
  • 网络exhibition education
  1. 会展教育的根本性问题,体现在院校资源与市场岗位需求的匹配脱节,体现在不科学的教育结构和培养人才定位的问题,最终导致会展教育缺乏整体竞争力。

    The fundamental question in exhibition education manifests in the universities ' resources and the demand of market post match comes apart , manifests in the unscientific educational structure the talent locates , and this causes the less competitive power in exhibition education finally .

  2. 我国会展业发展迅速,但人才十分匮乏,会展教育至今还是空白,这样不利于我国会展经济的持续发展。

    The exhibition industry in China is developing quickly , but the talents involved are badly needed which leaves a blank for the exhibition education . This is not fit for the sustainable development of exhibition economy in our country .

  3. 我国高校会展教育的专业设置与培养模式探析

    A Study on Course Setting and Educating Model about Events Speciality in Chinese Universities

  4. 希望各大高校能在百家争鸣的会展教育中办出自身的特色,为业界所认可。

    I hope that each university can have its own characteristics in the competitive MICE education and be accepted by the public .

  5. 并在此基础上,学习发达国家成功举办会展教育的经验。

    On the basis of those mentioned above , it is also advisable to learn from the successful experiences in events education in advanced countries .

  6. 会展教育在全球尚未得到适当的定位,我们也唯有因应多元的业务工作不断应变。

    The educational position globally has not been addressed well and so in the end we have had to adapt as the work offered in our business is quite varied .

  7. 本文分析了国内外会展教育的基本情况,提出了高职院校构建会展管理教育专业课程体系的构想。

    By presenting an overview of MICE education at home and abroad , the author puts forward her personal views concerning the constructing the major of the MICE management in higher vocational colleges .

  8. 我国高校的会展教育是伴随着会展业的快速发展而成长起来的,虽然时间较短,但却呈现高速的发展态势,现已有十几所高校涉足该领域。

    Our MICE higher education developed with the fast growth of the MICE industry . Although in a short time , it developed rapidly and more than ten universities have gotten into this area .

  9. 但是,伴随着会展教育规模的快速扩张,会展教育与市场的供需矛盾日益突出,也使原本稀缺的教育资源不堪重负。

    But , following the fast-expansion scale of it , exhibition education and market supply and demand becoming contradictory day by day , and it causes the scarce educational resources to be unable to withstand the load originally .

  10. 会展高等教育与区域会展产业互动研究

    Study on the Interaction between MICE Higher Education and Region MICE Industry

  11. 广东的会展高等教育现状滞后于会展业发展态势。

    The current provision of higher education for exhibition in Guangdong is lagging behind the trend of the exhibition industry .

  12. 但上海的会展高等教育不仅优于北京,而且远远超出广东。

    However , Shanghai 's higher education provision for the exhibition industry appears better than that in Beijing and Guangdong .

  13. 会展专业教育和职业培训的健康发展,为美国会展业的高速增长提供了强有力的人力资源支持。

    The healthy development of MICE education and occupation training has provided strong support in human resources for the rapid growth of its MICE industry .

  14. 中国会展业的快速增长对高等会展教育的发展提出了时代要求。

    The rapid development of China 's Convention Exhibition ( C E ) industry demands the development of C E higher education .

  15. 那幺就您对中国会展业的了解,您认为会展业的正规教育到底要如何开展呢?

    Base on your understanding of the China exhibition industry , can you tell us where should the formal education on exhibition start ?

  16. 旅游会展已成为旅游业的主要方向之一,旅游会展教育也快速发展起来。

    In recent years , tourism MICE has already become one of the main direction of tourism industry , and tourism MICE education has developed fast .

  17. 中国会展业的蓬勃发展,使得会展人才市场需求和会展学历教育呈现出前所未有的发展活力。

    The vigorous development about Chinese exhibition industries causes the human resources requirement of exhibition and the school education of exhibition presents the unprecedented development vigor .

  18. 中国会展业的高速发展备受世人关注,与此同时,我国高校会展教育相对滞后,培养模式比较落后也引起了人们的重视。

    Compared with its worldwide popularity in its events industry for high developing speed , Chinese colleges ' events education is slow .

  19. 无论从国际会展业蓬勃发展的势头来看,还是从入世后中国会展业即将面临的严峻竞争形势来分析,我国开展会展教育都是前景广阔而且迫在眉睫。

    China 's MICE education enjoys bright prospect , either from the fast-growing trend of international MICE industry , or from the fierce competition facing China 's MICE industry after China 's entry into WTO .