
  • 网络service;human service
  1. 医院积极推进人性化服务。

    The hospital actively promotes human services .

  2. 随着经济的发展和城市规模的扩大,社会对旅客运输的运营效率、人性化服务等方面提出了更高的要求。

    With economic development and urban expansion , the society gives more requirements about the passenger transportation efficiency and its human services .

  3. 介绍了google搜索引擎,并着重从人性化服务、特色服务2个方面探讨了google搜索引擎的特点,并进行了简要的评价。

    This paper has introduced of the Google 's searching engine , discussed the characters of Google 's searching engine based on humanistic service and special character service , and evaluated briefly the system .

  4. 医疗服务是最有情感、最具理性的人性化服务。

    Medical service is the most sentimental and rational humanistic service .

  5. 个性化服务&图书馆人性化服务的新形式

    Personalized service & new form of humanized service in the library

  6. 以人性化服务促进我院图书馆工作

    Promoting the Library Work of our College with our Human Service

  7. 高校图书馆阅览室人性化服务探讨

    Discussion on Humanized Service in the Reading Room of University Library

  8. 深圳图书馆人性化服务建设的创新与实践

    The Innovation and Practice of Humanized Service Construction in Shenzhen Library

  9. 浅谈高校图书馆人性化服务在细节上的体现

    Talking about the Detailed Embodiments of University Library 's Individualized Service

  10. 浅谈人性化服务在产科护理工作中的应用

    Discusses the Human service shallowly in the obstetrical nursing work application

  11. 倡导人性化服务与管理构建和谐型图书馆&记华北煤炭医学院图书馆在构建和谐单位中的实践

    Initiative Human Nature Service and Management to Construct the Harmonious Library

  12. 人文精神与图书馆人性化服务思考

    Thought on the Humanism Spirit and Reader Service in Library

  13. 这一切,都将使当代图书馆充满真正的人性化服务。

    All these will provide modern libraries with humanized service .

  14. 关于图书馆对读者进行人性化服务的探讨

    Probe into the Humanized Service of the Library for Readers

  15. 论图书馆流通部门的人性化服务

    Discussion on the Humanist Service of Library 's Circulation Department

  16. 充满人文精神的软环境是公共图书馆人性化服务的根本

    To Deliver Humanized Public Library Services by Cultivating a Humanistic Soft Environment

  17. 医学道德是医院人性化服务制度落实的前提。

    The precondition of implementation hospital humanistic service system was medical ethics .

  18. 高校图书馆人性化服务浅说

    Study on Service of Humanization of the Library of University

  19. 学科信息门户人性化服务之探讨

    Probe into the Humanized Service of the Subject Information Portal

  20. 实施人性化服务,提高医学信息中心的服务质量

    Implementing humane service to improve the service quality of medical information centers

  21. 企业经营与人性化服务

    Company F COMPANY The Management of the Company and the Personal Service

  22. 从人性化服务入手构建和谐医患关系

    Proceed From Humane Service to Construct Harmonious Relationship Between Hospitals and Patients

  23. 开展医院人性化服务提升医疗服务质量

    Development of Humanity Service and Promotion of Medical Service Quality

  24. 现代图书馆人性化服务的理念与实践

    The Meaning and Practice of Humanity Service in Modern Library

  25. 手术室实施人性化服务的做法与效果

    The practice and effect of humanistic service in operation room

  26. 人性化服务是一种新型的服务模式。

    Humanity services is kind of new pattern of services .

  27. 医院检验科人性化服务的思考与构建

    Reflection and Construction of Humanistic Healthcare Service in Clinical Laboratory

  28. 关于高校图书馆人性化服务的几点思考

    Brief Thinking on the Humanistic Services in College Library

  29. 高科技静脉药物配置注入人性化服务

    High-tech Ordinance of Vein Medicine with the Human Service

  30. 人性化服务语言在形式、程序和表达上都有具体的要求。

    The humanistic language has concrete requests in form , program and expression .