
  • 网络Commission;Transaction-based
  1. 证券交易佣金作为证券市场制度中交易费用最直接的体现,其变动必然带来证券市场的微观变化。

    As the primary cost of security transaction , the floatation of trading commission would change the microstructure of security market .

  2. 排名结果将决定哪些经纪公司处于第一梯队,且可在每个评估阶段依次获得若干交易佣金。

    The outcome of the votes will determine which firms are on their tier-one brokers list and be rewarded with commission dollars given out at each assessment period .

  3. 中国的券商传统上依靠交易佣金、IPO承销和与股市上涨关联的其他营收来源。

    Chinese brokerages have traditionally relied on trading commissions , IPO underwriting and other revenue sources linked to a rising stock market .

  4. 由于严酷的市场环境导致交易佣金枯竭,并购活动和首次公开发行(ipo)市场冻结,全球投行业今年第二季度的利润预计将大幅下滑。

    Global investment banking earnings are expected to drop sharply for the second quarter after brutally tough market conditions saw trading commissions dry up and the market for takeovers and initial public offerings freeze .

  5. 好消息是,ICBIT可以免费提供账户,但要收取交易佣金。

    I heard good things about icbit , which offered accounts for free but charges a commission when you trade .

  6. 基于寡头博弈的证券交易佣金定价模型及其博弈分析

    Model for Brokerage Commission Pricing of Securities Trading and its Game Analysis

  7. 不过银行家们表示,对交易佣金进行推断仍然十分危险。

    But bankers say that to generalise about deal fees remains perilous .

  8. 货币期货有额外的行李的交易佣金,贸易费用及支付费用。

    Currency futures have the extra baggage of trading commissions , trade fees and defrayal fees .

  9. 交易佣金制度的改革将使证券业的结构调整得到不断优化;

    The proposed reform to change the fixed brokerage commissions rationalizes the structure of securities industry .

  10. 他认为,美国经济需要一个新的公共事业型股票交易所,征收更高的交易佣金。

    He believes the US economy needs a new utility-type stock exchange with higher trading commissions .

  11. 阿里巴巴大多数营收来自网络营销、交易佣金及服务费。

    Most of its revenue comes from online marketing , commissions on transactions and fees for its services .

  12. 二季度,这家银行的股票承销和交易佣金收入同比分别大增55%和25%。

    Fees from stock market underwriting and trading rose 55 % and 25 % from the same period a year ago .

  13. 交易佣金会吃掉你所有的利润,内行人知道这点,这是不道德的行为。

    The trading commissions will eat up all of your profits and professionals know that , so it 's bad behavior .

  14. 我们并不收取托管费,您只需要付交易佣金及其他有关交易费用。

    We do not have custodian charges , you only have to pay the Commission and relevant regulatory charges for transaction costs .

  15. 随后,投资者非常有可能在接下来的几天乃至几周时间里通过高额交易佣金来回报这些公司。

    Investors , in turn , are very likely to repay the firms with big trading commissions in the days and weeks to come .

  16. 换言之,在震荡的市场,您的交易佣金和其他费用将远远超过您的盈利能力,因为微薄的,因为它会。

    In other words , in a choppy market , your trading commissions and other costs will overwhelm your profitability , as meager as it will be .

  17. 而日本的“大爆炸”是在1998年,其中包括放开交易佣金的管制,鼓励独立财务顾问及培养养老金固定缴款计划。

    Japan 's " big bang ", which included measures to liberalise trading commissions , encourage independent financial advisers and foster defined-contribution pension plans , happened only in1998 .

  18. 明年的形式可能会困难一些:尽管银行监管工作和调解纠纷在提供稳定的酬金,我更希望拥有可观的交易佣金收入。

    Next year will be tougher : though bank regulatory work and dispute resolution are providing steady fees , " I 'd much rather have healthy transaction flows . "

  19. 在美国,过去一年推动利润增长的交易佣金热潮似乎也已停滞。

    In the US , the boom in trading commissions that powered earnings   in   the   past   year   also   appears to have ground to a halt .

  20. 两份报告称,在亚太地区,今年是各家投资银行利润最为丰厚的一年,越来越多的股票发行与交易佣金将其收入推至创纪录的水平。

    Investment banks have experienced their most lucrative year in the Asia-Pacific region , according to two reports , with buoyant equity issuance and trading commissions pushing up revenues to record levels .

  21. 据与该基金打过交道的高管估计,在本世纪景气年份,该基金支付的金额(包括咨询费、交易佣金、借款手续费等)有所提升。

    During the boom years of this decade , its payments which included fees , trading commissions and borrowing charges were higher , according to estimates made by executives who dealt with the fund .

  22. 超额收益是指股票买卖的总收益中,不仅要扣除印花税和证券交易佣金等交易费用,还要对市场风险进行调整。

    Excess return is the total receipts of stock trading , not only to deduct the Securities and Exchange Commission such as stamp duty and transaction costs , but also to adjust to market risk .

  23. 在全球证券交易佣金自由化以及我国证券经纪市场面临开放和佣金下调的新形势下,中国证券经纪业务的微利时代即将到来。

    Along with the securities trading-commission is liberalized worldwide and China 's securities broking market is opening to the public , it seems that the less-profit period for China 's securities broking market is coming .

  24. 近年来由于行业的进入门槛降低、经济制度的出台和交易佣金的进一步市场化,使得证券经纪业务的经营环境发生了巨大的变化,竞争程度越来越激烈。

    In recent years , due to the reduced barriers to entry of the industry , the introduction of the economic system and trading commission further market-oriented , making the business environment of tremendous changes in securities brokerage business , competition is becoming more intense .

  25. 证券交易佣金自新中国股票交易市场成立以来一直是绝大部分证券公司主营业务收入的50%以上,可见证券交易佣金对证券公司的经济效益影响是巨大的。

    The income of security trade commission is above 50 % of most security companies ' main business income from the beginning of the establishment of the stock market . It is obvious that the security trade commission plays an important role in security companies ' earnings .

  26. 只剩两笔交易的佣金未付。

    There are only two items of commission left unpaid .

  27. 批评人士指出,证券公司提供这些用股票来抵押的资金是有其动机的,因为它们既能通过IPO的股票交易赚取佣金,又能收取贷款利息。

    Critics say brokers have an incentive to provide the funds , which are secured against the shares , as they earn commissions on share trading in the IPOs and receive interest on the loan .

  28. 投资银行不仅仅做经纪业务,(靠管理交易拿佣金)或者提出建议;

    Investment banking was no longer just about broking ( conducting transactions in return for commissions ) or giving advice ;

  29. 另外,拍卖交易中佣金的收取,卖方估价的变化,都可能使理论研究的最优策略失效。

    In addition , the commission and the change in suppliers ' valuation in auction transactions can make the theoretical optimal strategy failure .

  30. 这些公司的命运可能在1975年5月1日就已注定。当时废除了证券交易固定佣金制,对经纪业务收入形成挤压。

    Their fate was probably sealed on May 1 1975 , when fixed commissions for trading securities were abolished , setting off a squeeze on broking revenues .