
rén shé
  • illegal immigrant
  1. 海关人员在星期三十一时十分的一次例行检查发现该批人蛇。

    The illegals were discovered at11.10pm on Wednesday during a routine inspection by Customs officers .

  2. 人蛇之恋的文化寓言&《白娘子永镇雷峰塔》潜藏的寓意

    The Cultural Fable of Love between Man and Snake & The Implied Meaning of the White Snake Kept in Leifeng Tower Forever

  3. 被吃掉的两个孩子的父亲刺死了巨蟒,履行起了自己的责任。现在,吕宋岛上已经没有那么多“人蛇大战”的战斗了。

    The father of the kids who were eaten stabbed the python responsible to death.There aren 't as many " man vs. snake " battles on Luzon today .