
jīnɡ bái lí
  • Beijing white pear
  • Beijing pear
京白梨 [jīng bái lí]
  • [Beijing pear] 北京地区所产之白梨,皮薄,肉甜厚多汁,不脆

  1. 京白梨果实蒸腾速率随着果实发育成熟而逐渐降低。

    The transpiration rates decreased with the development of pear fruit .

  2. ‘京白梨’结实与雌雄配子体发育的解剖学研究

    Anatomical Study of Fruit Setting and Male and Female Gametophytes in Pyrus ussuriensis

  3. 京白梨果实通过果柄吸水速率与果实蒸腾速率有正相关趋势。

    Fruit water uptake via its pedicel showed a positive relation with fruit transpiration rates .

  4. 用石蜡切片等技术对京白梨和鸭梨雄配子体发育以及花粉败育进行了解剖学观察。

    The studies on the developmental anatomy of the microsporangium and male gamete in Pyrus bretschneideri Rehd ;

  5. 根据气候和地形等因子,采用专家分类器方法对北京市的京白梨种植区进行了农业气候区划。

    Based on the climatic and topographic factors , An expert classifier is used to make an agroclimatic division on the Beijing pear .

  6. 经气调贮藏132天的京白梨,完熟正常,无不良异味,且有较长的货架寿命。

    Jin Bai pear stored by CA storage for 132 days could ripe normally and had a favorable smell as well as a longer shelf life .

  7. 京白梨果实蒸腾失水超过8%,果实表皮就会失去光泽,出现皱纹,萎缩现象,表皮颜色变黄。

    When the water loss of pear fruit by transpiration was over 8 % , the fruit skin lost glossy , wrinkled and shrank and turned yellow .

  8. 结果表明:京白梨果实在坐果率、成熟种子数、单果重、可滴定酸、可溶性固形物等方面表现明显的花粉直感现象,而在果形指数、可食用部分表现不明显。

    Results showed that the pollen xenia had obvious effect on fruit setting rate , fruit weight , soluble solids content , titratable acidity and mature seeds . However , there was no obvious effect on fruit shape index and edible part of fruit .