
  1. 应急信息的管理水平直接决定企业突发事件应急管理的成败。

    The management level of emergency information directly decides whether enterprise emergency management is successful or failed .

  2. 第五部分是总结,通过上述模型分析,对企业突发事件的应对策略进行总结,并提出解决这些事件的方法和建议。

    The fifth part is summary : through the above model analysis for enterprises , and emergency countermeasures were summarized , and proposes the solution methods and suggestions of these events .

  3. 企业应对突发事件的措施研究

    A Study of Measures taken by Enterprise against Emergencies

  4. 文章结合理论,对企业在突发事件中应对媒体的工作原则和应对突发事件的预案、演练及相关策略进行思考。

    Combined with theory , we thought of the respond work principle to emergency , pre-arranged planning , drill and related policy .

  5. 认为企业处理突发事件的能力日益成为衡量其情报素质的重要因素。

    Under the circumstance of increasing market competition , the enterprises ability of coping with emergent events has be-come the important factor of measuring their intelligence quality .

  6. 这都可以归结为企业的突发环境事件的环境成本。

    This business can be attributed to the environmental costs of environmental emergencies .

  7. 企业应对外部突发事件的营销策略调整

    Marketing Strategy Adjustment to External Contingency

  8. 企业和个人遇到突发事件,需要紧急危机处理。

    Service for emergency needs of enterprise or individual .

  9. 谈企业领导的危机管理&企业领导者与突发事件

    Management of Crisis of Business Leader ── Business Leader and Urgency

  10. 接下来结合公司的内部管理分析危机管理、营销管理、执行能力三方面的因素。谈企业领导的危机管理&企业领导者与突发事件

    Thirdly , he analyzed the management of crisis , marketing management , and execution . Management of Crisis of Business Leader ── Business Leader and Urgency

  11. 企业公关危机的成因很多,但主要有:企业自身、突发事件、宣传报道。

    Many factors lead to public relations crisis of enterprises , including one 's own reason and unexpected events .

  12. 主要是推动中小企业进行业务流程重组,促进中小企业提高信息化水平,帮助中小企业应对突发事件。

    Electronic Business can drive SMES to launch Business Processing Reengineering , boost SMES to improve the informational level and help SMES to face sudden affairs .