
jiāo tōng fèi
  • Transportation;fare;travelling expenses;transportation expenses
  1. (不要担心。我们会付给你交通费的。)

    Don 't worry . We 'll pay your transportation expenses .

  2. 我们得花更多交通费才能到我们入住的酒店。

    We 'll pay a lot for ground transportation to our hotel .

  3. 儿童交通费减半。

    Children travel half fare .

  4. 年金中包括50镑交通费补贴

    The pension includes an allowance of fifty pounds for traffic expenditures .

  5. 经理人花费不到10万美元包括课程费、交通费、生活费和损失的薪酬就可以在参加很好的一年制MBA项目,而两年制MBA项目的费用几乎是这个数字的两倍。

    Managers can study on a good one-year programme for not much more than $ 100,000 including course fees , accommodation , living expenses and lost salary but a two-year programme costs almost twice as much .

  6. 最低工资甚至不够支付上下班交通费。

    The minimum salary could not even cover the commuter costs .

  7. 让他们既消费工业品也花交通费。

    So that they consume manufactured articles as well as transport .

  8. 价格中包括往返机场的交通费。

    Transport to and from the airport is included in the price .

  9. 惟一的问题就是交通费太贵了。

    The only problem is that my commute is expensive .

  10. 他挑选了最便宜的给我。廉价票、便宜的交通费

    He selected the cheapest one for me . cheap tickets , fares

  11. 她的日工资仅够她的交通费。

    Her daily wages barely covered her travel costs .

  12. 我真不敢相信交通费竟然这么贵。

    I can 't believe how expensive transportation is .

  13. 我们有交通费和住宿费,再加一点每日津贴。

    We have our fares and accommodations paid , plus a small daily allowance .

  14. 他修补了一辆旧自行车,骑车上工,省下了交通费。

    He patched up an old bicycle to ride to work and save carfare .

  15. 所有费用包括学费,建校费,午餐费,交通费和校服费。

    School fees includes tuition , capital fee , lunch , transportation and uniforms .

  16. 你就不能不睡你朋友的沙发搬回来省省交通费

    so why not just save yourself the commute from your friends ' couches ?

  17. 人民币870元,不包括市区到机场的地面交通费。

    It 's 870 RMB , not including ground transportation fares between airports and downtown .

  18. 参赛选手的往返交通费、住宿费等各项费用自理;

    The transporter fees , accommodation fees and other fees will pay by competitors themselves .

  19. 这些钱将用来支付交通费、电话费、生活必需品以及娱乐。

    This will help pay for things like transportation , telephone bills , supplies and entertainment .

  20. 沂宁获颁全额奖学金,用以支付学费、宿费、交通费和生活费等。

    The full scholarship covers tuition fees , accommodation costs , and travelling and daily expenses .

  21. 有啊。包含加班费及交通费的福利都被删减了。

    Yeah , so they 're cutting benefits such as overtime pay and compensation for traffic expenses .

  22. 交通费可以报销。

    Transport is paid for .

  23. 而学校系统必须帮助那些选择其他学校的学生付交通费。

    The school systems must help pay transportation costs for students who choose to attend other schools .

  24. 按要求,所有公司都需要为500美元以上的基本项目开支买单,比如交通费。

    All companies are asked to cover basic project costs beyond $ 500 , such as travel .

  25. 巴士交通费起价是每个乘客都受到影响,主要是学生、家长、工人;

    Bus fare hikes will affect all commuters , chiefly students , their parents , and factory workers .

  26. 经济有困难的学生通过入息审查后,可获发津贴,资助学年中往返居所和学校的交通费。

    Needy students who pass the means test will receive a subsidy for home-school travel during term time .

  27. 一般情况下,乙方应支付翻译的交通费和食宿费。

    Generally , Party B is expected to pay for the transportation board and lodging expenses of the interpreters .

  28. 对于那些想在北京以外地区工作的毕业生来说,交通费和住宿费也是一笔额外的开销。

    For those graduates considering work outside Beijing , there is also the added expense of transportation fees and accommodation .

  29. 相反,是时候努力应对交通费、医疗费、伙食费、娱乐费以及其他各种杂费了。

    Rather it 's time to grapple with expenses like transportation , health care , food , entertainment and incidentals .

  30. 加班时,他们经常给员工报销餐费、交通费,向其支付双倍或三倍的工资。

    For overtime work , they usually reimburse employees for meals and transportation fees and double or triple their pay .