , and competence .

  7. 同时,对如何实施保险费率市场化以及费率市场化后会产生的效应及对策都做了详尽的论述。

    Besides , the text has done exhaustive argumentation about how to implement insurance premium rate marketization and the effects and countermeasures that the marketization of rate will be produced .

  8. 就目前我国进行的费率管制改革而言,存在着保险费率市场化,保险费率自由化和放松保险费率管制等一些极易混淆的概念。

    As far as the now performing reform of rate regulation is concerned , there exist a few confusing concepts such as the market-oriented reform of insurance rate , the liberalization of insurance rate and deregulation of insurance rate .

  9. 从目前的保险市场实践看,保险费率市场化的时机已日趋成熟。

    In terms of practices from the current insurance market , opportunity of the market turns of rate of premium have been gradually maturing .

  10. 《保险法》的最新修订使我国保险费率市场化正式揭开序幕。

    The new amendment of Insurance Law marks the beginning of marketization of insurance fee rate in China .

  11. 面对我国保险业与国际接轨的新形势,汽车保险费率的市场化改革将不可避免。

    Facing our country insurance industry with the new situation which international will connect rails , the premium rate marketability of motor vehicle insurance is inevitable .