
jiāo jiè
  • border on;interface;juncture of;have a common boundary;have a common border
交界 [jiāo jiè]
  • [interface] 相连的地区,有共同的边界

  • 这里是两省交界的地方

交界[jiāo jiè]
  1. B组:8周纤维组织增生,材料部分吸收。12周植入区两端与宿主骨交界处,新骨增生,可见骨小梁和板层骨。

    In group B , at 8th week , fibroplasia could be found and the material was absorbed partly . ; at 12th week , new bone formation was found in the juncture of implant and host bone tissue , and bone trabeculae and lamellar bone were appeared .

  2. 辽宁内蒙交界区地震危险性研究

    A research of earthquake risk in the juncture of Liaoning and Inner Mongolia

  3. 欧洲和亚洲的交界处在哪里?

    Where does Europe end and Asia begin ?

  4. 她首次出现在伦敦社交界便艳惊四座,被视为同龄人里最美丽的年轻女子。

    She dazzled London society as the most beautiful debutante of her generation .

  5. 奥地利已派出3个营的兵力去本国和匈牙利交界的边境地区阻止非法移民的流入。

    Austria has sent three army battalions to its border with Hungary to stem the flow of illegal immigrants

  6. 讲法语和弹钢琴是社交界的两大风雅。

    Speaking French and playing the piano are social graces .

  7. 上星期天,我们举行了一次社交界的盛会。

    We had a grand social gathering last Sunday .

  8. 福建北面与浙江交界。

    Fujian is bounded on the north by Zhejiang .

  9. 这一事件震惊了伦敦的社交界。

    The event has astonished London society .

  10. 江苏北面与山东交界。

    Jiangsu is bounded on the north by shandong .

  11. 时髦的英国社交界被她迷住了,因此她很快就在伦敦出名了。

    The smart English world was fascinated by her and she soon made her mark in london .

  12. 在天光与暗影的交界线下,除掉一个灯光的小亮点儿以外,什么东西也看不见。

    Beneath this meeting-line of light and shade nothing was visible save one solitary point of light .

  13. 国家航天局表示,“祝融号”火星车将继续向乌托邦平原南部的古海陆交界地带行驶,实施拓展任务。据介绍,目前,环绕器运行在中继通信轨道,主要为火星车进行中继通信(relaycommunication)。

    The CNSA added that the rover will continue to move to the boundary zone between the ancient sea and land in the southern part of Utopia Planitia to carry out tasks .

  14. 记得自己梦的人大脑中处理信息和情感的颞顶交界处的活动水平更高。

    People who remember their dreams also have higher activity in the temporoparietal junction16 , a part of the brain that processes information and emotions .

  15. 在自己家用手机也要被扣“边界漫游”费,这种情况每天都发生在行政区划交界处的居民身上。

    Imagine using your mobile phone and then being hammered for border roaming charges without leaving your home . That 's what happens daily for residents near regional borders .

  16. 我过去听人讲过:“从前,四川、陕西、湖北交界处的南部,常常阴雨连绵,少有晴日,偶然日出,狗就吠个不停。”

    In the past , I heard people say : " Formerly1 , it was often cloudy and drizzly2 for days on end in the south of the juncture3 of Sichuan , Shaanxi and Hubei , with very few fine days in between . When the sun shone occasionally , the dogs would bark consistently without stop . "

  17. 目的:提高外伤性肾盂输尿管交界处断裂的CT诊断水平。

    Objective : To improve the diagnosis of traumatic disruption pelvis-ureter junction .

  18. 在交界瘤、良性瘤中无表达。(3)新微分方程可得到挠度和转角公式,而原Q1微分方程是做不到这点的。

    The expression of deflection and angle may be obtained .

  19. 结果:CT表现为肾孟、肾盏受压,与肿块交界光整;

    Results : CT exhibited as renal calyx was pressed , have a complete smooth boundary with tumors ;

  20. 目的探讨颌面部骨折合并颅颈交界区损伤的影像学特点及多层螺旋CT诊断。

    Objective To explore imaging manifestations and diagnostic value of helical CT in maxillofacial fractures associated with craniocervical junction injury .

  21. 后路CCD系统行枕颈固定治疗颅颈交界区疾病

    Occipitocervical Fixation with the Posterior CCD System in the Treament of Cranio-Cervical Junction Diseases

  22. 室间隔的损伤范围大于右侧房室交界区(P<0.05);

    And the lesion dimensions of interventricular septum was larger than that of right side of AV junction ( p < 0 . 05 ) .

  23. 两种GPS反演方法在日本西南与菲律宾板块交界处的应用与比较

    Application and comparison of two kinds of GPS inverse methods on border land between Philippine Sea plate and southwest Japan

  24. 上层常年受北赤道流和北赤道逆流控制,其交界位于9°N附近。

    North Equatorial Current and North Equatorial Counter Current are the main currents most of the year in the upper sea of the area .

  25. 交界性肿瘤中.异倍体肿瘤复发和病死的相对危险性明显高于2倍体肿瘤(P<0.01)。

    Among the patients with borderline tumor , the contrast risk of the mortality and relapse of the heteroploidy was higher than that of the diploidy ( P < 0.01 ) .

  26. 在卵巢恶性肿瘤、交界性肿瘤、良性肿瘤之间p16的表达差异有显著性(P<0.01)。

    The expressions among the maligant , borderline and benign ovarian neoplasms were significant difference ( P < 0.01 ) .

  27. 分析28例钩体性脑动脉炎的CT所见,结果显示梗塞灶位于大脑半球,主要呈多发性和/或双侧性分布,超过半数位于供血交界区。

    The authors analyzed 28 cases of leptospiral cerebral arteritis in a CT study . The low-density focuses showed by CT scans mainly manifested multiple or / and bilateral distributions in brain .

  28. 结果恶性组术前血清和腹水中VEGF的量明显高于交界性组和良性组(P<0.05);

    Results Serum and ascits levels of VEGF were significantly higher in malignant group than those in benign group and borderline group ( P < 0.05 ) .

  29. 瘤髓交界带T2WI呈低信号时,肿瘤与脊髓可能存在粘连。

    Adhesion may be existed when SCT appear hypointense in T_2WI .

  30. 结论术前MRI检查对颅颈交界区肿瘤的定性诊断及手术设计有重要的帮助,显微外科技巧是保证手术安全、减少术后并发症、获得良好疗效的关键。

    Conclusion MRI examination is important for the diagnosis and operative design of craniocervical tumors . The skills of microsurgery are crucial for reducing the operative complications and achieving good surgical outcomes .