
  1. 在发生电子合同争议时,如何适用法律,适用何国法律,是跨国电子商务乃至GDP快速健康发展的重要保障。

    How to choose the applicable law in the dispute of electronic contract is an important guarantee of healthy and fast development of electronic commerce and the growth of GDP .

  2. 确定由何国负责审核向欧洲共同体成员国提出庇护申请的[都柏林]公约

    Convention Determining the State Responsible for Examining Applications for Asylum Lodged in One of the Member States of the European Communities

  3. 风于无路之中寻求最短之路,又突然地在无何有之国终之了它的追求。

    The hurricane seeks the shortest road by the no-road , and suddenly ends its search in the Nowhere .

  4. 一位银行家问道:关心的责任要从何做起?保姆国要从何当起?

    " Where does the duty to care start and the nanny state begin ?" asks one banker .

  5. 关于马铃薯何时何地传入我国,学术界有不少研究,但关于甘肃马铃薯的传入与种植情况则鲜有专文论述。

    There are many studies on when the potato was introduced into China , but few papers on the introduction of potato in Gansu .

  6. 原因何在,我国农村信贷需求到底具备怎样的特征,什么样的农村信贷支持体系才能提供有效的信贷服务呢?为此,本文分析了我国农村信贷需求变化和供给不足的情况。

    What is the character of Chinese rural capital demands , and which kind of financial support system can sanctify the demands ? The article analyzes the situation of change of demand and insufficiency of supply of rural credit in rural area .