
  • 网络Supply Function
  1. 开放经济中的Lucas供给函数与通货膨胀倾向

    Lucas Supply Function and Inflation Bias in the Open Economy

  2. 供给函数均衡(SFE)模型在电力市场模拟分析得到较多的应用。一些研究采用零截距线性边际成本假设,可以给出简洁的模型和现实的结论。

    Supply function equilibrium ( SFE ) model is employed by some researchers in electricity market simulation . Some models assume zero-intercept linear marginal cost curve and produce simple and reasonable result .

  3. 建立了发电企业在电量与备用共同市场规则下策略竞价的供给函数均衡(SFE)模型,分析了其市场势力对两种市场的影响。

    The impacts of generation suppliers ' market power on both two kind markets are analyzed .

  4. 应用最佳反映函数和循环搜索最优策略的方法对垄断、古诺、Stackelberg、供给函数均衡和猜测供给函数等博弈模型进行研究分析。

    The best response approach and the iterative search algorithm are employed to solve the Monopoly , Cournot , Stackelberg and Supply Function Equilibrium models for the market power analysis .

  5. 上网竞价策略的供给函数均衡分析

    Analysis of bidding strategies of suppliers based on supply function equilibrium

  6. 基于供给函数均衡模型的区域电力现货市场模拟分析

    Simulation of areal spot market based on supply function equilibrium model

  7. 本文运用解析的方法直接求解发电商的纳什均衡最优供给函数。

    The authors addresse an analytic method to solve the supply function equilibrium model .

  8. 基本结论为:供给函数竞争下,任何兼并都会使产业的总产出下降,价格升高。

    The main conclusions : on the condition of supply function competition , any merger results in all firms reducing supply .

  9. 传统的蛛网模型假定供给函数和需求函数均为线性且每一期的供给与需求均衡,在现实的经济系统中,这两个假定条件都是难以成立的。

    The traditional cobweb models are presumed that the supply and demand curves are linear and supply is equal to demand .

  10. 在分析过程中,我们讨论并建立了上市公司和投资者的效用函数模型以及投资者的需求函数和上市公司的供给函数模型。

    We discuss the companies and investors ' utility function model , investors ' demand function and listed companies ' supply function .

  11. 介绍了利用基于微增响应的猜测供给函数构造不完全信息下发电商竞价策略模型的方法。

    This paper introduces the method to construct generation companies'strategy model under incomplete information by using conjectural variation based conjectured supply function .

  12. 论文第三章研究发电商如何通过博弈供给函数的截距时的最佳策略报价。

    In the third Chapter , the strategic bidding of producers in which the producers will change the intercept of their supply function is studied .

  13. 本文采用考虑合同电力的线性供给函数均衡模型,分析在峰荷时段输电网络约束对火电厂竞价决策的影响。

    In this thesis the linear supply function equilibrium model of contracted power is considered , the power bidding decision with transmission constraints during peak load period is studied .

  14. 本文总合总供给函数的通用形式和货币主义性质的总需求函数,建立面向中国经济的非正统总供给总需求模型。

    This paper sums up the general form of AS function , and the monetarist - style AD function , to build a heterodox AD - AS model for China s economy .

  15. 本文利用需求函数曲线与供给函数曲线构成的所谓蛛网模型,对市场稳定性进行了定性分析研究。

    The paper makes use of the model of spider web which was built by demand function curve and supply function curve and analyses qualitatively the stability of market supply and demand .

  16. 研究蛛网模型的稳定性条件,将需求函数和供给函数复合构造蛛网模型新的几何描述,利用完备性定理得到了非线性稳定性条件。

    This paper studies of stability condition for cobweb model and presents a new geometric description of cobweb model by combining demand function with supply function . Nonlinear stability condition is obtained by using the complete theorem .

  17. 摘要将资本因素引入供给函数,并考虑到外汇市场微观结构,可以构建一个弹性汇率制和资本有限流动下的宏观经济模型。

    For drawing the capital factor into the supplying function and considering the microcosmic structure of the exchange market , a springy exchange rate system and a macrocosmic economic model under the limited capital float condition may be set up .

