
  • 网络low mountain
  1. 辽北低山丘陵区坡耕地水土流失规律研究

    Hilly Field Erosion Regulation in Low Mountain Region of Northern Liaoning

  2. 低山丘陵地区林草结合立体开发模式调查浅析

    The investigation of stereo developing model to combine woods with grasses in Low Mountain hilly area

  3. 小浪底低山丘陵区植物N素吸收特征及其与土壤因子的关系

    Plant nitrogen resorption characteristic and it 's relation with soil factors in Xiaolangdi mountainous hilly region

  4. 嘉陵江上游低山暴雨区3种林分凋落物量及其N、P归还

    Litter Production and Nutrient Return in Three Kinds of Plantations in the Upper Reaches of the Jialing River

  5. 基于GIS和地统计学的低山茶园土壤肥力质量评价

    Comprehensive evaluation of fertility quality in hilly tea plantation soils based on GIS and geostatistics

  6. DEM在低山丘陵区综合治理中的应用

    Application of DEM on Comprehensive Harnessing of Hills and Mountainous Area

  7. 测定了低山平坝区大熊猫的五种主要食竹微量元素的(Fe)、铜(Cu)、锰(Mn)、锌(Zn)的含量。

    In the article , content of the microelement Fe , Cu , Mn and Zn of five kinds of bamboo - the main feed for the giant panda chiefly at the flatland of the low hill was tested .

  8. 实验结果表明:应用DEM模型能形象地表达区域的地形因子及流域特征,在低山丘陵区的综合治理中有广泛的应用前景。

    The research results illuminate that DEM model can describe the landform and character of the watershed , which can play an important role in the comprehensive harnessing in the hills and mountainous area .

  9. 表明在高寒、低山&丘陵的景观条件下,生物地球化学作用是Au、As、Sb迁移、富集的重要因素之一。

    It is held that , under the conditions of low temperature , cold grassy highland and low mountains or hills , the migration and enrichment of Au , As and Sb are mainly attributed to biogeochemical activities .

  10. 区内最高海拔814m,属丘陵低山地貌。

    The highest elevation of TNR is 814 m , which show a low-hilly landscape .

  11. 爱尔兰的西部海岸者大多有悬崖,小山和低山(以1041m的卡朗图厄尔山(Carrauntoohil)为最高点)。

    The west-coast of Ireland mostly consists of cliffs , hills and low mountains ( the highest point being Carrauntoohil at1,041 m ) .

  12. 成都发展巨桉短轮伐期工业原料林,应选择在平原区,海拔800m以下的低山丘陵区,并且土层厚度在40cm以上的酸性至中性土壤立地条件。

    The plain , hilly and low mountainous areas with a soil depth of over 40 cm and pH value from acid to neutral are suitable to the establishment of short-period Eucalyptus grandis forests for the purpose of industrious raw materials .

  13. 黑枕黄鹂分布于海拔800m以下的低山阔叶林中,在海拔300m的次生阔叶林中种群数量较大,为典型的低山带鸟类。

    It distributes in the deciduous forests of low mountains where the elevations are below 800 m , the population quantity of Black-napped Oriole are high in the secondary deciduous forests where the elevations are below 300 m , it is typical bird that distributes in low mountains .

  14. 近20年来,朱鹮的营巢地逐渐由海拔1200m左右的中山地区向海拔800m左右的低山丘陵地区转移,巢树树种由栓皮株变为以马尾松为主。

    In the recent 20 years , the average elevation of nest sites of the Crested Ibis changed from about 1200m in middle mountain area to about 800 m in hill area , the main nest species changed from Oak to Masson Pine .

  15. 在40500~11100aBP南海北部沿海大陆地区的古植被,主要为常绿阔叶林(WAMF),山地针叶林(MRGF)分布于低山、丘陵;

    From 40 500 a BP to 11 100 a BP , broad_leaved evergreen forest ( WAMF ), and montane conifers ( MGRF ) occurred on hills and low mountains ;

  16. 研究了太行山低山丘陵区板蓝根在20℃温度条件下,不同光合有效辐射(PAR)强度及不同CO2摩尔分数(CCO2)范围内叶片光合及水分生理生态参数的变化特征。

    Under the condition of 20 ℃, the different intensities of photosynthesis active radiation ( P AR ) and different ranges of CO 2 contents ( C CO 2 ), the characteristics of leaf photosynthesis and water physio-ecology of Isatis indigotica were studied in the hilly region of Taihang Mountain .

  17. 成都地区五种低山平坝竹营养成分分析

    Proximate Analysis of Nutrition for Five Bamboo Varieties Growing in Chengdu

  18. 粤北低山丘陵地区小红栲木材物理力学性质初步研究

    A study on timber physical and mechanical property of Castanopsis carlesii

  19. 太行山低山丘陵爆破整地效益的研究

    On the benefit of soil preparation by explosion in Taihang Mountains

  20. 低山丘陵区土壤航片判读研究

    A study on air photographic interpretation of soils in Hilly Region

  21. 本区的特有属植物多分布于低山和中山。

    These endemic genera mainly distributed over lower and medium height mountains .

  22. 用风脉动资料确定低山丘陵地区大气扩散参数的研究

    Study on Atmospheric Diffusion Parameters of Hilly Areas by Wind Fluctuation Data

  23. 辽宁西部低山丘陵区农林复合经营技术的研究

    Agro-forestry management techniques in low mountainous and hilly areas of western Liaoning

  24. 苏南低山丘陵地区杉木无性繁殖的研究

    Clonal propagation of Chinese fir in hilly mountains of Jiangsu

  25. 太行山中部低山丘陵区暴雨过程分析

    Heavy Rainfall Process in Hill Area of Middle Part of Taihang Mountain

  26. 不同形态的丘陵和低山占平行岭谷的84%。

    The hills and low mountains with various shapes cover 84 % .

  27. 水的流失是低山丘陵区坡面水土流失的重要形式。

    Water loss is the most important form in low mountainous areas .

  28. 低山丘陵地区稳定高效防护林体系地理信息系统

    GIS for Steady and High Benefit Shelter Forest in Hills

  29. 福建低山丘陵牧草混播组合的筛选

    Screening of mixed Sowing combination of forage grass on Fujian low hills

  30. 低山丘陵资源综合开发模式初探

    Preliminary Study On the Model of Comprehensively Developing Resources in Hilly Land