
  • 网络Representative species;type species
  1. 对中国干旱区柽柳科(Tamaricaceae)植物3属7代表种的种子形态及种皮表面亚显微结构进行了观察,表明种子形态及种皮表面亚显微结构可为本科植物的分类提供有价值的信息。

    The seed coat submicroscopic structures of 7 species in 3 genera of Tamaricaceae from China arid areas are observed . The results showed that the seed morphology and the feature of seed coat could provide characteristic significance to the taxonomy of the family .

  2. 赛玉铃杂交杜鹃新品系代表种与双亲花粉微观结构研究

    Study on the pollen grain microstructure of new azalea hybrids and their parents

  3. 球壳孢目真菌同工酶电泳研究Ⅱ.Ascochyta等八属代表种的分析

    Studies on Isozyme Electrophoresis of Sphaeropsidales Species ⅱ . Analysis of Representative Species from 8 Genera

  4. 本研究于西太平洋和印度洋的4个热液口取样点分别采集了7个深海热液口十足目代表种。

    This study investigated seven representative decapod species from four hydrothermal vents throughout the Western Pacific and Indian Oceans .

  5. 鸡痘病毒是痘病毒科禽痘病毒属的代表种,鸡痘病毒可以作为病毒载体表达外源基因。

    Fowlpox virus ( FPV ) is the type specie of avipoxvirdae , which can be used as a Virus vector to express foreign gene .

  6. 报道了21个种的发育类型并描述了节从孢属部分代表种的详细发育过程。

    The development patterns of twenty-one species were reported and the development processes of several representative species of Arthrobotrys were described in detail in the paper .

  7. 每属选取一种作为代表种,绘制了包括眼、螯齿、三角膜片、生殖器在内的11个形态特征图。

    One species was described as the delegate for each genus and 11 morphological characters of which were illustrated including eyes , cheliceral teeth , trilobate membrane and so on .

  8. 作者比较了柏木属13个代表种的核型,并结合地理分布、化石、古地理、古气候等资料,认为地中海地区的地中海柏木C。

    After making comparison among the karyotypes of 13 representive species in Cupressus , combined with data from geography , fossil , palaeogeography and palaeoclimate , the author thinks that C.

  9. 牛病毒性腹泻病毒为黄病毒科瘟病毒属的代表种,主要宿主为牛、羊、猪和鹿等,造成牛病毒性腹泻/粘膜病。

    Bovine viral diarrhea virus ( BVDV ) is a member of the genus Pestivirus family , which can infect bovine , sheep , pig and deer and cause bovine viral diarrhea / mucosal disease .

  10. 共见到鱼类74种,隶属8目16科,其中许多是北方区、宁蒙区和华西区鱼类的指示种,也有华东区和华南区的代表种。

    There were 74 fish species in these waters , belonging to 8 orders , 16 families , most were indicator species in North China Region , Ningxia-Mongolia Region and West China Region . Also , there were some representative species in East China and South China .

  11. 每个党派代表一种不同的思潮。

    Each party represents a distinct current of thought

  12. 梅塞德斯车代表一种尊贵。

    A Mercedes carries a certain cachet .

  13. Mkay是Okay(行,好)的不规范拼法,代表一种非正式发音,通常用在句尾来征求同意、认可或进行确认。

    Mkay is a non-standard spelling of Okay , representing an informal pronunciation , typically used at the end of a statement to invite agreement , approval , or confirmation1 .

  14. 注意(6.76)和(6.77)中的e分别代表两种不同的意思:自然对数底和质子电荷。

    Note the e stands for two different things in ( 6.76 ) and ( 6.77 ) : the base of natural logs , and the proton charge .

  15. 我们选择使用一列单选按钮,每个单选按钮代表一种格式。从调色板中拖动RadioButton小部件即可添加这些按钮。

    We opted for a series of radio buttons , one for each format , and these can be added by dragging the Radio Button widget from the palette .

  16. Unicode代表一种思想,这种思想引导着实现一种支持通用书面表达的符号的梦想。

    Unicode stands for an idea that has guided the dream of a notation enabling universal written communication .

  17. 对于Bicycle,我决定它应该基于nc:ConveyanceType,因为后者代表一种交通方式,适合于自行车(bicycle)。

    For Bicycle , I decide that it should be based on nc : ConveyanceType , because it represents a means of transportation , which is appropriate for a bicycle .

  18. TAB(载带自动焊)代表一种新的集成电路封装概念,它具有封装体积小、价格低、密度高等优点。

    TAB ( tape Automated bonding ) represents a new concept for IC assembly process . It can provide the advantage of small volume , low cost and high density .

  19. SOHO是人们对自由职业者的另一种称谓,同时亦代表一种自由、弹性的工作方式。

    SOHO is the perception of the liberal professions another title , but also on behalf of a free and flexible ways of working .

  20. 利用SSR分子标记技术,对棉属A、D染色体组二倍体及四倍体代表棉种进行了遗传多样性分析。

    Genetic diversity analysis of diploid and allotetraploid cotton species was carried out using SSR molecular markers by selecting representative species having A and ( or ) D genome in Gossypium .

  21. 金-汞矿化代表一种新的有前途的矿床类型,可划分四种成因模式:Au-As-Hg,Au-Sb-Hg,Au-Te-Hg和Au-Cu-Hg,与不同金矿化有成因联系,由不同的成矿系列产生。

    The gold-mercury mineralization represents one of new promising type of gold deposits . Four ore-formational types are distinguished : Au-As-Hg , Au-Sb-Hg , Au-Te-Hg and Au-Cu-Hg , which are genetically related to various types of gold mineralization and produced by different ore-forming systems .

  22. 我自己呢,选择住在西北承平洋区域则代表一种糊口的取舍。

    In my case , living in the Pacific Northwest is a tradeoff .

  23. 你认为监禁代表一种应得的还是不应得的惩罚?

    Do you think that imprisonment represents a just or an unjust punishment ?

  24. 它常代表一种很积极的精神状态。

    It is typically a very positive mental state .

  25. 大不列颠代表一种视野开阔、具有包容性的世界观。

    Great Britain stands for an expansive and inclusive view of the world .

  26. 定律十三:严重的右曲球可以代表一种可怕的力量和美丽。

    LAW13 : A severe slice is a thing of awesome power and beauty .

  27. 本部分共分析二十个个案,分别代表二十种女生性别同一性的发展类型。

    This part of research , twenty cases which represented twenty types were analyzed .

  28. 语言代表一种文化。

    Language stands for a certain culture .

  29. 这个周期代表一种被广泛认可的软件密集型系统的检验和验证方法。

    This cycle represents a widely accepted approach to validation and verification of software-intensive systems .

  30. 黄土元素碳主要代表一种高温下的燃烧或者化石燃料的燃烧。

    Elemental carbon content of loess represents a high-temperature fully burnt or combustion of fossil fuels .