
  • 网络power over ethernet;poe;PoE PoE
  1. 一经改进,新的以太网供电设备是一个全功能的IP通信枢纽和网络交换机,可通过以太网为高速球型摄像机,电暖炉,和鼓风机供电。

    One enhancement , the new Commander PoE , is a full-featured IP communications hub and network switch that provides power over Ethernet to high-speed domes , heaters , and blowers .

  2. 在此介绍以太网供电(PoE)技术的工作原理和工作过程,讨论了以太网供电技术的主要应用和在使用中应该注意的问题。

    The principle and the working process of PoE technology are introduced , and its major applications and how to implement correctly are talked about .

  3. 以太网供电技术在CK报警系统中的应用

    Application of the Power Over Ethernet Technology In CK Warning Systems

  4. 另一个创新是IP读卡器采用以太网供电和通信,目的为寻求一种一体化的综合解决方案。

    Another innovation is an IP reader that is powered by and communicates over Ethernet for a complete , one-tier solution .

  5. 本公司也提供IP固定半球型摄影机,节能并且能活动,由以太网供电的内置风扇和加热器。

    The company is also offering IP Fixed Dome Cameras that are energy efficient and can run , including the fan and heater , on power over Ethernet .

  6. 以太网供电指的是在现有的以太网布线基础构架不作任何改动的情况下,在为一些基于IP的终端传输数据信号的同时,还为此类设备提供直流供电的技术。

    Power over Ethernet ( PoE ) is a technology to provide power for IP-based terminal , alone with the data , without making any modification of existing Ethernet cable infrastructure .

  7. 在工作场所,铜和光纤介质的智能结合,也使得我们可以在基于光纤的网络使用以太网供电(POE)。

    The intelligent combination of copper and fibre optic media at the workplace also makes it possible to use power-over-Ethernet ( PoE ) in networks based on fibre optics .

  8. 为提高现场I/O设备的性能,我们对以太网供电技术进行了研究,实现了In&Band和Out-Of-Band两种供电方式;

    To enhance the functions of Field I / O Device , we study the powering techniques of Ethernet , and gain two kinds of powering techniques , in-band and out-of-band .

  9. 这次在线技术座谈将会详细介绍飞思卡尔最新的功率管理器件,以太网供电器件“MCZ34670”的性能。

    This webcast will focus on Freescale 's latest addition of power management devices , the MCZ34670 Power over Ethernet powered device offering from Freescale .

  10. 详细介绍以太网供电技术的基本原理,结合一款支持以太网供电技术的TPS2370型电源管理电路进行讨论。

    The basic principle of the technology of power over Ethernet is described in detail , and the power management circuit TPS2370 supporting the technology of power over Ethernet is discussed .

  11. 电源管理芯片在以太网供电中的应用

    The Use of Power Management Silicon in Power over Ethernet Applications

  12. 以太网供电技术特征及应用于转换器的设计

    Ethernet Power Technology Characteristics and Application in Design of the Converter

  13. 配备冗余电源的以太网供电集线器设计与实现

    Design and Application of Industrial Ethernet Hub Equipped with Redundant Power Supply

  14. 以太网供电技术研究

    The Study on Power Over Ethernet ( POE ) Technology

  15. 以太网供电技术及对工业控制网络的影响

    Technology of Power Over Ethernet and the Influence in Industrial Control Fields

  16. 我们还将讨论其他新兴的高压应用(如通过以太网供电等)。

    Other emerging high voltage applications such as Power-Over-Ethernet will also be discussed .

  17. 这款相机支持以太网供电功能,也支持大多数的网络视频录制功能。

    The cameras support power over Ethernet and are also compatible with most network video recorders .

  18. 用户使用以太网供电管理芯片实现对负载的侦测,分级和供电等功能。

    Ethernet power management chip is used to detect and classify power device ( PD ) .

  19. 如何避免以太网供电方式的缺陷

    Avoiding Power over Ethernet Pitfalls

  20. 通过采用以太网供电技术,在不改变现有网络架构的前提下,利用以太网线缆提供电力供应。

    With this technology there is no need to replace the existing Ethernet infrastructure to supply power .

  21. 以太网供电技术及其实现

    Power-over-Ethernet technology and its implementation

  22. 利用以太网供电技术和开放式软件架构,相机很容易安装和操作。

    Using power-over-Ethernet technology and open software architecture , the cameras are easy to install and operate .

  23. 它还提供了22倍光学变焦,以太网供电和移动物体平稳图像的逐步输出。

    It also offers22X optical zoom , power over Ethernet , and progressive output for smooth reproduction of moving objects .

  24. 以太网供电技术即通过双绞线4对电缆即可直接提供电源并传输数据。

    PoE ( Power over Ethernet ) is the technology used for both power supply and data transfer over 4 twisted pairs .

  25. 相机产品也将提供先进的多种网络摄像机配置、本地服务插座、与标准以太网供电。

    Cameras will also offer advanced network camera setup options , a local-service jack for setup ease , and standard power over Ethernet .

  26. 文中分析了通过以太网线同时传输数据和电能的以太网供电技术的基本工作原理及其发展,并结合一颗符合以太网供电技术标准的电源管理芯片,简要介绍了以太网供电设备的参考设计。

    This paper analyses the basic priciple and development of power over Ethernet technology through which both datas and power can be transmitted , and briefly introduces the reference design of power over Ethernet equipment combined with a power supply manage chip according with power over Ethernet technology standard .