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  • low profile
  1. 澳大利亚力图在这个问题上保持低姿态。

    Australia was trying to keep a low profile on this issue .

  2. 在PG系列是低姿态具有真正的平行的议案是由双动活塞驱动的齿轮机制产生。

    The PG Series is low profile with true parallel motion that is generated by a pinion mechanism powered by a double acting piston .

  3. 争议平息之前,他们一直保持低姿态。

    They kept a low profile until the controversy had alated .

  4. 在这场内斗中,贝恩资本采取了低姿态。

    Amid the infighting , Bain has adopted a low profile .

  5. 此后她一直保持低姿态。

    Since then , she has kept her head down .

  6. 我们采取低姿态,但工作很努力。

    We keep low profiles and we work very hard .

  7. 高期望与低姿态:吉隆坡和新加坡的城市发展

    High Hopes and Low Profiles : Development of Kuala Lumpur and Singapore

  8. 艾伯特讨厌对此一问题采取低姿态。

    Albert dislikes keeping a low profile on the issue .

  9. 政府试图在这一问题上保持低姿态。

    The government is trying to keep a low profile on this issue .

  10. 她努力保持低姿态。

    She tried to maintain a low profile .

  11. 采取[保持/维持]低姿态

    Adopt / keep / maintain a low profile

  12. 我建议她未来几天保持低姿态。

    I advised her to keep a low profile for the next few days .

  13. 因此,国内宗教势力一度大大放低姿态,宗教活动由地上转为地下。

    Therefore , the religious forces once lowered stance and religious activities turned underground .

  14. 顾先生对争论性问题喜欢保持低姿态。

    Mr. Ku likes to take a backseat when it comes to a controversial issue .

  15. 英国正在要求在伊朗的英国公民待在室内并且保持克制的低姿态。

    Britain is urging its citizens in Iran to stay indoors and keep a low profile .

  16. 你必须时时保持低姿态。

    You gotta keep yourself small .

  17. 如果你能摆低姿态,快点把衣服拿出来,我们就能快点甩钱走人。

    We might move a little quicker if you dropped the attitude and picked up some dresses .

  18. 茅台酒是不会轻易放低姿态的,无论是在股市还是在其他方面。

    Maotai is one liquor that refuses to go down easy & on stock exchanges or otherwise .

  19. 低姿态,当你选择,你会得到和失去一些东西。

    Low attitude , when you have the choices , you will get something and lose something .

  20. 如果你被最高层视为令人讨厌的管闲事者,那我建议你放低姿态。

    If you are seen as a tiresome meddler by the top brass , then I suggest you lie low .

  21. 本論文中提出了新型的多频段与超宽频天线的设计,结构方面均采用低姿态的平面设计。

    Dual-frequency and triple-frequency operations of coplanar waveguide ( CPW ) fed microstrip patch antennas are presented in this thesis .

  22. 所以,在这场政治变动的开头,前间谍不得不采取低姿态,直至他们在这个新政权下的地位变得比较清楚些了。

    So ex-spies had to lie low at the outset of the political change until their position in the new regime became clearer .

  23. 该轮胎制造商以低姿态出现在一级方程式运动中,它在下个赛季只愿意给法拉利车队和威廉姆斯车队提供轮胎。

    The tyre manufacturer is working towards a lower-profile in Formula One and only wants to supply Ferrari and Williams AS of next seASon .

  24. 在多角度的双楔配置-X机箱,实现了低姿态安装以及低姿态阶段监测上限的想法。

    The multiple angle wedge profile of the Twin-X enclosure makes it idea for low profile ceiling mounting as well as low profile stage monitoring .

  25. 这座桥梁在台风期间被冲走时,总工程师放低姿态,虚心承认他的设计出了错。

    When the bridge washed away during the typhoon , the chief engineer swallowed his pride and said he had made a mistake in the design .

  26. 美国慎重而有分寸的回应及拉美各国政府的低姿态失去了委内瑞拉领袖发起的高风险竞赛的主导权。

    The United States'more measured response , and the low-profile stance taken by some South American governments , have been lost amid the high-stakes campaign launched by Venezuela 's caudillo .

  27. 我们放低姿态继续经营自己的业务;2008至2009年间是政府结党营私最为严重的时期,如果你不参与他们的游戏,你就将遭到排斥。

    We kept our heads low and continued to do our business ; 2008-09 was the height of the crony regime , unless you played their game you were outcast .

  28. 长期反对这种低姿态做法的石原慎太郎在4月份阐明相关计划,拟由日本首都从私人所有者手中买下这些岛屿,并可能进行开发。

    Mr Ishihara , who has long opposed this conciliatory approach , in April set out plans for the Japanese capital to buy them from their private owner for possible development .

  29. 长期以来,中国的外交政策一直是保持低姿态,但中国现在是全球最大出口国,第二大经济体,还将在明年成为最大能源消费国。

    China 's foreign policy has long been to maintain a low profile , but it is now the number-one exporter , the number-two economy and will be the number-one energy consumer by next year .

  30. 同时,由于是美国的国内金融危机引发了全球性金融危机,因此美国会放低姿态而追求与其他国家的合作;2、关于主权政治问题。

    Moreover , since the domestic financial crisis in the United States has triggered the global financial crisis , the United States would keep a low profile and in pursuit of cooperation with other countries ; Second , on the sovereignty politics .