
rèn hé
  • any;whatever;whichever
任何 [rèn hé]
  • [any] 不论什么

任何[rèn hé]
  1. 他那张脸比任何言语都更清楚地表达了他的忧伤。

    His face expressed his grief more eloquently than any words .

  2. 我们的讨论没有取得任何进展。

    We are not getting any further forward with the discussion .

  3. 我们的旅行费用全包——没有任何隐含性费用。

    Our trips are all-inclusive ─ there are no hidden costs .

  4. 资方没有采取任何措施来解决罢工问题。

    The management have made no move to settle the strike .

  5. 他永远不会吓唬或伤害任何人。

    He would never frighten anyone or cause them any harm .

  6. 任何重视教育的事都是好事。

    Anything that keeps education on the front burner is good .

  7. 我不想牵连进任何欺骗勾当。

    I don 't want to get involved in anything dodgy .

  8. 她觉得,托马斯能说服任何人相信任何事。

    Thomas , she sensed , could convince anyone of anything .

  9. 他在银行工作的时间比任何人都长。

    He 's been at the bank longer than anyone else .

  10. 任何有头脑的人都会完全照你那样去做的。

    Any reasonable person would have done exactly as you did .

  11. 囚犯除信件和照片外不允许有任何私人物品。

    Prisoners were allowed no personal possessions except letters and photographs .

  12. 我们没有采取任何避孕措施,所以我怀孕了。

    We didn 't take any precautions and I got pregnant .

  13. 我们注意寻找任何生命的迹象。

    We kept our eyes peeled for any signs of life .

  14. 我反对任何形式的审查。

    I 'm opposed to censorship in any shape or form .

  15. 她的父母对她不再有任何真正的影响力了。

    Her parents no longer have any real influence over her .

  16. 如有任何问题,请告诉我们。

    We would appreciate you letting us know of any problems .

  17. 如果不采取任何措施后果将会是非常严重的。

    The consequences will be very grave if nothing is done .

  18. 他母亲一怒之下,在遗嘱中没有给他任何遗产。

    Furious , his mother cut him out of her will .

  19. 任何不允许不同政见的政治体制都会变成专制。

    Any political system refusing to allow dissent becomes a tyranny .

  20. 她在辩论中不会让任何人占上风。

    She can hold her own against anybody in an argument .

  21. 我们不希望这一页上有任何无关的信息。

    We do not want any extraneous information on the page .

  22. 他公然蔑视任何人的感情。

    He showed a flagrant disregard for anyone else 's feelings .

  23. 鲜花会使屋里的任何房间都亮丽生色。

    Fresh flowers will brighten up any room in the house .

  24. 示威者几乎没有对警察进行任何反抗。

    The demonstrators offered little or no resistance to the police .

  25. 有两种资格证明——任何一种都可以接受。

    There are two types of qualification ─ either is acceptable .

  26. 没有任何政党可望获得绝对多数。

    No one party is expected to gain an outright majority .

  27. 说他在从事非法活动无任何根据。

    There was no suggestion that he was doing anything illegal .

  28. 这位演员参加任何一项活动,都引起媒体的广泛关注。

    Any event attended by the actor received widespread media coverage .

  29. 她没把她父亲的死归罪于任何人。

    She doesn 't blame anyone for her father 's death .

  30. 首相对任何改革体制的想法都不予考虑。

    The prime minister rejected any idea of reforming the system .