
jià zhí
  • value;be worth;worth;cost;meaning;merit
价值 [jià zhí]
  • (1) [value;worth]

  • (2) 商品的一种属性,其大小取决于生产这件商品所需的社会必要劳动时间的多少

  • 财产价值

  • (3) 积极作用

  • 斯役之价值。--孙文《黄花冈七十二烈士事略 序》

  • 卫护古典传统的价值

价值[jià zhí]
  1. 古董的价值依它们的保存状况和稀有程度而定。

    The value of antiques will depend on their condition and rarity .

  2. 那些股份以低于通常价值的一半买卖。

    Shares were trading at under half their usual value .

  3. 这本书对于高校学生将有重大价值。

    The book will be invaluable for students in higher education .

  4. 带有他的印记的每一件银器都极有价值。

    Any piece of silver bearing his mark is extremely valuable .

  5. 旧的价值观念正植根于新的社会阶层。

    Old values are being grafted onto a new social class .

  6. 时间是你最有价值的帮手,尤其是在考试中。

    Time is your most valuable resource , especially in examinations .

  7. 他有价值1千万元的个人净资产。

    He has a personal net worth of $ 10 million .

  8. 她自认为人生没有价值。

    She had persuaded herself that life was not worth living .

  9. 它的价值比我原先想的高多了。

    It 's worth a damn sight more than I thought .

  10. 这个赛季他刚获得了他的第四个“最有价值球员奖”。

    He has just earned his fourth MVP award this season .

  11. 获胜者将得到价值十英镑的书籍。

    The winner will receive ten pounds ' worth of books .

  12. 这笔钱用来购置新设备可能会更有价值。

    The money could be more usefully spent on new equipment .

  13. 买房时这些数据很有参考价值。

    The figures are a useful guideline when buying a house .

  14. 每一幅画都必须根据其本身的价值来评判。

    Each painting must be judged on its own merits .

  15. 年轻人有一整套截然不同的价值观和期望。

    The young have a completely different set of values and expectations .

  16. 他们对她所认为重要的价值表示蔑视。

    They had shown a contempt for the values she thought important .

  17. 她并不想勉强家人接受自己的价值观。

    She didn 't want to impose her values on her family .

  18. 好的面试可以让求职者证明他们的价值。

    A good interview enables candidates to prove their worth .

  19. 这笔交易估计价值150万元左右。

    The deal is estimated to be worth around $ 1.5 million .

  20. 签署一张付款契据就使1英镑价值变为1.33英镑。

    Signing a deed of covenant makes £ 1 worth £ 1.33 .

  21. 有人指责这部电影贬低了人的生命价值。

    The movie was accused of cheapening human life .

  22. 人们强调学校为道德价值观的传输者。

    Emphasis was placed on the school as a transmitter of moral values .

  23. 她的生活似乎已毫无价值。

    Her life seemed to have lost all meaning .

  24. 这项调查对于儿童语言的研究将极有价值。

    The research should prove invaluable in the study of children 's language .

  25. 他提供的信息价值难以估量。

    The information he provided was of inestimable value .

  26. 黑市价值二百万元的毒品被查获。

    Drugs have been seized with a street value of two million dollars .

  27. 窃贼偷走了价值1万多英镑的珠宝。

    Thieves stole jewellery worth over £ 10 000 .

  28. 这些活动有助于儿童培养自身的价值感。

    The activities help children to develop a sense of their own worth .

  29. 那些花瓶据估计每个价值都超过2万元。

    The vases are believed to be worth over $ 20 000 each .

  30. 获胜者将得到价值为1000英镑的奖品。

    The winner will receive a prize to the value of £ 1 000 .