
  • 网络Enterprise Tasks;Enterprise mission
  1. SoaML使得面向业务和面向系统的服务架构能相互合作来支持企业任务。

    SoaML enables business oriented and systems oriented services architectures to mutually and collaboratively support the enterprise mission .

  2. 基于多Agent的虚拟企业任务调度模型及优化

    The multi-agent-based model for task scheduling in virtual enterprise and its optimization

  3. 但Mac电脑旨在执行重要的家庭和企业任务,而iPad则是一款旨在消费数字媒体的小型奢侈品设备。

    But Macs are intended to perform essential household and business tasks , while the iPad is a small luxury device aimed at consuming digital media .

  4. 基于多智能体协作的虚拟企业任务调度和冲突消解研究

    Research on Manufacturing Scheduling and Conflict Resolution in Virtual Enterprises Based on Multi-Agent Cooperation

  5. 虚拟企业任务分配的一种方法

    A Method of Virtual Enterprise Task Assignments

  6. 对公司来说,仅仅一个远景和企业任务已不再够了,因为人们可以看得出我们的行为是否和远景、任务相一致。

    For companies , simply having a vision and mission no longer suffices because people can see whether our behavior is consistent with our vision and mission .

  7. 为了适应公司的发展,本文首先对公司行业背景、公司发展规划和未来业务发展着手,对企业任务和需求进行了阐述。

    To adapt to the development , enterprise task and requirement are expounded in this paper based on the firstly introduced company background , development planning and future business development .

  8. 若要从导入任务域复制值,请将导入任务域映射到企业任务域。在映射列中选择要映射的域。

    To copy the values from the import task fields , you map the imported task field to the enterprise task field . In the Map column , select the fields you want copied .

  9. 根据战略管理理论,在北京卷烟厂发展战略制定部分,我首先对北京卷烟厂进行了企业任务陈述和战略展望。

    According to strategic management theory , in this thesis , in the section of working out the development strategy for BCF , I firstly narrate the task of the enterprise and anticipate the prospect strategically ;

  10. 其次,论文在内、外环境分析的基础上,提出湖南通用进出口公司的使命和企业任务并指定了战略目标,包括长期、短期的目标以及阶段性的目标任务。

    Secondly , the paper , on the basis of the environment analysis , propose the Hunan General Import-Export Company 's mission 、 the enterprise objective , assign the strategic target , including long-term , short-term goals and gradual duty .

  11. 但是近几年来面对高速发展的信息时代、瞬息万变的市场环境、灵活多变的企业任务等新情况,目前的预算管理有效性受到了严重的挑战。

    But when facing the new situation in recent years , such as the of rapid development of the information age , the ever-changing market environment and flexible business tasks , the effectiveness of the current budget management has been seriously challenged .

  12. 本研究主要借鉴角色理论和虚拟人力资源管理理论,开拓性地设想将人才进行细分,以能力或特长为基础划分为众多角色,通过角色的再组合形成新的角色联盟,完成企业任务。

    Based on the role theory and virtual human resource management , this study makes talent subdivide and talents are divided into a number of roles based on the ability or expertise . Then , Roles are combined to form a new role union that can complete business tasks .

  13. 当然,由于DB2具有经过证明的可伸缩性和性能跟踪记录,它更适合于基于企业的任务关键型应用程序。

    Of course , DB2 is more suited for enterprise-based , mission critical applications , with its proven track record of scalability and performance .

  14. 企业生产任务安排问题的优化设计

    The optimizing design about disposition problem of the business produce task

  15. 你的职能如何影响企业的任务?

    How does your position impact the mission of the organization ?

  16. 用于执行服务器和企业管理任务。

    Used to perform server and enterprise administration tasks .

  17. 航空企业制造任务分配及其外协企业评价方法研究

    Research on Assignment of Aviation Manufacturing Enterprises and Its Collaborative Enterprise 's Evaluation

  18. 虚拟企业的任务分解与计划协调是其运作过程中的关键步骤。

    The task decompounding and plan harmonizing is the key step of virtual enterprise .

  19. 集成产品开发规划的任务调度虚拟企业的任务分配与协调技术

    Task Arrangement of the IPD Process Plan Task Allocation and Harmonizing of Virtual Enterprise

  20. 虚拟企业的任务分配与协调技术

    Task Allocation and Harmonizing of Virtual Enterprise

  21. 营销渠道管理的主要任务是确保企业分销任务的完成。

    The main mission of marketing channels management is to insure achieves the sales task .

  22. 可以这么说,在工业经济时代,企业的任务是制造产品和销售产品;

    In industry economy times , enterprises ' tasks were to make and sell products ;

  23. 针对企业间任务分配设计了一种多阶段、多任务的扩展合同网调度方法。

    Especially , a multi-phase multi-task extended CNP aiming at task distribution among enterprises is designed .

  24. 而在知识和网络经济时代,企业的任务则是创造价值和传递价值。

    However . In knowledge economy times , enterprises ' tasks change to create and deliver value .

  25. 应用三点估计法制定企业订单任务时间和缓冲时间。

    Three-point estimate method is adopted to make the task duration of orders at each node and buffers .

  26. 主要对企业生产任务的组织、规划、管理,并在有限的时间和资金前提下实现其特定目标。

    It organizes , plans , manages enterprise productive task , and realizes its special target in the limit time and fun .

  27. 首先采用项目管理的工作分解结构以及产品模块化方法对虚拟企业的任务分解方法进行了探讨,对任务分解过程进行了阐述;

    An approach of work breakdown structure ( WBS ) and product modularization is introduced to deal with the problem of task decomposition .

  28. 而对企业经营者任务绩效的评价就是对其所经营管理企业在一定时期内的运营状况和经营业绩的评价,包括经营业绩和管理效率两个方面;

    The evaluation to entrepreneurs task performance is mainly reflected in operation conditions and performance during they operate , include the performance and the effective of management ;

  29. 这一方法使企业的任务和战略得以衡量,尤其是在人力资源、财务、生产与创新等方面。

    This system metamorphosed an enterprise 's mission statement and strategy into quantifiable measures , specifically in the areas of human resources , financial , productivity and innovation .

  30. 而根据市场营销观念,企业的任务关键在于断定目标市场的需求和欲望,并且要比竞争者更好地满足消费者的需求。

    The critical marketing task of a company is how to figure out the demand and desire of target market and satisfy customer 's need better than its competitors .