
  • 网络Development as Freedom
  1. 以自由看待发展(DevelopmentasFreedom)的发展观与以往流行的狭隘的发展观(追求GDP的增长、人均收入的提高、实现现代化等等)恰成鲜明的对照。

    The concept of Development as Freedom is in sharp contrast with the prevalent narrow concept of development ( pursuing the growth of GDP , increasing the per-capita income , realizing the modernization , etc ) .

  2. 发展的伦理视角:以自由看待发展

    The Ethical Perspective of Development : Treat Development with Freedom

  3. 本文是在阿马蒂亚·森《以自由看待发展》的基础上研究他的自由思想。

    Pursuing the liberation and the free development of human beings are the aim of Marxs r.

  4. 以自由看待发展是社会发展理论研究的新视角。

    Free look at the development of theoretical research and social development of the new perspective .

  5. 阿马蒂亚·森从研究经济学与伦理学之间的分离现状出发,深入经济学的历史,主张经济学与伦理学的结合,并基于此,提出以自由看待发展的发展观。

    Based on the study of the separation between Economics and Ethics , Amartya Sen advocates the integration between Economic and Ethics , and suggests the view of development which treats development problem freely .

  6. 然后根据马克思的有关论述,结合对阿马蒂亚·森《以自由看待发展》和“第一生产力”、“知识经济”的简要分析,论证了倡导人的全面发展是马克思经济理论的主导理念。

    Then , in accordance with Marx 's related statements , and by briefly analyzing the ' First Productivity ' and ' knowledge economy ' , this article demonstrates that advocating the all-sided development of human beings is the leading concept of Marx 's economic theory .

  7. 以自由看待教育发展&教育发展的价值反思与价值追求

    Education Development as Freedom & the Value Object and the Evaluate Standard of the Education Development