
  • 网络port of london;London Port
  1. 伦敦港停满了各种各样的船只。

    The Port of London is filled with vessels of all kinds .

  2. A-541号集装箱现就在伦敦港

    Container A-541 . It 's currently sitting at the port of London .

  3. 伦敦港禁止所有来自波罗的海的船只入港。

    Of London laid an embargo on all ships coming from the baltic .

  4. 我们负责货物装运,贵方的报价必须为伦敦港船上交货价。

    We shall attend to the shipment of the goods ourselves , but your quotation must include delivery F.O.B. ' London steamer .

  5. 伦敦港设备精良,为能尽快装船,我们愿把它作为装船港。

    In order to get an early shipment , we prefer to choose london as the loading port , for it have sophisticated equipment .

  6. 按照要求,我们将伦敦填为目的港。

    As requested , we will bill London as the destination .

  7. 按照贵方要求,我们开单时将把伦敦开作目的港。

    As request , we will bill london as the port of destination .

  8. 我们想把伦敦作为任意目的港。

    We 'd like to have London as an optional port of destination .