Delivery of the assignor to the bill irresponsible .
Currently there are mechanisms for renewal on the payment of a fresh grant fee , although these have not been properly tested because existing terms have not run their course .
New insurance law only provides for transfer of the subject-matter , notify the insurer knows , but the delivery and transfer inside a different meaning in civil law : deliver just the change of possession ; transfer represents the transfer of ownership .
If the issuance , acceptance , delivery and negotiation by endorsement are suspected of being involved in the illegal actions such as fraud , theft , intimidation , threat , or violation , etc. , the holder shall bear the burden of proof for the legality of the bill .
A bill payable to bearer is negotiated by delivery .
The circulation of bill depends on its repeated and continuous transference . Although in theory bill rights can be transferred by both endorsement and pure delivery , the former one is more principal and fundamental .