
  • 网络Olympic stadium;London Olympic Stadium
  1. 四年后,刘翔在进入伦敦奥林匹克体育场时穿着同样的号码。

    Four years on , Liu entered the London Olympic Stadium wearing the same number .

  2. 文洛克是英国钢铁2012年伦敦奥林匹克体育场的最后一滴血。

    Wenlock was created from the last drop of British steel used for the London 2012 Olympic Stadium .

  3. 西汉姆队最终以3比2获胜,这是他们在该场地的最后一场比赛,此后,他们将移师伦敦奥林匹克体育场.

    West Ham eventually won 3-2 in what wastheir final game at the ground before moving to the Olympic Stadium .