
  1. 要树立正确的人际观、诚信观;

    To develop correct outlook on interpersonal relationship and honesty .

  2. 这种人际观上升到国家层面,对国家间交往也起着重要的影响。

    Up to the national level , this kind of concept of interpersonal exchange inevitably has a major impact on the international exchange .

  3. 大学生人际价值观特征的研究

    A Study of the Characteristics of the Interpersonal Values of College Students

  4. 青年人际价值观的横断与纵向研究

    A Crossing and Longitudinal Study on Interpersonal Values of the Youth 's

  5. 当代大学生人际价值观的特点及教育对策

    Characteristics of University Students ' Values in Their Communication and Relationship with Others

  6. 适用于大学生人际价值观量表的编制

    Compilation of the interpersonal value scale for college students

  7. 当代农村青年人际价值观调查

    Investigation about the Interpersonal Value of Contemporary Rural Youth

  8. 大学教师人际价值观特点的初步研究

    Primary Study of Interpersonal Values of College Teachers

  9. 目的:编制适用于大学生人际价值观的量表。

    AIM : To compile an interpersonal value scale to be applicable to college students .

  10. 中国与巴西两国大学生人际价值观跨文化比较

    Cross-cultural Comparison in Interpersonal Values between Chinese University Male Students and Their Counterparts in Brazil

  11. 强化高校思想政治教育过程管理中人际关系观教育。

    Strengthening the ideological and political education process management interpersonal relations in education view . 3 .

  12. 在某些个别项目上,不同类型农村青年的人际价值观也存在一些差异。

    Furthmore , there are some differences between different youth of different sex , area and education .

  13. 大学生人际价值观量表由3个主因子构成和10个次因子构成,主因子分别为心理因素、生理因素和社会因素。

    The interpersonal value scale for college students was composed of 3 main factors and 10 sub-factors .

  14. 五个不同行业从业者的职业人际价值观不同类型的高职院校,不同的教育对象群体,所需就业能力不尽相同。

    Professional interpersonal values among five different professions ; The employments in vocational colleges are various to different educated targets .

  15. 大学生人际价值观分量表在各个维度上的重视程度的排序是:心理因素、生理因素、社会因素。

    The order of mean of each first-level dimension by the self-report sub-scale is : psychology factor , physical factor , social factor .

  16. 大学生传统人际价值观的探索性与验证性研究

    The Exploratory and Confirmatory Research of University Students ' Traditional Interpersonal Values FROM CONFIRMATORY EXPERIMENTS TO EXPLORING EXPERIMENTS IN THE TEACHING OF PHYSICS EXPERIMENTS

  17. 人际伦理观下的资源物权立法的理论与实践局限,导致了人与资源的紧张关系。

    The limitation of theory and practice of resources real right legislation within the interpersonal ethics view has caused tension between the human and resources .

  18. 在编制前以西南师范大学和西南农业大学的学生220人作为大学生人际价值观开放式问卷的被试,另选研究生10人作为访谈对象。

    Before compiling 220 students from Southwest University and Southwest Agricultural University were enrolled as tests for opening questionnaire of interpersonal value scale ; 10 postgraduates were enrolled as interview subjects .

  19. 通过加强班级、寝室等正式群体建设、开展形式多样的学生教育活动、树立健康的人际交往观、抓核心人物等途径进行教育引导。

    Giving the education and guidance to the students by strengthening the formal groups , for instance , the building of class and dormitory , carrying out various students ' campaigns , establishing the healthy interpersonal interaction idea and catching key figure .

  20. 人类社会发展经历过三种冲突观:传统冲突观、人际关系冲突观和相互作用冲突观。

    The development of human society experienced three kinds of conflict outlooks : the conflict outlooks of tradition , of interpersonal relationship and interaction .

  21. 贫困大学生在政治观、价值观、人生观、公德意识、法纪意识、诚实守信、人际交往、恋爱观、择业观、心理健康、网络观等方面还存在着较多的潜在问题。

    Poor college students in the political concept , values , the outlook on life , the ethics consciousness , laws consciousness , honesty and trustworthiness , interpersonal , statistic , corrected , mental health , network view , etc also exists more potential problems .

  22. 第2章,利用调查问卷的形式对大学生网络依赖问题进行了量化的分析,并在此基础上分析了网络依赖对大学生的学业、思想、人际关系、价值观等产生的危害。

    In the second chapter , the author quantitatively analyzes the college students internet addiction problem according to the questionnaire survey . And analyzes the harm of internet addiction for the college students about the study , idea , relationship , value view and so on .

  23. 本文主要论述隐性课程对学生审美情趣、社会人际关系、人生观价值观的影响,并从开发利用隐性课程的角度提出了学校可以采取的一些措施。

    This text will mainly illustrate the impact on student ′ s aesthetic temperament and interest , social interpersonal relationships , the life value outlook , value view of recessive courses , and propose some measures that the school can take in term of developing and utilizing recessive course .