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zuò suì
  • haunt;cause trouble;make mischief
作祟 [zuò suì]
  • (1) [haunt]∶鬼怪妖物害人

  • (2) [make mischief;cause trouble]∶人或某种因素作怪、捣乱

作祟[zuò suì]
  1. 我认为这是恶魔在作祟。

    I think this is an evil spirit at work

  2. 由于我一贯的虚荣心作祟,我以为他可能爱上了我。

    With my usual vanity , I thought he might be falling in love with me .

  3. 真的是圣灵使我移动了,抑或是什么邪恶力量作祟?

    Is it really the Holy Spirit moving me , or is it some evil force ?

  4. 这都是利己主义在作祟。

    All this trouble is caused by selfishness .

  5. 美国联邦航空管理局称,其中四分之一的争吵是因为酒精作祟。

    The FAA said that alcohol is a factor in about a quarter of disputes .

  6. 原因三:你的心理在作祟不管你把自己糟糕的照片归咎于什么,归根结底都是心理因素。

    No matter how many factors you want to blame for your crappy pictures , it all boils down to psychology .

  7. 查尔斯·狄更斯的《圣诞颂歌》有这样一段情节:埃比尼泽·斯克鲁奇在遇见鬼魂后不以为然,认为是他睡觉前吃的奶酪碎屑在作祟。

    At one point in Charles Dickens 's A Christmas Carol , Ebenezer Scrooge dismisses a ghostly encounter as being just as likely from the crumb1 of cheese he had before bed .

  8. 怀着无以言表的恐惧,我确信这一定是浴室里的那个邪恶的东西在作祟,我拔腿向斜坡下跑去,却被什么东西狠狠得撞了一下。

    Filled with inexplicable18 horror and certainty that this was the same ominous19 thing in the bathroom , I turned on my heels and started down the ramp only to be shoved , hard , by something .

  9. Windows在正常使用的情况下很少需要重新启动,不过由于这些缓慢的升级在作祟,你可能每天都要遭受重启电脑的煎熬。

    Windows , properly done , rarely needs rebooting , but because of slothful updates , they can be a daily curse .

  10. 经常去…vi.出没;作祟据说那栋旧宅里有鬼出没。

    haunt People say that the old house is haunted by a ghost .

  11. 无人知道SSMarineSulphurQueen号到底经历了什么,但是它的倾覆是其本身状况不佳所致,而不是什么神秘力量在作祟。

    No one knows for certain what happened to the Sulphur Queen , but its demise was probably a result of its poor condition rather than a mysterious force .

  12. 现在,贝尔彻的家人告诉堪萨斯城“明星”队他们也怀疑CTE作祟,而就在上周五,贝尔彻的遗体被从宾州的墓地里挖出来用以检查他的大脑。

    Now , the Belcher family tell the Kansas City " Star " that they too , suspect CTE , and on Friday , Belcher 's body was exhumed so his brain could be examined .

  13. 观众反应热烈,一定是酒精作祟。

    The crowd decides and tonight the drinks must be strong .

  14. 至于死亡之路,也可以改一个更好的名字,叫作祟高生命路。

    And Death Row could be better named High Life Way .

  15. 第三,侥幸心理作祟;第四,缺乏履信的基础条件。

    The third , by luck the mental state does mischief ;

  16. 我不知道,是内啡肽在作祟,对吗?

    I don 't know . It 's endorphins , right ?

  17. 或许大家都忽略了其中一个理由:荷尔蒙作祟。

    Perhaps there 's a reason that every-one has overlooked : hormones .

  18. 目前,专家初步判定,这是“生存基因”作祟。

    As of now , experts believed it is a genetic mutation .

  19. 你偷这件东西是完全因为贪心作祟吗?

    Was it simple greed that made you steal it ?

  20. 肖教授指出,一些学生逃课是因为懒惰作祟。

    Xiao pointed out that some students skip classes because of laziness .

  21. 如果你吓得僵掉,那是你自己在作祟。

    If you 're scared stiff , it 's your own doing .

  22. 托马斯对珍说的话只是酸葡萄的心理在作祟。

    What Thomas said to Jane was only sour grapes .

  23. 此外,还要保持语文教师队伍性别比例的合理构成。此乃百病皆由痰作祟。

    In addition , the proportion of teachers sexes should be reasonably considered .

  24. 后来可能是某种延迟的青春期叛逆心理作祟。

    And a certain kind of delayed adolescent rebellion might come into it .

  25. 就跟她说,是基因在作祟。

    Tell her your genes made you do it .

  26. 电脑又死机了&不会是病毒在作祟吧?

    The computer is freezing up , again & is it a virus ?

  27. 他想这定是幻觉作祟。

    He thought his fancy must have deceived him .

  28. 她怀疑有些秘密势力在作祟。

    She suspcted that secret influences were at work .

  29. 他们认为他们的失败是因为杰克的冤魂作祟。

    They thought their failure was caused by the dead hand of Jack .

  30. 你们这些(禽兽),在野地里毫无约束地作祟,直到我们发现了你。

    Your kind , haunting the wilds unchecked , until we found you .