  18. 创新比较优势概念的提出,不仅为古典静态比较优势理论提供了新的思路,而且,为我国纺织产业供给函数的创新奠定了重要理论基础。

    The presentation of " innovation comparative advantage " not only provides a new consideration to the classic immovable comparative advantage theory , but also builds an important theoretic base for innovation of supply function of textile of our country .

  19. 发电商最优供给函数是一个两层优化问题,其中上层是发电商生产效益最大化问题,下层是基于最优潮流的市场最优化调度问题。

    The optimal supply function model for a power producer is a bi-level mathematical programming problem in which the upper optimization is to maximize the producer 's surplus whilst the lower one is to realize the market optimal dispatch based on optimal power flow .

  20. 提出了基于猜测供给函数模型的发电公司动态学习模型,用于分析和预测重复博弈的不完全信息电力市场环境下发电公司潜在的市场力。

    A dynamic learning model of generation companies under deregulation was proposed based on conjectured supply function ( CSF ) equilibrium . It can be used to forecast and evaluate potential market power generation companies possessed from repeatedly gaming in electricity market with incomplete information .

  21. 为此,建立了二氧化碳排污权价格估算模型,并导出了发电公司供给函数均衡模型来分析多个发电公司同时参与排污权市场和电力市场竞争时的策略行为。

    In the first chapter , a model used to forecast the price of emission permits of carbon dioxide is established and a Supply Function Equilibrium Model is derived to analyze the action of GenCos who gamed in both the emission trading market and electricity market .

  22. 本文根据通常的线性供给、需求函数假设,应用局部均衡方法,证明了大国最优出口关税的计算公式。

    This article has proved strictly the formula of the optimum export tariff in a large nation by the partial equilibrium and the usual supposition of linear supply and demand .

  23. 本文从阜新实际出发,构建了要素供给的生产函数模型,并对产业结构的经济计量模型进行了进一步的细分研究。

    This paper constructs a production fuction model of factors supply according to FUXIN practice , and it gives a further particulars study for the economic measure model of industrial structure .

  24. 文中除举例说明计算步骤外,并供给必要的函数表,使这些常数能够迅速求出。

    The formulas for computing load and shape constants being necessarily long , a number of tables of useful functions have been prepared to aid in a quick analysis and a typical example is given .

  25. 厌恶风险的行为又引起供给和投资函数的不稳定,要维持充分就业就要求价格具有较大的调整空间。

    Unemployment is necessary to the maintenance of rents required in enforcement , risk-aversion behavior also cause the instability of supply and investment function , therefore , prices are required to give a considerable adjustment to maintain full employment .

  26. 第一种方法使用上一期的劳动供给控制劳动供给函数中不可观测的财富边际效用,得到的结果表明中国的Frisch弹性为正但很小。

    The first approach uses the labor supply from the previous period as a control for marginal utility of wealth . The results indicate that the Frisch elasticity in China is positive but small .

  27. 那麽总供给与总生产函数之间的关系究竟如何?

    What is the relationship between aggregate supply and production function ?

  28. 总供给与总生产函数的微观基础是否牢靠?

    Whether their micro-foundation is reliable ?

  29. 针对我国新一轮物价水平上涨的社会现实,根据通货膨胀的供求混合推进理论,利用线性回归分析方法,构造了通货膨胀与消费、货币供给、工资的函数模型。

    Based on the mixed inflation theory , this paper establishes an function model of inflation upon consumption , currency supply and wage by the way of linearity analysis .

  30. 在资本结构和金融中介等理论分析框架下,论证了企业信贷需求的原因与银行信贷供给的优势;通过信贷需求与供给函数的分析,说明了企业有效信贷需求与银行有效信贷供给的决定因素。

    Under the analytical framework of Capital Structure Theory and Financial Intermediation Theory , demonstrate the reasons of SMEs ' credit demand and the advantages of banking credit supply .