
  1. 加强对出口贸易的环境外部性成本研究是落实和完善我国绿色GDP核算体系、促进外贸企业转型升级、实现出口贸易的健康稳定发展的迫切需要。

    Strengthen the export costs of environmental externalities is to implement and improve our green GDP accounting system , to promote transformation and upgrading of foreign trade enterprises , export and trade , the urgent need for healthy and stable development .

  2. 创新营销模式,推动造纸企业转型升级

    The innovative marketing model pushes the transition and update of paper enterprise

  3. 贸易方式、生产控制与加工贸易企业转型升级

    Trade Method , Production Control , and Transition and Upgrading of Enterprises in the Processing Trade

  4. 金融危机背景下的温州中小企业转型升级策略研究

    Study on Strategies of Transformation and Upgrading for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises in Wenzhou under the Backdrop of Financial Crisis

  5. 本文认为,应发挥政府和市场的双重作用,建立有序的工资增长机制,为中小企业转型升级保驾护航。

    This paper argues that the government and market should play the important role to establish an orderly wage growth mechanism for SMEs .

  6. 在金融危机的冲击和加工贸易企业转型升级的浪潮中,商标侵权问题再次成为了公众关注的焦点。

    The topic of trademark infringement has become the focus of public under the wave of the financial crisis and the transformation in manufacturing .

  7. 本文的研究,为传统企业转型升级并实现与战略性新兴产业的匹配对接提供具体操作方法。

    This paper provided a practical and specific method for upgrading and transformation the traditional enterprices so that realizing the abutment of traditional enterprices and the emerging strategic industries successfully .

  8. 2003年,搞建筑、装修起家的中南集团董事长吴建荣开始思索企业转型升级,创办了中南卡通公司。

    In2003 , engaged in construction , renovation started the South Group Chairman Wu Jianrong began to think about business transformation and upgrading , founder of the South cartoon company .

  9. 加强出口贸易的环境成本研究是贯彻科学发展观、促进外贸企业转型升级的迫切需要。

    It is urgent to strengthen the environmental cost study of export trade for implementing the scientific concept of development and promoting the transformation and upgrading of the foreign trade enterprises .

  10. 它是将寻求机会和构建优势这二者统一于一体进而打造可持续的创新流,所以学界多认为战略创业理论为企业转型升级提供了新的思路和视角。

    Continuous innovation stream comes from combination between seeking opportunities and building advantages . Therefore , many scholars believe that the theory of strategic entrepreneurship provide new ideas and perspectives for transformation and upgrading of enterprises .

  11. 加工贸易企业的转型升级,一方面是我国经济结构转型的必须,另一方面也是国际法环境发展变化趋势使然。

    On the one hand , it is a must for us to do so in accordance to the transformation of our national economic pattern ;

  12. 另外,总结国际上其他国家和地区纺织服装业转型升级的经验,同时对绍兴纺织业、宁波服装业进行案例分析,并对其领先企业的转型升级模式进行剖析。

    In addition , it makes case study on the textile industry in Shaoxing and apparel industry in Ningbo , and analyzes the patterns of transformation and upgrading of its leading company .

  13. 面对国家提出的推进经济结构调整、转变经济增长方式的要求,我国物流企业的转型升级变得现实和迫切,而推动其与制造业的联动发展无疑成为物流企业转型升级的重要手段。

    To meet requirements of economic structural adjustment and economic growth pattern transformation put forward by the government , it is imperative for logistics companies to speed up their transformation and upgrading by key means of their interactive development with manufacturers .

  14. 笔者在本文应用了价值链及微笑理论、比较优势、产品生命周期等理论,论证了中国加工贸易企业进行转型升级的必要性以及可行性,试图指出了企业转型升级的科学路径。

    The researcher employs diverse theories ranging from Value Chain , Smiling Theory , and Comparative Advantage to Product Life Cycle to justify the necessity and validity of the transformation and upgrading for the processing trade industries and to attempt to stage out the corresponding scientific path .

  15. 温州民营企业已进入转型升级的关键期、阵痛期和机遇期。

    Wenzhou private enterprises have entered the critical transforming and upgrading period , confronting both the suffering and the opportunity .

  16. 三.鼓励小微企业经营模式转型升级,提升小微企业的管理水平,促进小型企业集聚发展。

    Thirdly , encourage business model transformation and upgrading of small and micro enterprises , enhance the management level and promote the development of small-scaled enterprises .

  17. 与此同时,受国际金融危机冲击影响,海峡两岸贸易增长放慢,台商对大陆投资有所减缓,大陆台资企业经营面临转型升级的困难加大。

    At the same time , because of the affection of international financial crisis , the growth of trade across the Taiwan Strait has slowed down , Taiwanese investment on the mainland has reduced and Mainland Taiwan-funded enterprises are facing increasing difficulties to upgrade .

  18. 很多OEM企业开始考虑转型和升级,并因此由OEM又延伸出了ODM及OBM。

    Many OEM companies began to consider restructuring and upgrading , and therefore by extension OEM and ODM and OBM .

  19. 而今,桐乡羊毛衫企业正面临着转型升级、更快发展的阶段。

    Today , Tongxiang sweater enterprises are faced with transformation , upgrading , and faster development stage .

  20. 本文是中小企业精益六西格玛转型升级战略研究论文,对中小企业转型升级发展改善具有指导意义。

    This is SME " S Lean Six Sigma Transformation Upgrade Stratagem Study , To Lead SME " S Development and Improvement directivity .

  21. 可重构试验系统有助于提高试验设备的重用程度,加快企业生产线的转型升级速度。

    The reconfigurable test system can improve the reusability of the test equipments and accelerate the transformation and upgrade of production lines in enterprises .

  22. 2008年的经济危机迫使我国由出口外向型向内向型转变,传统制造型企业及零售企业也面临转型升级,而电子商务的高速发展恰恰为这些企业发展带来了契机。

    The economic crisis in 2008 forced our country to shift from the export-oriented to the inward-oriented , the traditional manufacturing enterprises and retail enterprises were also faced with the situation of transformation and upgrading , while rapid development of e-commerce just provided a turning point for these enterprises .

  23. 在我国代工企业亟待通过加强激励机制建设以实现企业转型升级与可持续发展的迫切需求下,本文研究具有极强的现实意义,将发挥较好的理论指导作用。

    Under the urgent need of Chinese foundry enterprises to achieve transformation and upgrading by strengthening the incentive mechanism , this article has great practical significance and will play a better role in guiding theory .

  24. 他提出,各镇街要积极动员域内企业参与“漫博会”,促进企业的转型升级。

    He proposed to mobilize street towns within enterprises to participate in " Man Fair " to promote corporate restructuring and upgrading .

  25. 因此研究在当前条件下劳动密集型的出口代工企业如何解决这些难题并进而平稳实现企业的转型升级就成了一个迫切的课题。

    Thus , it has become a urgent subject for OEM enterprises to get over the puzzles and then realize transformation and upgrading .

  26. 第四章中小企业产业政策环境研究中,对中小企业的产业发展现状进行研究,分析了中小企业产业转型升级方面存在的问题,提出了促进中小企业产业发展的政策意见。

    Chapter IV of the industrial policy environment for small and medium-sized study , development of small and medium-sized industries to conduct research , analysis of small and medium-sized industrial transformation and upgrading of the existing problems and put forward the promotion of small and medium-sized industry development policy advice .