
  • 网络Interactive network;internet
  1. 凡储存监控化学品数据的计算机不允许与国际交互网络及国内非禁化武数据网络联机。

    Computers that store MCC data shall not be connected with the Internet or other non CWC data network .

  2. 交互网络教学:现代远程教育的新环境

    Interactive Network Teaching : the New Environment of Modern Distance Education

  3. 主要描述了一个基于WLAN的多机器人信息交互网络以及基于行为的多机器人协调避障策略。

    A WLAN-based multi-robot communication network and behavior-based coordinated obstacle-avoiding strategy for multiple mobile robots is presented .

  4. MichaelMah指出我们正在创建“令人惊奇的新产品,交互网络,分布式协作,社交网络,并且我们做的越来越快。”

    Michael Mah noted that we are building " amazing new stuff , interacting networks , distributed collaboration , social networking , and we are doing it faster . "

  5. 论交互网络学习环境构建

    On Building up the Environment of Interactive Learning On Network

  6. 基于复杂网络的非正式团体知识交互网络分析

    Analysis of IFG Knowledge Communication Network Based on Complex Network

  7. 适应互动数字电视业务的交互网络设计

    Interactive Network Designing for Interactive Digital TV Service

  8. 交互网络下安全体系的选择&条件接收系统、数字版权管理系统和认证管理系统浅析

    Choice of Security System under Interactive Network

  9. 因特网来自交互网络一词,或是将两个或多个电脑网络连接起来。

    The word Internet is derived from the word internetwork or the connecting together of two or more computer networks .

  10. 论构建交互网络教学环境&运用信息网络培养学生综合能力的研究

    Develop the Teaching Environment with Interactive Network ── Research on using the imformation technique to train the pupils ' abilities

  11. 在软件方面,估算仍是一种玄妙的“黑色艺术”,因为对于如此复杂的耦合和交互网络,实在是难以理解,因而也难以分析。

    Estimation is still somewhat of a black art in software precisely because it 's difficult to understand , and therefore analyze , this complex spider web of coupling and interaction .

  12. 高质量用户参与的不足造成了问答社区用户交互网络过于依赖少数用户,造成了网络的不稳定。

    Shortage of high-quality participation users resulted in the users interaction network of the Q & A community overly dependent on a small number of users , causing the instability of network .

  13. 终端根据用户权限,切换硬盘并与物理隔离控制器交互网络请求信息,从而将用户机接入相应的网络。

    According to user 's purview , the terminal switches the hard disk and communicates network request with the physical isolation controller , then the controller links the PC to the corresponding network .

  14. 网上聊天、博客、微博、播客、交互网络电视等新兴的媒介手段在以新的方式传播信息的同时,也形成了新的文化态势。

    Moreover , transmitting information in anew way including online chats , blogs , microblogs , podcasts and interactive network TV , new media tools also contribute to the formation of a new cultural trend .

  15. 动态交互是网络课程练习测验模块最重要的特性,承载习题和试题的Web网页必须具有交互能力。

    Dynamic interaction is the most important trait of the practice test in Internet courses . The Web page which carries the exercises and test questions has to be interactive .

  16. 应用软件按功能划分为GPS定位,人体生理参数采集,人机交互,网络通信,电源管理五个模块。

    According to the functions , the application software is divided into 5 modules , such as GPS positioning , human physiological parameters collection , human-computer interaction , network communications and power management .

  17. 通过研究计算机网络体系结构发展的历史,吸收了软件体系结构研究的成果,提出了一种基于交互的网络体系结构框架模型(FINA)。

    By researching on the history of network architecture development and adopting the results of software architecture researches , a framework of interaction based network architecture ( FINA ) is proposed in this paper .

  18. 在面向服务的新一代网络体系结构INSA参考模型研究的基础上,提出了一种基于交互的网络服务体系结构描述语言INSADL。

    Based on the research of service oriented new generation network architecture reference model ( INSA ), an interaction based network service architecture description language ( INSADL ) is proposed and discussed .

  19. 该文设计和实现了一个直观易用、开放式、模块化和可视化交互的网络仿真工具NDS-1,介绍了NDS-1的总体设计,接口设计和各模块设计。

    We design and implement a network simulation tool , NDS - 1 , which is modularized , visualized and easy to use . We present the system design , interface design and modular design of NDS-1 .

  20. 提出了一种基于交互的网络服务体系结构(INSA),作为从服务角度研究下一代网络的下一代网络服务体系结构参考模型,并详细论述了INSA参考模型的总体结构和各层功能。

    An interaction based network service architecture ( INSA ) is proposed in this paper , which can act as a reference model for next generation network service architecture . The whole structure and the functions of each layer of INSA are described in detail .

  21. 基因交互逻辑网络的自动机模型

    The model on automata of the logic network of gene intersection

  22. 家庭交互控制网络中手持交互设备的功能设计

    Home Interactive Control Network and the Design of Home Interactive Handset

  23. 一种自适应群组交互的网络带宽管理机制

    An adaptive management mechanism of network bandwidth for group interaction

  24. 交互在网络课程开发和应用中具有十分重要的地位和作用。

    The interaction of the online curriculum is of great importance in elearning education .

  25. 交互&网络课件的灵魂

    Interaction & the Soul of the Network Courseware

  26. 分布式交互仿真网络通讯机制是随着分布式仿真的发展而不断完善。

    With the development of DIS , the communication mechanism becomes perfect by degrees .

  27. 这就需要提供和支撑这些数据交互的网络平台具有更高的可靠性和稳定性。

    This requires the network platform which provides and supports datas exchange to be more dependable and stable .

  28. 它是企业与其客户和其他企业相连完成其共同目标的交互合作网络。

    It is a mutual cooperative network by which the enterprise and its client or other enterprises obtain their common goals .

  29. 本平台以建构主义教育理论为指导思想,旨在实现一种易于师生之间进行交流和交互的网络教学环境。

    This platform uses constructivist educational theory as the guiding ideology , and realizes a network teaching and learning environment of easy communication and interaction .

  30. 基于此方法开发了平面与立体截交实验的程序,程序支持实时交互和网络传输。

    The virtual intersecting experiment program of plane and solid is developed based on this method , which can realize real-time interaction and network transmission .