
  • 网络low temperature thermometer;cryogenic thermometer;katathermometer;low-reading thermometer;low reading thermometer;cryometer
  1. 提出了误差小于0.5K,测温区为70~300K的工业用宽温区数字显示低温温度计的设计原则和传感器的工作方式。

    The designing principle and the sensor working manner of a wide range low temperature digital display thermometer which operates over 70-300K , and the error is less than 0.5K , widely used in industries are presented .

  2. 低温温度计标定精度影响因素的研究

    Investigation of the Influencing Factors for Calibration Precision of Low Temperature Sensors

  3. 恒温器径向温度不均匀性对低温温度计精密校验影响的估计

    Estimation of radial temperature non-uniformity ( gradient ) effects on precision cryogenic thermometer calibrations

  4. 宽温区数字显示低温温度计

    A Wide Range Low Temperature Digital Display Thermometer

  5. 低温温度计标定系统研究

    The Study of Low Thermometer Calibration System

  6. 硅低温温度计

    A low temperature silicon thermometer

  7. 采用铑铁电阻温度传感器研制了一台低温温度计,用于对制冷机低温泵温度的测控。

    A smart cryomatic instrument has developed to measure and control the temperature of a refrigerator cooled cryopump by means of the Rh Fe resistance sensor .

  8. 论述了微型硅半导体低温温度计的各种优良特性,并运用电子材料及其工艺原理设计了一套保证其具有优良特性的制作工艺。

    The paper is concerned with the good characteristics of the mini-silicon-diode thermometers used in cryogenics , and the making technology which ensures their good properties is designed according to the technology principle of the electric materials .

  9. 双流源线性化器和SWK-3低温数字温度计

    Double current source linearizer and low temperature digital thermometer swk-3

  10. 两种黑球低温卡他温度计综合评价环境冷强度的探讨

    Low temperature black bulb katathermometer for evaluation of cold environment

  11. 低温锗电阻温度计温度&电阻特性曲线拟合

    The Fit of Temperature-Resistance Characteristic Curve Of Germanium Thermometer In Low Temperature