
xiū shū
  • Letter of Divorce;a letter by husband to wife announcing divorce
休书 [xiū shū]
  • [a letter by husband to wife announcing divorce] 旧时休妻所立文书

  • 明日立纸休书,任从改嫁,并无争执。--《水浒传》

休书[xiū shū]
  1. 回家后,你写一封休书给我吧。

    After we get home , draw up the divorce papers .

  2. 一纸休书破了诗人的梦,碎了女子的心。

    A piece of paper off the book broken poet 's dream , broken woman 's heart .

  3. 可十4他们说,摩西准人写了休书,便可以休妻。

    Mk. 10:4 And they said , Moses allowed us to write a certificate of divorce and divorce her .

  4. 又有话说,人若休妻,就当给她休书。

    And it was said , Whoever divorces his wife , let him give her a certificate of divorce .

  5. 耶和华如此说:我休你们的母亲,休书在那里呢?

    Thus saith the LORD , Where is the bill of your mother 's divorcement , whom I have put away ?

  6. 特别值得提出的是,法律故事中保留了丰富的法律文书如判词、分单、休书、契约等。

    Especially noteworthy is that legal stories retain abundant legal instruments , such as the court verdict , single , certificates , contracts and so on .

  7. 后夫若恨恶她,写休书交在她手中,打发她离开夫家,或是娶她为妻的后夫死了

    And her second husband dislikes her and writes her a certificate of divorce , gives it to her and sends her from his house , or if he dies

  8. 根据唐代律法(618-907),如果丈夫写了休书,双方可以因个性不合而离婚。

    According to the legal code of Tang Dynasty ( 618-907 ) , a marriage may be dissolved due to personal incompatibility , provided that the husband writes a divorce note .