
zhù zhái diàn huà
  • home phone
  1. 你的住宅电话是多少?

    And your home phone number ?

  2. 对于桌面用户,可以为联系人显示额外两个电话图标,住宅电话和传真号码。

    For the desktop user , two additional phone icons , home phone and pager number , can display for a contact .

  3. 所请求返回的是姓氏(sn)、描述、住宅电话和普通名称(cn)。

    What you ask to be returned is the surname ( sn ), description , homephone , and common name ( cn ) .

  4. 运用营销组合理论开拓住宅电话市场

    Using Marketing Mix , Developing Residence Telephone Market

  5. 发展住宅电话的经济效益分析

    Economic Benefit Analysis for Developing Residence Telephone

  6. 住宅电话指话机装在居民住宅里的电话。它包括私人付费、公费和免费三个部分。

    Household Telephone Subscribers refer to telephone sets installed in resident dwellings , including those with telephone charges paid by individuals , by public units and free of charge .

  7. 例如,你可以将家人和同事的电话发送到手机、办公室或住宅电话上,而将其他电话转入语音信箱或屏蔽掉。

    For example , you can route calls from family members and colleagues to reach you on your mobile , office or home phone , while sending other callers to your voicemail or blocking them .

  8. 基于国家统计部门开展的人口普查得出的家庭住宅用户电话普及率百分比。

    Percentage of households with a telephone is based on census surveys generally carried out by national statistical offices .

  9. 第三季度,at&t流失了100万住宅固定电话用户,业务收入减少了1.4%。

    In the third quarter , at & t lost one million residential land lines and saw business revenue decline 1.4 % .

  10. 在私人住宅接听电话时,通常是拿起话筒就要先自报电话号码。

    When you answer the telephone in a private house , it is usual to say the telephone number as soon as you lift the receiver .

  11. 特定来显显示他给一个住宅区打过电话,在布鲁德海文。

    L.U.D. showed he made a call to a tenement complex located in Bludhaven .