
  1. 古代文学作品论的人本精神特征

    The Humanism Feature in the Theory of Ancient Literature Works

  2. 论茅盾中国现代作家作品论

    Mao Dun 's Works of the Modern Chinese Literature

  3. 女性:生存与文化的困境&黄蜀芹电影作品论

    Female : Dilemma Between Survival and Culture

  4. 中国风格钢琴作品论

    Piano Works with the Chinese Characteristics

  5. 由布歇的绘画作品论习惯用色与绘画风格的关系

    On the Practice of Using Color and Painting Style of the Relationship between the Paintings by Boucher

  6. 作家作品论在资料准备阶段面临新的选择与机遇;

    Comment on writer and his works faces new choice and action on preparatory stage in the materials .

  7. 本文结合纪念性景观实例分析为研究基础,并结合相关社会科学理论作为理论指导,引入景观设计学科的相关理论概念,从读者论和作品论的角度来剖析纪念性建筑的创作规律。

    It is based on large Monument landscape samples , is carried by using social science theory and landscape design theory .

  8. 网络环境下文献信息的数字化对文学研究中作家作品论带来冲击;

    The digitization of the documentation and information brings pound to the comment on writer and his works under the environment of the network .

  9. 论文上篇的作品论部分,主要扣住丰子恺儿童作品的情和趣两个方面。

    The first part of the paper is about his works of children which relates to the two parts of the " feeling " and the " interest " .

  10. 茅盾与现代文学评论应该包括三方面,即作品论、作家论和文学史论。

    In the chapter " Mao Dun and Modern Literary Reviews ", there are three sections : review on literary works , review on writers and review on literary history .

  11. 本体论强调以象德为乐,作品论强调以象章德,创作论强调使德成象,功能论强调以象致德。

    Ontology emphasizes Image Morals is the real music , Works theory emphasizes Image is used to express Morals , Creative theory emphasizes we make morals become image , Functionalism emphasizes people get Morals by Image .

  12. 祝尧《古赋辨体》对于汉赋的认识,包括赋之文体及渊源论、汉赋价值论、汉赋艺术结构论、汉赋作家作品论凡四个方面。

    Zhu Yao 's understanding to Han Fu in Gu Fu Bian Ti ( One Book ) includes four aspects of its style and sources , its value theory , its structure artistic theory , its authors and works .

  13. 具体表现在他的中国现代文学肤浅论,以及他对中国传统文学和文学传统的审视和批判当中,也广泛分布在他的众多的作家作品论中。

    This is manifested in his paper named : a general discussion of Chinese modern literature , in his scan and critics on traditional Chinese literature and literature tradition , as well as in his remarks on a large amount of the writers and their works .

  14. 他的文学批评专著及文章不仅涉及到文学批评的基本原理、概念范畴与判断标准,而且有涵盖古今中外的具体的作家研究和作品论。

    Some of his literary criticism works and articles were not only related to the basic principles of literary criticism , the scope of the concept and criteria for judgment , but also covered the researches of writers of all over the world and comments of their works .

  15. 被误读的作品&论《财主底儿女们》的文化反思意识

    Misunderstood works & Culture introspection in the children of the moneybags

  16. 在批判主体论美学的基础上,伽达默尔提出了艺术作品本体论。

    By criticizing the subjective aesthetics , Gadamer proposes the ontology of artistic works .

  17. 存在之思中的艺术是什么&海德格尔艺术作品本源论之启示

    What Is Art in Existence ? & A revelation from Heidegger 's origin of art work

  18. 他试图用对文学作品存在论的分析为解决这一问题提供一个可能的答案。

    He attempts to advance a possible solution to the problem by means of the analyses of Ontology of the Literary Work .

  19. 新批评,主张作品本体论,摒弃历史和传记的传统方法,转向文本内部寻找意义,对文本进行语言学的解读。

    Suspicious of the biographical and historical approach , New Criticism turns internally into the text and studies the literariness of literature there .

  20. 在对三者的批评中,巴克利明确了诗歌与道德、宗教和民族之间的关系,确立了自己坚持作品本体论的诗学理论。

    In rejecting these standards , Buckley makes clear relationship among poem , morality , religion and nation , establishing his metaphysical poetic theory of textual ontology .

  21. 在艺术领域,解构主义不再遵循作者和作品中心论,而是从不同维度的方方面面体现出对艺术目前的现状、观念定式及价值评判标准的解构趋势。

    In art field , deconstruction no longer follows the theory of the author and the work center , but from all aspects of the different dimensions reflect the trend of the current status quo of the art , the concept of fixed type and value criteria deconstruction .

  22. 三为用于评论作家作品的文论话语。

    Words used to review the works of writers .

  23. 生命的重构观念的艺术&李青作品艺术略论

    Rebuilding of life conception Art

  24. 艺术作品的存在论性质是通向生态存在论的现实道路,以对待艺术作品的方式对待自然与一切存在者,是建构理想生态关系的起点,艺术是生态论美学观的基石。

    The existential nature of artistic works a realistic path to ecological existentialism as the starting point of developing ideal ecological relationship .

  25. 所以本文除了对鲁迅文本内、外部研究之外,还要触及到东西世界的文化、文学背景,参照一些西方文学家的作品,文论家的理论。

    So this article is in touch with the eastern and western cultures ( literature ) background knowledge , literary works and theory of western writers .

  26. 文章以客观化写作、情节的日常化为切入点,探讨福楼拜的作品和文论在文学转型时的文学价值和历史意义。

    This paper tries to elaborate on the value and historical significance of his works and literature theory from the perspective of the objective writing and the routine plot .

  27. 在对批评传统的反思和重构之上重新选择文本,重视文论自身的解释力量,发掘了许多被历史所忽略的文本作品的文论学意义。

    Thirdly , he selects texts newly based on rethinking and reconstruction to traditional criticism , stressing the power of explanation , and then discovering theoretical meaning of many texts ignored by history .

  28. 韦勒克基于现象学文论与结构主义语言学的文学作品存在方式论将文学作品的本体视为一种符号与意义的多层结构。

    Derived from phenomenological philosophy and structural linguistics , his literary theory is founded on " the mode of existence of a literary work of art ", which considers the work of literature as " a whole system of signs or structure of signs " .

  29. 第二篇为作品精神权利价值论;

    The second one is on the value of moral rights to works .

  30. 现代西方文艺理论与批评经历了三阶段:通过作者来理解作品的作者中心论,通过作品文本自身来理解作品的文本中心论,通过读者接受来理解作品的读者中心论。

    Modern Western literature criticism theory went through three stages , including the writer-centered stage , text-centered stage and reader-centered stage .