
  • 网络accounting assumption;assumption;accounting postulates
  1. 知识经济背景下会计假设理论初探

    On Accounting Assumption Theory against the Background of Knowledge Economy

  2. 新经济时代会计假设的探讨

    Discussing the accounting assumption in the new economic ages

  3. 试论信息时代会计假设受到的冲击与影响

    The Impact and Influence on the Accounting Assumptions in Information Times

  4. 人力资源会计假设对传统会计假设的修正

    The Revision of Traditional Accounting Assumption by Human Resources Accounting Assumption

  5. 从环境会计假设的设定看会计的动态发展

    Dynamic Development of Accounting from the Setting of Environment Accounting Assumption

  6. 会计假设在会计理论体系中的作用

    The Role of Accounting Hypothesis in the Accounting Theoretical System

  7. 网络技术对会计假设与实务的影响及其对策

    On Countermeasure and Impact of Net-Technique upon Accountancy Service or its Supposition

  8. 论网络经济对传统会计假设的挑战

    On the Challenge of Network Economy for the Hypothesis of Traditional Accounting

  9. IT环境下价值链会计假设的探讨

    Exploration of Value Chain Accounting Postulates under IT Conditions

  10. 试论高等教育成本核算的会计假设

    Discussion on Accounting Assumptions of Higher Education Cost Calculating

  11. 略论网络经济条件下虚拟企业的会计假设

    On the Accounting Hypothesis of Suppositional Enterprises under the Condition of Web Economy

  12. 网络经济条件下会计假设的更新

    A Renewal of Accounting Postulates under the Network Economy

  13. 虚拟公司会计假设体系构建刍议

    On the Construction of Accountancy Supposition in Fictitious Companies

  14. 电子商务会计假设探讨

    Discussing of Accounting Assumptions in Electronic Business Times

  15. 为了适应这种变化,会计假设也需要不断地做出修正与创新。

    Accounting hypothesis should adjust and innovate in order to adapt to these changes .

  16. 人力资源会计假设与原则

    The assumption and principle of human resource accounting

  17. 试论经济全球化对会计假设的挑战

    Challenges to Accounting Postulate by the Economic Globalization

  18. 论会计假设的松动及其影响

    On accounting assumption loosening and its influence

  19. 网络环境下的会计假设

    The Accounting Hypotheses under the Network Environment

  20. 会计假设来自环境。

    Accounting hypothesis comes from environment .

  21. 环境会计假设体系的构建

    Establishment of environmental accounting assumption system

  22. 随着经济环境的不断变化,会计假设也不断地经受着实践的检验。

    With the increasing changes of economic environment , accounting hypothesis is subjected to further testing .

  23. 事项会计假设的探讨

    A Discussion on Event Accounting Assumption

  24. 试析会计假设的缺陷

    The Limitation of Accounting Assumption

  25. 关于会计假设中持续经营的探讨

    The Discussion on Going-concern Assumption

  26. 在此基础上,从高等教育成本核算的具体性出发,讨论研究了高等教育成本核算会计假设的具体内涵。

    Lastly , it discusses and studies the concrete connotation of higher education cost accounting from its particularity .

  27. 资本保全与会计假设会计计量之关系及双重计价设想

    The Relationship between the Capital Gurantee and the Accounting Assumption , Accounting Calculation and the Double Pricing Assumption

  28. 会计假设是会计赖以存在的经济政治和社会环境的基本前提。

    Abstract : Accounting hypothesis is the basis of economic politic and society environment on which accounting depends .

  29. 本文透过财务视角,通过对支撑内含价值的会计假设进行分析,以达到对于内含价值简化理解的目地。

    This paper tries to analysis the accounting postulates in order to simplify the conception of the embedded value .

  30. 本文针对网络时代的特点,对四项会计假设的内涵与定义的创新与发展作出思考。

    This essay presents thoughts on the innovation and development of the intension and definition of the four accounting assumptions .