
  • 网络guaranteed debt;suretyship obligation;assurance engagement
  1. 第五部分主要从保证债务资金的安全性、提高债务资金的盈利性和流动性角度寻求规范地方政府债务管理的对策。

    The fifth part puts forward effective measures to rectify and regulate local government debt from the perspectives of security , profitability and liquidity .

  2. 衡平法上的留置是指法律授权一个人有权占有另一个人的财产来保证债务的清偿。

    An equitable lien is the right that the law confers upon one person to have the property of another utilised to ensure payment of a debt .

  3. 有迹象表明美国政府正在考虑,保证银行债务,并考虑暂时备份所有的美国银行存款。

    There were hints that the US government is now pondering guaranteeing bank debt and considering temporarily backing up all U.

  4. 抵押凭证既是抵押资产池的所有权凭证,又是这一资产池作保证的债务。

    A mortgage-backed security is either an ownership claim in a pool of mortgages or an obligation that is secured by such a pool .

  5. 原来的希望是其他欧洲国家会达成一项协议,在希腊承诺实施苛刻紧缩财政地前提下保证希腊债务。

    The hope was that other European countries would strike a deal , guaranteeing Greek debt in return for a commitment to harsh fiscal austerity .

  6. 被保证人的债务,不得卸除本以支付的全部义务的规定。

    The obligations of the Guarantor hereunder shall not be discharged except by payment in full of the obligations as herein provided .

  7. 我可以保证他会还清债务的。

    I can guarantee that he will pay off the debt .

  8. 尤其保证期间与保证债务诉讼时效的相关问题更是历来争议的焦点。

    In particular , guarantee period and guarantee debt limitation of legal proceedings related question is always the focus of controversy .

  9. 保证期间与保证债务诉讼时效的功能本旨上是一致的,都是为了督促债权人及时向保证人行使债权。但是两者作用的阶段不同,因此并不冲突。

    Such two terms have the same function , which is to urge the creditor to claim the rights to the guarantor . However the stages of such two terms play role are different , they are not in conflict .

  10. 而笔者发现目前关于保证期间与保证债务诉讼时效的相关问题的研究基本是法教义学方式的,仍然是从理论到理论,让人陷入深深的迷惑之中,无所适从。

    The author found at present about the guarantee period and guarantee debt limitation of legal proceedings related problems is the basic way of dogmatics of law , remains from theory to theory , make deep confusion , not know what course to take .

  11. 应对债权人在保证期间内行使保证债务请求权的方式进行限制,以克服保证期间与诉讼时效发生竞合的理论冲突。

    In order to overcome the clash between the guarantee period and litigation validity , restrictions should be placed upon the manners of the exercise of the right upon the request of guaranteed indebtedness by the obligee during the period .

  12. 把保证的目的建立在当债务人不履行债务时,保证履行其债务或保证债权人的债权实现上会造成一系列理论和实践上的问题。

    Establishing the goal of guarantee on " if the debtor fails to pay a debt ' , the guarantor shall ' perform the debt ' or ensure ' the realization of creditors ' rights ' " can create a series of problems .

  13. 笔者认为:保证期间是保证人能够容许债权人行使保证债务请求权的最长期间,其类型主要有约定期间和法律拟制期间;

    Guarantee period is the maximum lengthen of time , during which the guarantor allows the obligee to exercise his right upon the request of guaranteed indebtedness , and it is classified into two types : agreed period and the period regulated by law .

  14. 另一方面是保证期间长度如何确定的问题,围绕保证期间与主债务履行期的关系进行讨论,明确在几种特殊约定的情况下,保证期间的效力的认定。

    The second , discussing the determination of the length of guarantee period , centering on the relationship between guarantee period and main performance period , and clarifies the validity of guarantee period in several special agreement .

  15. 第二十五条一般保证的保证人与债权人未约定保证期间的,保证期间为主债务履行期届满之日起六个月。

    Article25if the surety of a general suretyship and the creditor have no agreement on the term of suretyship , the term of suretyship shall be six months from the date of maturity of the principal debts .