
  • 网络Entrepreneurship;Enterprise Science;MSc Enterprise
  1. 这位市场营销创新者在12月5日接受一份新教职巴黎hec商学院社会企业学教授。

    On December 5 , the marketing innovator will be appointed to a new chair of social business at HEC , the Paris Business School .

  2. 本文的研究以设计学、企业文化学、Web技术学等内容为基础,对国内外的企业网站进行对比研究,提出了企业文化在网站中的运用构想。

    This article based on the design methodology , company culture , web technologies , compare the websites belong to national and oversea companies , and describe the using the company culture in web site construction .

  3. 密尔沃基玛丽山大学(MountMaryUniversity)企业管理学助理教授、MBA课程主任克里斯汀o罗克表示,证据显示这并非一种个别现象。

    The evidence suggests not , according to Kristen Roche , an assistant professor of business administration and director of the MBA program at Mount Mary University in Milwaukee .

  4. 著名的企业管理学教授沃伦·贝尼斯(warrenbeiennis)说过员工培训是企业风险最小,收益最大的战略性投资,人力资源已经成为生产要素中最活跃、最重要的因素。

    The famous enterprise management professor warren bei ennis said " employee training is enterprise minimal risk , the biggest strategic investment returns ", Human resource has become the most active factors of production , is the most important factor .

  5. 企业管理学的范式确立与范式竞争

    Normal Formulas Establishment vs. Its Competition in Science of Administration

  6. 企业管理学学科体系探析

    Probe into classification of discipline system of enterprise management science

  7. 国外企业管理学的历史演变与新动向

    The Historical Evolution And New Trend of Business Management in Foreign Countries

  8. 企业管理学教学改革初探

    An Introductory Study of Teaching Reform in the Course of Enterprise Management

  9. 网络、资源与竞争优势:一个企业社会学视角下的观点

    Networks , Resources and Competitive Advavtages : A Firm-Sociological View

  10. 湖南中小企业产学研发展模式及政策研究

    The research of Hunan SMEs ' and research cooperation innovation mode and policy

  11. 企业治理学的学生可能对此并不那么青睐。

    Students of corporate governance view them less benignly .

  12. 越来越多的大学生主修企业管理学。

    More and more students are majoring in the science of business management .

  13. 企业翻译学发展探究

    The Exploration on the Development of Enterprise Translation

  14. 金字塔模式:《现代企业管理学》教法改革的实践探索

    Pyramid pattern : a practical exploration into teaching methods in course of Modern Enterprise Management

  15. 课程包括:企业管理学、市场营销、国际商法。

    Coursework includes : study of management of enterprises , marketing , international laws of commerce .

  16. 保险学和管理学都是保险企业管理学的母学科;

    The insurance and the management are the metro science of the management of insurance enterprise .

  17. 设计管理是一门新兴的学科,也是一门与管理学、心理学、经济学、社会学、企业文化学等相互交叉的学科。

    Design management is a new subject of management , psychology , economics , sociology , culture .

  18. 保险企业管理学是保险学与管理学交叉而形成的一门边缘性、综合性的应用学科。

    The management of insurance enterprise is a fringed , all-around and applied subject across the insurance and the management .

  19. 企业管理学是企业管理专业的主干课程,也是其它管理专业的专业基础课程。如何教授好这门课程是每一位教师必须面对的问题。

    Enterprise management is not only the key-course for majors of enterprise management but also the specialized basic-course for other management majors .

  20. 大学时期,我就读于东吴大学企业管理学系,学校提供完整的课程训练,让我不论是在何种管理层面都有所涉猎与研究。

    I hold the degree of bachelor of business administration at Soochow University . I am familiar with each category of managements .

  21. 企业金融学的研究范式及其架构&西方公司金融学的借鉴与我国财务管理学范式转换

    Paradigm of Firm Finance Study and Its Structure ── the Reference from Western Corporate Finance and the Transformation of Financial Paradigm in China

  22. 公司治理是公司法学、经济学、企业管理学共同研究的交叉课题,但各自研究的侧重点有所不同。

    Corporate governance is the cross study of company law , economics and enterprise management , however , the three subjects have different focuses .

  23. 这些方法包括产业组织经济学方法、企业文化学方法、博弈论方法、企业经济学方法、系统论方法和经验主义方法等。

    These research methods are from industrial organization economics , corporate culture , game theory , corporate economics , system theory and empiricism , etc.

  24. 作为翻译学的一个分支,自兴起之日起,企业翻译学就成为各种翻译理论的试验场。

    As a branch of translatology , since its introduction , corporate translatology has become a " testing field " for various translation theories .

  25. 产学合作是一种存在于企业和学界间的交易架构,是交易朝向降低总成本的方式进行的必然结果。

    University-industry cooperation is a kind of Transaction Frame that exists between enterprise and academe , which is a necessary result of descending total transaction cost .

  26. 企业管理学经过近百年的演进发展,已经成为一个包含众多分支学科的知识体系。

    Science of Enterprise Management has turned into a knowledge system which includes many branches of learning disciplines after undergoing nearly a century 's evolution and development .

  27. 目前国外企业管理学所关注的最新课题、基本上是以企业重塑思潮为主线的。

    At present the newest research subject being followed with interest in business management in foreign countries basically is business reengineering thought , which is the main stream .

  28. 第三章从企业管理学的角度探讨了外资并购中的两大重要环节:外资并购方式的选择和外资并购价格的确定。

    The third chapter , in terms of corporate management , discusses two important parts in FIM A : choosing M A means and fixing M A price .

  29. 文章采用文献研究、问卷调查、个别访谈等方法,运用管理学、企业文化学等理论开展研究。

    The essay used the tools of documents study , questionnaire , specific interview , and the theories of management and enterprise culture to carry out the research .

  30. 从19世纪末泰勒主义的出现算起,现代企业管理学(以下简称管理学)的发展已有一百多年的历史。

    Since the outcome of " Taylorism " at the end of 19th century , the science of modern business administration has developed more than a hundred years .