
rén jié
  • an outstanding personality
人杰 [rén jié]
  • [an outstanding personality] 才智杰出的人

人杰[rén jié]
  1. 大约两年后,他被民主党人杰米卡特击败。

    About two years later , he was defeated by Democrat Jimmy Carter .

  2. 白宫发言人杰·卡尔尼表示,总统将拒绝B计划,但他希望两党能达成一致意见。

    White House spokesman Jay Carney says the President hopes that a deal can be reached and he rejects Boehner 's Plan B.

  3. 施罗德的全球管理负责人杰茜卡.格朗德(JessicaGround)简洁总结道:CEO的任务是经营公司,董事长的任务是管理董事会。

    Jessica Ground , global head of stewardship at Schroders , puts it simply : The chief executive is there to run the company , the chairman is there to run the board .

  4. 国土安全部部长珍妮特纳波利塔诺(JanetNapolitano)、白宫发言人杰伊卡尼(JayCarney)等美国官员表示,增加的安保措施是为了防患于未然。

    US officials , including Janet Napolitano , homeland security secretary , and Jay Carney , White House press secretary , said extra security measures were precautionary .

  5. 伦敦咨询公司凯投宏观(CapitalEconomics)大宗商品研究负责人杰索普(JulianJessop)说,自己的乐观预期已经有所收敛,他把自己对金价高点的预期从每金衡盎司2500美元下调至2000美元。

    Julian Jessop , head of commodities research at Capital Economics , a London-based consulting firm , said he has ' scaled back my bullishness , ' revising his estimate for gold 's peak down from $ 2500 to $ 2000 .

  6. 服装零售连锁steinmart的创始人杰伊斯坦(jaystein)买得起最贵的鞋,却更喜欢价格公道的zelli品牌。

    Jay Stein , founder of the retail clothing chain Stein mart , can also afford to buy the most expensive shoes available , but instead prefers the reasonably priced zelli .

  7. GrandCentral出版社的总裁兼出版人杰米·拉布(JamieRaab)说,她对《贝尔格莱维亚》的概念感兴趣,是因为费罗斯先生的电视背景,以及他可以让观众长达几个月乃至几年都沉浸在一个故事之中的能力。

    Jamie Raab , the president and publisher of Grand Central Publishing , said the concept behind " Belgravia " appealed to her because of Mr. Fellowes 's television background and his knack for keeping audiences engaged in a story over months and even years .

  8. 白宫发言人杰·卡尼对此抱以指责批评之声。

    White House Spokesman Jay Carney took issue with the criticism .

  9. 宁为人杰称雄一日,不做弱者碌碌一世。

    Better is a cock for a day than a hen for a year .

  10. 唯有他和他那样的人才是作风正派而又有聪明才智的人杰。

    He and his hind are the only representatives of decency combined with intelligence .

  11. 生当作人杰,死亦为鬼雄。

    Alive , be man of men ; dead , be soul of souls .

  12. 尽管如此,摩根大通掌门人杰米•戴蒙也深感忧虑。

    Still , JPMorgan Chase ( JPM ) chief Jamie Dimon is concerned too .

  13. 荣登此榜的英国名人还包括女演员蒂尔达·斯文顿和豪门女继承人杰迈玛·可汗。

    Other Brits in the list include actress Tilda Swinton and heiress Jemima Khan .

  14. 获得第二名的是南非人杰里米•盖洛普,他的成绩是94.67米。

    Second place went to South African Jeremy Gallop , who threw a phone 94.67 metres .

  15. 发言人杰·卡尼表示,这不是单纯的立法或行动可以解决的。

    The spokesman Jay Carney says no single piece of legislation or single action will fully address the problem .

  16. 事后,白宫发言人杰伊卡尼也否认了报道的真实性,称肯定弄错了。

    White House spokesman Jay Carney also later denied the report . " It 's totally wrong ," he told Reuters .

