
  • 网络artificial forest land
  1. 黄土高原人工林地土壤水分亏缺研究

    Soil Moisture Deficit in Artificial Forest Land in Loess Plateau

  2. 在乔木植被类型中,人工林地的土壤呼吸强度大于行道绿地。

    Among arbor vegetation type , artificial forest land breathe intensity greater than Pavement green land .

  3. 用静态封闭箱式技术原位测定了西山地区元宝枫和油松两种人工林地土壤N2O的排放通量,表明该地区森林土壤为大气N2O气体一个重要的源。

    The soil N_2O emission flux in the plantation of Acer truncatum and Piuns tabuleaformus woodland was measured in situ using static closed chamber technique .

  4. 丛生竹林生态系统的水文效应研究I.麻竹人工林地表径流规律的初探

    Studies on Water Effects of Biological System of Big cluster Bamboo Forest I.Exploitation of rules of earth surface stream in man made forest

  5. 茶园土壤动物群落的蜱螨目/弹尾目值介于1.83-4.53,均高于人工林地且差异显著(P0.05)。

    The ratio of Acarina / Collembola in the tea plantation was lies between 1.83-4.53 , which was significant higher than that in the artificial plantation ( P0.05 ) .

  6. 即使不同类型的人工林地和园地之间,0~20cm和0~100cm土壤有机C的密度差异也可达到1.0kg/m2和3.5kg/m2。

    Differences also existed in organic C density being 1.0kg/m2 and 3.5kg/m2 between different types of artificial forests and orchards .

  7. 草地2~4m深处土壤含水量平均值为13.2%左右,含水量明显较人工林地高,无土壤干化的显示。

    The average soil moisture content in depth of 2 ~ 4m under the grasslands is 13.2 % and is significantly higher than that under the artificial forests .

  8. 结果表明:杉木人工林地土壤含水量为404.4mm,土壤贮水能力达1220t/hm2,年径流量474.1mm,洪峰径流系数0.19。

    Results showed that average soil water content , soil water storage capacity , yearly runoff , runoff coefficient of flood peak in Chinese fir plantation were 404.4 mm , 1 220 t / hm 2,474.1 mm , 0.19 respectively .

  9. 本研究采用静态封闭箱式技术在1997~1998年对北京西山低山区元宝枫和油松人工林地土壤中N2O的排放通量进行了原位测定。

    The soil N 2O emission flux in the plantation of Acer truncatum and Pinus tabulaeformis woodland was measured in situ using static closed chamber technique at the year of 1997 ~ 1998 in Xishan area , Beijing , China .

  10. 杉木(Cunninghamialanceolata)是我国南方最重要的造林树种,但随着杉木栽培面积和连栽代数的不断增加,杉木人工林地力衰退日趋严重。

    Chinese fir ( Cunninghamia lanceolata ( Lamb . ) Hook ) is the most important plantation tree species in South China However , yield decline and soil degradation have widely occurred in Chinese fir stands with the increasing of plantation areas and generations .

  11. 本文对大青山阴坡中部油松人工林地土壤水分、物理特性及林冠截留等进行了研究,主要研究结果如下:(1)林地土层厚度为35cm~104cm。

    The soil water characteristics , the soil physical characteristics and the canopy interception of Pinus tabulaeformis plantation were studied in the middle shady slope of Daqing Mountain . The results showed that : ( 1 ) The thickness of the soil layer was 35 ~ 104cm .

  12. 黄土丘陵沟壑区不同人工林地土壤肥力变化研究

    Soil fertilizer change of different artificial forest on Loess plateau Gully

  13. 环境胁迫下刺槐人工林地土壤退化特征研究

    Research on Soil Degradation of Robinia pseudoacacia Plantation under Environmental Stress

  14. 侧柏人工林地土壤呼吸及其影响因子的研究

    Soil Respiration Variation of Platycladus Orientalis Plantation and Its Affecting Factors

  15. 杉木人工林地力衰退的原因机制及其防治措施

    The Reason and Control of Site Productivity of Chinese Fir Plantations

  16. 轮伐期对杉木人工林地力维护的影响

    Effect of rotation on site productivity maintenance of Chinese Fir Plantation

  17. 巨桉人工林地土壤微生物类群的初步研究

    Primary Study on the Dominant of Microorganisms in Eucalyptus grandis Plantation

  18. 黄土丘陵区人工林地土壤肥力评价

    Soil fertility evaluation of planted forest land on the hilly-gullied Loess Plateau

  19. 干旱地区人工林地土壤水分平衡的探讨

    Study on the soil water balance of artificial forestland in arid region

  20. 刺槐人工林地土壤水分下渗研究

    A Study on Soil Water Infiltration in Black Locust Plantation

  21. 落叶松人工林地力衰退研究现状与进展

    Research State and Advance on Soil Degradation under Larch Plantations

  22. 人工林地力衰退研究综述

    Advance in research on site productivity decline of timber plantations

  23. 桉树人工林地土壤肥力灰色关联分析

    Gray relation grades analyses of soil fertility of eucalyptus plantation

  24. 西双版纳几种人工林地力恢复趋势研究

    Study of Land Capacity Recovery of Six Kinds of Plantations in Xishuangbanna

  25. 雷州林业局桉树人工林地土壤微生物的分布规律

    The Distribution Law of Soil Microbes in Eucalyptus Plantations of Leizhou Forestry Bureau

  26. 我国人工林地力衰退与维护研究

    A Study of Site Productivity Decline and Maintenance of Artificial Forest in China

  27. 南方红壤丘陵区人工林地水文效应研究

    Hydrological Effect of Artificial Forest in Red Soil Hilly Region of South China

  28. 桉树人工林地土壤酶活性与微量元素含量的关系

    Relationship between soil enzyme activities and trace element contents in Eucalyptus plantation soil

  29. 西安蓝田人工林地土壤干层研究

    Research of dried layer of soil below artificial forest near Xi ′ an

  30. 杉木人工林地表易燃物含水率变化规律

    Study on the Moisture Change of Surface Easy Fuel of Chinese fir Plantation