
Yī lā kè rén
  • Iraqi
  1. 在美军的强大攻势面前,伊拉克人的抵抗开始崩溃。

    Iraqi opposition has faded in the face of American power .

  2. 海岸守卫人事正在保护主要港口和伊拉克人涂油水于月台。

    Coast Guard personnel are protecting key ports and Iraqi oil platforms .

  3. eventsacrosstheborder.美国驻伊拉克最高指挥官雷.奥迪尔诺将军星期天在福克斯电视节目上说,伊拉克人正在密切注视边界另一侧事态的进展。

    The top U.S. commander in Iraq , General Ray Odierno told the Fox News Sunday television program that Iraqis are keeping a close watch on

  4. 伊拉克人摆弄着手机招摇过市就像纽约人身上挂着iPod一样,是一种时尚。

    Iraqis fiddling with their cell phones on the streets look like New Yorkers hooked on iPods .

  5. 迪克切尼(dickcheney)曾说伊拉克人会捧着鲜花欢迎美军,但他当时其实并不知道。

    When Dick Cheney said Iraqis would welcome American troops with flowers , there was no way of knowing .

  6. 在12月14日一个记者招待会上,伊拉克记者Muntazeral-Zaidi向布什总统扔鞋,他是在做许多愤怒的伊拉克人曾经想做的事情。

    When Iraqi journalist Muntazer al-Zaidi hurled his shoes at President Bush during a Dec.14 press conference , he was doing what many frustrated Iraqis wished they could .

  7. Al-Zaidi挑衅的行为使他成为许多伊拉克人心目中的民族英雄,至少短期内是,他们聚集在巴格达的大街上庆祝他这非常直接的侮辱。

    Al-Zaidi 's act of defiance made him , at least temporarily , a national hero for many Iraqis , with crowds gathering in the streets of Baghdad to celebrate his very pointed insult .

  8. 刺杀与盟军合作的伊拉克人。

    Hired to kiII Iraqis who are cooperating with the coalltion .

  9. 那么如果我们投降,伊拉克人会医治他的。

    So if we surrender , the lraqis would doctor him up .

  10. 那杀死那么多无辜伊拉克人是一个错误?

    So was killing all those innocent people in Iraq a mistake ?

  11. 美国能快速的退出使用武力迫使伊拉克人互相调解的方式吗?

    Might America 's rapid exit force Iraqis to accommodate each other ?

  12. 所有军事行动都将需要伊拉克人的同意。

    All military operations will require the assent of Iraqis .

  13. 我有一个目标,把伊拉克人组织起来。

    I hsve s single SIM which is to hold irsqis together .

  14. 我们会打低伊拉克人,长官!

    We 're gonna kick some lraqi ass , sir !

  15. 伊拉克人向前跑,在上面跳来跳去。

    Iraqis ran forward , jumped on it and danced .

  16. 萨达姆.侯赛因已经直接参与了阻止伊拉克人接受采访的活动。

    Saddam Hussein has directly participated in the effort to prevent interviews .

  17. 当时的袭击杀害了为路透社工作的两名伊拉克人。

    That attack killed two Iraqis working for the Reuters news agency .

  18. 他说想要继续任务,就需要训练1000个伊拉克人。

    He said everyone wanted to continue the missions that train 1000 Iraqis .

  19. 他表示,伊拉克人平均每天九小时没有电力供应。

    He said Iraqis average about nine hours a day without electric power .

  20. 伊拉克称制裁已造成173万伊拉克人死亡。

    Iraq said that sanctions have caused the death of1.73 million Iraqi people .

  21. 得了吧,那个伊拉克人本来就会打偏的。

    Hell , that Iraqi would have missed anyway .

  22. 最近暴力事件的增加引起许多伊拉克人的担忧。

    The recent in violence has many Iraqis worried .

  23. 他们的主要工作是为伊拉克人提供咨询和辅助。

    Their job is to assist and advise Iraqis .

  24. 所有在伦敦出生的伊拉克人都有同样的感受。

    It 's the same for all Iraqis who were born in London .

  25. 伊拉克人发誓,只要美英联军不撤军,反美袭击就不会停止,战后重建将是一个长期的艰难过程。

    Therefore , the post-war reconstruction will be a long and arduous process .

  26. 这些阵亡的伊拉克人该杀吗?

    Did the dead Iraqis need to be killed ?

  27. 伊拉克人也开始醒悟过来,对美国充满了敌意。

    Iraqis themselves are understandably disillusioned and hostile .

  28. 包括库尔德人和伊拉克人在内的其他方面将需要贡献地面部队。

    Others , including Kurds and Iraqis , will need to provide ground forces .

  29. 许多伊拉克人说他们很高兴撒达姆,候赛因政权结束。

    Many Iraqis said they were happy that Saddam Hussein 's rule was over .

  30. 到目前为止,还有270万伊拉克人依然无家可归。

    More than 2.7 million Iraqis remain homeless .