
  • 网络Corporate insurance;business insurance;Commercial Lines Insurance
  1. 财产保险公司应关注民营企业保险

    Property Insurance Company Should Pay Attention to Insurance of Private-run Enterprises

  2. 民营企业保险供给研究

    Research on Insurance Supply of Non-state-owned Enterprises

  3. 进一步开放私营机构参与我国出口企业保险业务等。

    And let the private agencies to participate in the insurance business of our export enterprises .

  4. 所在国金融机构出具的资信证明和企业保险证明;

    Credit Standing Certificate and Enterprise 's Insurance Certificate issued by the financial institution in the country ;

  5. 中国自1978年开始对社会保障制度改革,由原本的企业保险逐步转换成为如今社会保险的形式。

    Since 1978 , China has reformed the social security system and gradually converted the original insurance business into the social insurance .

  6. 根据目前水电开发企业保险的现状,结合具体的事例对保险成本合理化的思路进行了有益的探讨。

    According to present insurance condition of hydropower development enterprises , rationalization of insurance cost is discussed by taking consideration of some examples .

  7. 本文总结并分析了我国企业保险体系中存在的若干问题,并结合我国经济体制改革的新形势,提出了如何解决这些问题,完善企业保险工作的构想。

    In this paper , several problems existing in insurance system of enterprises in our country are summarized and analyzed . Linked with the new situation of economic system ′ s reforming , the suggestion of solving these problems and perfecting the insurance of enterprises is proposed .

  8. 作为国内财产保险业的领先企业&P保险公司如何在激烈的竞争中妥善解决应收保费造成的管理困境,成为P保险公司不可回避的问题。

    As the leading property insurance company in China , P Insurance Company how to solve the managing dilemma caused by premiums receivable problem has become unavoidable .

  9. 基于MA(q)利息力下缴费预定型企业年金保险中生存年金精算现值模型

    The Life Annuity Actuarial Present Value Models of Defined Contributed Enterprise Annuity Insurance Based on MA ( q ) Force of Interest Rate

  10. 麦金尼斯认为,科技业提供免费员工餐就像是雇主给员工提供401K企业养老保险一样,属于常规福利。

    MacInnis argued that free meals in the tech industry are a lot like standard benefits such as employers matching 401k contributions by their workers .

  11. 论完善我国企业养老保险法制

    On the Legality Improvement of Enterprise Pension Insurance of Chinese

  12. 建立矿山企业关闭保险制度探讨

    Discussion on Establishment the Closedown Insurance System of Mine Enterprise

  13. 我国私营企业社会保险问题研究

    The Social Insurance Problem of Research about Private Enterprise in Our Country

  14. 改革国有企业养老保险制度的难点和对策

    Difficulties in Reforming State-owned Enterprises ' Pension System and Countermeasures

  15. 工业企业财产保险风险查勘(评估)模型研究

    Research on risk assessment model of industry corporation property insurance

  16. 林业企业养老保险制度改革探讨

    Urgent Need for the Reformation of Current Insurance System of Forest Enterprises

  17. 企业养老保险的个人帐户资产-负债的精算模型

    The Actuarial Models of Asset-Liability for Personal Account on Enterprise Pension Funds

  18. 县级城市民营企业养老保险的困境与超越

    Overcoming the Trouble of Old-age Insurance Existing in Private Enterprises of County-level Cities

  19. 私营企业社会保险实施的制度障碍分析

    Analysis on Social Insurance System that Hinders the Accession of the Private Enterprises

  20. 高危企业社会保险投资与员工忠诚度的博弈分析

    Game Analysis between Social Insurance Investment and Employee 's Loyalty in High-dangerous Enterprises

  21. 第三章,分析武汉市企业养老保险制度变迁的动力因素。

    Chapter ⅲ analyzes the dynamic factors of enterprises pension system in Wuhan changing .

  22. 我国乡镇企业养老保险的困境及对策研究

    Study on the Countermeasures and Difficulty of Endowment Insurance of Township Enterprise in China

  23. 对我国城镇企业养老保险改革的若干思考

    Reform in the Old-age Insurance in the Urban Enterprises in China : Some Considerations

  24. 1988年以来,中国的一些地区开始进行企业生育保险制度的改革。

    Reform of the childbirth insurance system started in some enterprises in China in 1988 .

  25. 我国企业养老保险制度存在的问题及其立法完善

    The problems of enterprise insurance for the aged and its legislation consummation in our country

  26. 个体私营企业养老保险参保情况分析&以合肥市为例

    Analysis on Self-employed Entrepreneur and Privately Owned Enterprise Enlisting Endowment Insurance : Taking Hefei as an Example

  27. 在我们的一家餐饮企业,保险索赔数量的上升令人不安。

    At one of our restaurant companies , we have suffered a disturbing rise in insurance claims .

  28. 推行企业工伤保险制度是建立健全社会保障体系的一项重要内容。

    Promoting the enterprise industrial injury insurance system is an important content that establishes the society guarantee system .

  29. 企业财产保险是企业出于化解自身风险的目的购买的商业性财产保险。

    Enterprise Property Insurance is an commercial property insurance for the enterprise to manage its own property risk .

  30. 合营企业的保险均在中保财产保险公司投保。

    Insurance against various risks shall be effected by Joint Venture with the People 's Insurance Company of China .