
  • 网络Cross structure;crossbar;chiasmus;Chiasm;dicussate texture
  1. 通过研究ERP系统三要素和ERP环境三要素,得出ERP实施体系三维立体交叉结构模型,并提出ERP实施体系的内涵。

    Studying three key factors of ERP system and ones of ERP environment , it sets up a conclusion of a 3D crossbar structure model of implementing ERP , as well as its connotation .

  2. 基于交叉结构的分子电子器件及其逻辑电路的研究进展

    Molecular electronic devices and Logic circuits based on crossbar structures

  3. 而且,在一定浓度下获得了平行DNA单链和它们的交叉结构。

    Furthermore , paralleled ssDNA arrays and their crossover structures have been obtained under our preparation condition .

  4. 也有一些传感器供应商做出了单层结构,也就是把X和Y放在同一层ITO,成十字交叉结构。

    Some sensor suppliers create a single-layer sensor that includes both X and Y sensors in a single layer of ITO with small bridges where they cross .

  5. LGF在PE基体中呈现三维交叉结构,这种结构和KH-550的加入改进了复合材料的性能。

    The long fibre distribution in matrix was three-dimensional cross structure , and this structure and KH-500 could improve the properties of composites .

  6. 由于交叉结构的引入,传统并行级联码的迭代译码算法不再适用于M-ACPC-SPC码,本文提出了一种基于和积算法的局部MAP迭代译码算法,可有效降低其译码复杂度。

    The conventional parallel concatenated iterative decoding algorithm is not applied to M-ACPC-SPC code any more for the introduction of crossover structure , so one iterative decoding algorithm based on Sum-Product algorithm of local MAP was put forward , decreasing the decoding complexity effectively .

  7. 研究了交叉结构Pr2(C2O4)3·10H2O微米颗粒的光致发光性能,该性能在固体激光方面具有潜在的应用价值。

    The optical property of the cross-like Pr2 ( C2O4 ) 3 · 10H2O micro-particles at the room temperature was investigated by photoluminescence , and the result shows a potential application for solid-state laser .

  8. 文中对IRNS-M-CPC-SPC码的编码和译码方式作了详细介绍,并给出了当译码运算规模较大时的交叉结构简化方法。

    Way of encoding and decoding of IRNS-M-CPC-SPC codes were stated on this paper , and method of simplifying the crossover structure was given if calculation scale of the decoding algorithm is too high .

  9. 基于交叉结构的信道编码及硬件实现

    Channel Coding Based on Crossover Structure and Its Hardware Realization

  10. 福克纳作品的立体交叉结构

    The Three-Dimensional and Intersected Structures in Faulkner 's Works

  11. 公路隧道复杂交叉结构设计及施工方案优化研究

    Research on Optimization of the Structure Design and Excavation Scheme of Complex Cross-tunnel

  12. 一种新型十字交叉结构双频段天线设计

    A Novel Crossed Shape Dual-band Antenna Design

  13. 它涉及到高速串行I/O、交叉结构以及设计考虑。

    High-speed serial I / O ? switching architectures and design considerations for switching unit are involved .

  14. 利用支座升降调整正交交叉结构的内力

    Adjusting the Internal Forces in Members of Orthogonal Space Truss Structure by Elevating or Settling Its Supports

  15. 玻纤的长度和用量对三维交叉结构的形成有很大影响;

    The length and content of the fibre had great effect on the formation of the 3D cross structure ;

  16. 10例完全型表现为心脏十字交叉结构缺如和共同房室瓣环;

    10 cases of complete atrioventricular septal defect demonstrated mainly an absence of the cardiac crux and a common atrioventricular valve ring ;

  17. 法律规范分类的最小单位是法律规范元,其集合是法律规范群;法律规范的结构是一个由不同划分标准的划分结果结合起来形成的多维空间交叉结构。

    The structure of Norm of Law is a multi dimension sructure , which is the integration of the classifications under different norms .

  18. 经过分析比较,认为交叉结构是并联机床比较理想的结构形式。

    With comparing the result of the analyses , it is considered that the cross structure is the better structure for the machine .

  19. 摘要威廉?福克纳在作品中使用了立体交叉结构,具体表现在:意识流方法、多视角叙述方法、转述的方法、多情节线,以及整个创作的立体交叉结构。

    William Faulkner adopts three-dimensional and intersected structures in his works , namely , the streams of consciousness , multiple narrative perspectives , indirect narration , multiple plots , and the structures of his whole works being three-dimensional and intersected .

  20. 首先,我们用一个具有二值阵列的二部图G(X,Y,E)来描述多粒度光交叉节点结构。

    Firstly , a bipartite graph G ( X , Y , E ) with Boolean array is used to describe three-stage MG-OXC architecture .

  21. 本文重点对具有交叉耦合结构的绝热电路的特性作了分析比较,并在PAL电路的基础上提出了一种与之相补的绝热电路?

    The characteristics of the adiabatic circuits with cross-coupled structures are emphatically analyzed and compared .

  22. 通过合理设计的DNA单链进行自组装,就可以构造出一种称为双交叉分子结构(DX)的包含四个臂的砖块。

    Through the rational design of DNA single-strand self-assembly , you can construct called the double cross molecular structure ( DX )" bricks " containing four arms .

  23. 在版图的设计上,对输入级采用交叉耦合结构,减小由于工艺原理引起的MOS管匹配,从而减小电路的失调电压;

    In layout design , the cross-couple structure is adopted in the input stage to minimize the MOSFET mismatch due to process , and consequently to lower the offset voltage in the circuits .

  24. 他为荷兰家具品牌Moooi设计的Coppélia吊灯的灵感来自于芭蕾舞女,吊灯使用了交叉线条结构,几十个线条的交叉点就是LED灯泡的安放位置。

    He designed the ballerina-inspired Copp é lia suspended lamp for Moooi , with a crossed wire structure that acts as a base for dozens of LED lights .

  25. 角膜实质层胶原纤维三维交叉网状结构的进一步探讨兼论弹性纤维Ⅰ.兔角膜的LM、TEM及SLM观察

    Further Study on the 3-dimensional Criss-crossed Reticular Structure of the Collagenous Fibers of the Corneal Stroma with Special Reference to the Elastic Fibers ⅰ . The LM , TEM and SEM Observations on the Rabbit Corneas

  26. 采用等效为电感特性的负载和交叉耦合结构两种电路技术设计了一种高工作频率、低相位噪声的二级环形振荡器(two-stageVCO)。

    The two circuit techniques of equivalent inductance and cross-coupled configuration are used to design a high frequency , low phase noise two-stage VCO , which can generate two pair quadrature outputs because of its even stage ring .

  27. 仿真结果表明,自适应混合光交换可以降低包丢失率和端对端网络时延。(5)设计了一种包含光分插复用器OADM的多粒度光交叉连接结构。

    Simulation results show that S-HOS can reduce IP packet dropping probability and end-to-end delay . ( 5 ) A multi-granularity optical cross connect ( MG-OXC ) contained optical add-drop multiplexer ( OADM ) is designed in the paper .

  28. 光交叉连接结构是光网络节点的关键结构。

    Optical cross connect ( OXC ) is key architecture of optical switching .

  29. 具有交叉耦合结构的能量恢复型电路

    Energy Recovery Circuits with Cross - Coupled Structure

  30. 光交叉连接结构的分类和推演

    Classification and derivation of optical cross connect architectures