
  • 网络traditional factors
  1. 论民国社会救济中的传统因素

    Traditional Factors of National Relief of the Republic of China

  2. 他的绘画风格即保持了传统因素,又建立了新的设计语言。

    His painting style that keep the traditional factors , and establishes a new language .

  3. 影响俄罗斯外交的传统因素

    On The Traditional Elements of Impacting the Foreign Policy of Russia

  4. 村庄内部的传统因素也在非农化过程中悄悄地改变着。

    Meanwhile , the traditions inner the village transit quietly .

  5. 传统因素对乡村治理的作用更为明显。

    Traditional factors also play great roles in modernization , especially in the rural governance .

  6. 乡村的传统因素遭遇了强大的冲击,并以不可遏制的趋势发生着变化。

    Rural tradition is encountered with a powerful impact and is changing in an unchecked trend .

  7. 但在中老年人中,由于传统因素影响,使用安全套的人数不多。

    However , in middle-aged and elderly , because of traditional factors , a small number of condom use .

  8. 但由于回族军阀没有接受过系统的近代教育,其自身的封建传统因素成为导致甘宁青地区现代化夭折的主要原因;

    The main reason for the abortion of the modernization is that the warlords did not receive systematic modern education ;

  9. 她是一位关注女性问题的作家,作品以婚恋为主题,在意境和语言风格上继承了传统因素,同时在创作技法上也接受了外来因素的影响。

    In terms of her literary works and linguistic style she inherits the traditional elements and adopts the foreign influence in writing skills .

  10. 传统因素使俄外交在动态中延续着,并凸显出俄罗斯外交的特征。

    The traditional elements make the development of foreign policy of Russia in dynamic state and indicate the feature of foreign policy of Russia .

  11. 启示我们专业音乐院校在学习西方歌唱技术的同时更要深入民间,吸收传统因素,保持民族特性。

    Our professional music colleges in revelation to learn western singing technology and more thoroughly folk , absorbing traditional factors , keep national characteristics .

  12. 在广大农村,家庭手工造纸仍然占绝对主体地位,在生产能力和经营体制的演进路径上,呈现出大量传统因素与少量现代因素交织并存的复杂态势。

    But the majority is household handicraft papermaking which presented too many traditional factors mingling with less modern ones in productivity and system of management .

  13. 从转换的角度来谈,是以现代为主体而言的,可从图形创意阶段与图形表现阶段入手,将传统因素融入现代之中。

    The conversion , whose mainbody is modern , calls for fusing some kind of tradition in the graph creativity stage and the graph performance stage .

  14. 本部分除了考虑影响金融发展的传统因素外,还将新经济地理这一影响因素纳入相关模型。

    In addition to the traditional factors that affect the financial development , the new economic geography was also considered into relevant model in this section .

  15. 在分析转换成本这一传统因素时,通过引入广告投入将转换成本内生化,放松了以往固定转换成本的假设。

    On analyzing the traditional factor of transferring cost , the model introduced the variability of advertisement investment to loose the presumption of fixed transferring cost .

  16. 对于回族来说,这一承载着太多宗教与传统因素的民族,它的发展与进步也是在现代化的转型中进行着潜移默化的调适。

    The Hui nationality , shouldering too many regional and traditional elements , also has imperceptible adjustments in their development and progress under this modernized transformation .

  17. 而它的产生又是多方面原因造成的,既有社会因素、制度因素、经济因素、文化传统因素等,也有农民这一群体的生理、心理因素。

    The causes of disadvantaged country include not only social , institutional , economic and cultural factors , but also physiological and psychogenic factors of farmer group .

  18. 而面对全球化的冲击,城市遗产更新中的自然和人文特色的保护显得尤为重要,更新的每一个环节都必须有城市传统因素的存在。

    In the face of the impact of globalization , it becomes most important to protect natural and cultural characteristics in the progress of renovating city heritage .

  19. 政府正式图转换对国内消费的关注,因为拉动国内消费增长的两个传统因素&投资与出口,已经减缓。

    The country is trying to shift its focus to domestic consumption because its two traditional engines of growth , investments and exports , have slowed down .

  20. 除了日本民族固有的传统因素之外,基督教忏悔制度和忏悔体文学的影响对私小说也起着关键的催化作用。

    Apart from the traditional factors inherent with the Japanese nationality , the Christian confession and confession literature have also played key roles in shaping the genre .

  21. 大学生诚信缺失的原因主要是受传统因素、现实环境因素、教育因素和大学生个体因素等方面的影响。

    Third , university student good faith flaw mainly traditional factor , realistic environmental factor , education factor and aspect and so on university student individual factor influence .

  22. 本文从传统因素、立法、司法和公民法律意识等方面分析了关键证人拒不出庭作证的原因。

    This thesis analyses the reasons of key witness refusing to serve at court from the view of traditional factor , legalization , judicature and citizens ' legal consciousness etc.

  23. 但因传统因素和自身素质的影响,而不可能发生根本转折。

    On the other hand , because of the influence of the traditional factors and their present qualities , there remains a lot to the improved on this respect .

  24. 虽然地方政府在诚信建设方面作出了巨大努力,由于社会传统因素和管理体制等方面的原因,却仍然存在着一些不如人意的方面。

    Although the local government has made tremendous efforts in the construction of good faith , there were still some unsatisfactory aspects because of social factors and traditional management systems .

  25. 我国法院的非审判职能产生的主要原因既可归因于根深蒂固的传统因素,又可归因于某些不合理的现实体制的影响。

    The courts of the main reasons for the non-judicial functions and to generate deep-rooted traditions can be attributed to the factors , but also attributable to some unreasonable reality regimes .

  26. 因为传统因素的影响,我国对学校公民教育问题的重视一直不够,甚至到目前为止我国中小学仍没有目的明确的公民教育课程设置。

    Influenced by the social tradition , we have neglected the problem of civic education in China to such a degree that up to now there is no clear civic education curriculum .

  27. 文章通过对他的诗歌的分析,揭示了传统因素在其中存在的事实,从而把握住中国传统诗歌与新诗之间相联系的脉络。

    By analyzing Xu 's poems , the paper intends to delineate this fact as to give the readers a better understanding of the ties between traditional Chinese poetry and new poetry .

  28. 然后由中国后发外生型现代化模式出发,从传统因素、建国后职业道德建设影响和现代化发展本身造成的负面冲击等三方面对当代中国职业道德的发展现状进行原因分析。

    Then beginning from the post-modernization pattern , contemporary Chinese vocational moral development was analyzed through traditional factors , the effects of professional ethics construction after the PRC foundation and the modernization .

  29. 在社会方面,记者根据网络和随机调查发现,由于传统因素的影响,接受和包容同性恋现象的比例并不多。

    On the social front , the network reporters and random survey found that , due to traditional factors , the phenomenon of acceptance and tolerance of homosexuality is not more than the ratio .

  30. 随着农村经济发展和生活水平的提高,人情消费不断升级,这一现象是多种传统因素和现代因素综合作用的结果。

    With the development of the rural economy and improvement of the living standards , human consumption increases continuously this phenomenon is attribute to the combine result of a variety of traditional and modern elements .