  17. 但白宫发言人杰·卡尔尼表示,问题在于共和党人在增加高收入人群税收上没有实际行动。

    But White House Spokesman Jay Carney says the problem is Republicans are making no movement on raising taxes on high incomes .

  18. 白宫发言人杰·卡尔尼表示,总统稍后还和联邦调查局局长和康涅狄格州州长丹·马洛伊通了电话。

    White House Spokesman Jay Carney says the President later spoke by telephone with his FBI director and Connecticut Governor Dan Malloy .

  19. 笼天地于形内,挫万物于笔端&再论梁衡先生的《人杰鬼雄》细节描写和语言形象开掘的艺术性

    Including Universe into Verses and Drawing World with the Pen : On Detail Depictions and Artistic Quality of Language in Ren Jie Gui xiong

  20. 我生来就是人杰而非草芥,我站在伟人之肩藐视卑微的懦夫!

    I was born to be great , not worthless , standing on the shoulders of the giants , the petty cowards beneath me .

  21. 移民局主要通过该领域其他人对该申请人杰出贡献表示支持的信函作为评判的标准。

    Basically , the USCIS will base its judgment of the alien 's contribution on the letters of support that others in the field submit .

  22. 一位有马尾辫的奥地利人杰伊戈尔德纳,他的大胆陈述赢得有吹口哨声的全场起立鼓掌,认为他知道。

    Jay Goldner , a jolly Austrian with a ponytail , whose bravura presentation wins a standing ovation with wolf whistles , thinks he does .

  23. 英国王室安检负责人杰弗里·库克与苏格兰场就一系列警方和王室即将实施的安检行动草案进行了协商。

    The Royal Household 's security chief , Brig Jeffrey Cook , and Scotland Yard have been negotiating a set of new police / royal vetting " protocols " .

  24. 去年,美国国家人文科学中心负责人杰弗里哈珀姆曾现身斯坦福大学并称人文学科必须寻求复兴,这对美国的未来非常重要。

    At a Stanford appearance last year , Geoffrey Harpham , director of the National Humanities Center , said the humanities must be reinvigorated and are critical to the US ' future .

  25. 白宫发言人杰伊卡尼称,在奥巴马总统执政的第六个年头,将把重点聚焦在美国日益增长的贫富差距。

    President Barack Obama 's agenda for his sixth year in office includes a sharp focus on the growing gap between rich and poor Americans , according to White House Spokesman Jay Carney .

  26. 即将离任的白宫发言人杰·卡尼表示重要的是伯达尔是在一次在武装冲突中被俘,而美国不会置他于不顾。

    Outgoing White House spokesman Jay Carney says that what matters is that Bergdahl was a prisoner in an armed conflict , and that the U.S. doesn 't leave its men and women behind .

  27. 格兰特曾经与名模伊莉莎白赫莉还有豪门继承人杰迈玛可汗约会过。不过格兰特是个不肯轻易给承诺的人。他与洪婷兰曾经短暂交往过。洪小姐来自中国浙江,据说从事演员行业。

    Grant - who previously dated Liz Hurley and Jemima Khan and has a reputation as a commitment - phobe - had a short-lived relationship with Miss Hong , who is Chinese and said to be an actress .

  28. 美国白宫发言人杰伊卡尼在华盛顿对记者说:根据一些并非是定论的最新信息,印度洋可能会出现一块新的搜索区域。

    It 's my understanding that based on some new information that 's not necessarily conclusive - but new information - an additional search area may be opened in the Indian Ocean , White House spokesman Jay Carney told reporters in Washington .

  29. 伍兹贝格建筑事务所负责人杰弗里·福尔摩斯注意到一个有趣的错位现象:“虽然越来越多的人认为社交媒体提高了人们的沟通与协作能力,但实际情况却并非如此。”原因何在?

    Jeffrey Holmes , principal at Woods Bagot , notes " an interesting disconnect " : " Despite a widespread impression that social media make people better at communicating and collaborating , that 's apparently not the case . " Why not ?