
chuán shū xié yì
  • Transport Protocol
  1. 对话框提示您为web服务绑定选择传输协议。

    A dialog prompts you to select the Transport Protocol for the web service binding .

  2. 一种卫星网络中基于Agent的可靠组播传输协议

    An Agent-based Reliable Multicast Transport Protocol for Satellite Networks

  3. 介绍系统硬件组成及网络传输协议的软件设计

    Hardware components and software design of network transport protocols are separately introduced .

  4. Web服务身份验证与数据加密传输协议的设计与实现

    The design and implementation of identity validation and encrypted transfer protocol based on Web Service

  5. 基于IP组播可靠传输协议的实现方案

    The Implementation of Reliable Transport Protocol Based on IP Multicast

  6. 传输协议采用HTTP协议,通讯基于XML语言。

    The transport protocol is HTTP and all communications are XML-coded messages .

  7. 一个基于P2P高性能计算的高效数据传输协议

    An Efficient Data Transfer Protocol for P2P-Based High Performance Computing

  8. 它还指定Web服务用来公开这种功能的有线格式(wireformat)和传输协议。

    It also specifies the wire format and transport protocol that the Web service uses to expose this functionality .

  9. 随后,简化了HTTP协议(超文本传输协议),实现了嵌入式网络服务器,完成了油田生产信息的网络传输。

    Simplified the HTTP protocol , the Embedded Web Server is implemented .

  10. binding描述了方法使用的固定的消息格式和传输协议。

    Wsdl : binding describes a concrete message format and transmission protocol which the can method use .

  11. TCP是Internet所采用的主要数据传输协议,采用基于窗口的拥塞控制机制。

    TCP ( Transmission Control Protocol ) is the data transmission protocol of Internet and uses window-based congestion control mechanism .

  12. 这是使用HTTP作为传输协议和使用XML作为编码方式的远程过程调用。

    This is a remote procedure call that uses HTTP as the transport and XML as the encoding .

  13. 261视频编解码标准广泛应用于IP网络的视频通信中,一般采用实时传输协议(RTP)保证H。

    261 video standard is applied widely to the video communications over IP network .

  14. 绑定传输协议是HTTP。

    The binding transport protocol is HTTP .

  15. 本文较为详尽地从XML与数据库、XML传输协议的选取和XML传输安全性问题三个方面介绍了XML在数据交换领域中应用的特点。

    This article represents the relation of XML and database , the selection of XML transmission protocols and the transmission security of XML .

  16. 此部分将描述新添加的数据绑定和新HTTP传输协议绑定。

    This section describes the newly added data bindings and the new HTTP transport protocol binding .

  17. GPRS网络上的两种数据传输协议

    Discussion about data transmission protocols for GPRS network

  18. 您只需在超文本传输协议(HypertextTransferProtocol,HTTP)的报头中更改文件的媒体类型标记即可。

    You just change the media type that tags it in the Hypertext Transfer Protocol ( HTTP ) header .

  19. 您还可以将SSH用作基础传输协议。

    You can also use SSH as an underlying transport protocol .

  20. 由于TCP是因特网上的主要传输协议,所以我们重点研究TCP拥塞控制算法。

    As TCP is a main transport protocol in Internet , TCP congestion control algorithm is broadly researched .

  21. GPIB高速数据传输协议的Petri网模型及分析

    Modeling and Analyzing the GPIB High-speed Data Transfer Protocol with Petri Nets

  22. 也可以通过超文本传输协议(HTTP)发送简单的消息来实现SOA。

    You can implement SOA just as well by sending simple messages over Hypertext Transfer Protocol ( HTTP ) .

  23. 同步期间使用的传输协议可以是HTTP或HTTPS。

    The transport protocol during synchronization can be either HTTP or HTTPS .

  24. 例如,超文本传输协议(HTTP)就负责传输服务器和客户机之间对Web内容的请求与响应。

    For example , the Hypertext Transfer Protocol ( HTTP ) moves requests and responses for Web content between a server and a client .

  25. binding:将抽象的端口类型与其消息和操作绑定到传输协议和消息格式。

    Binding : Binds the abstract port type , along with its messages and operations , to a transport protocol and message format .

  26. 可靠UDP数据传输协议的研究与设计

    Research and Design of Reliable Data Transfer Based on UDP

  27. 无线J2ME设备上超文本传输协议的实现

    The realization of the HTTP transmission by the wireless J2ME equipment

  28. 本文研究了网络传输协议、数字电视传送流及业务信息,设计并实现了SI引擎。

    Studing the transfer protocol , DTV transport stream ( TS ) and SI , a SI Engine is designed and implemented .

  29. 带有基于RSA签名的接入控制的不经意传输协议

    Oblivious Transfer Protocol with RSA-Based Access Control

  30. 可以以两种不同的方式&来看待HTTP,将其视为实际的交互协议,或视为传输协议。

    HTTP can be seen in two ways & as a real interaction protocol and as a transport protocol .