
  • 网络Asher;aser
  1. 属亚设支派的有米迦勒的儿子西帖;

    From the tribe of Asher , Sethur son of Michael ;

  2. 但,约瑟,便雅悯,拿弗他利,迦得,亚设。

    Dan , Joseph , Benjamin , Naphtali , Gad and Asher .

  3. 属亚设的,有俄兰的儿子帕结。

    Of Asher ; Pagiel the son of Ocran .

  4. 在亚设和亚禄有户筛的儿子巴拿。

    Baana son of Hushai-in Asher and in Aloth ;

  5. 亚设之地必出肥美的粮食,且出君王的美味。

    Out of Asher his bread shall be fat , and he shall yield royal dainties .

  6. 于是,亚设因为没有赶出那地的迦南人,就住在他们中间。

    And because of this the people of Asher lived among the Canaanite inhabitants of the land .

  7. 亚设支派,能上阵打仗的有四万人。

    And of Asher , such as went forth to battle , expert in war , forty thousand .

  8. 北边到亚设,东边到以萨迦。

    The territory of Manasseh reached the sea and bordered Asher on the north and Issachar on the east .

  9. 又打发人去见亚设人、西布伦人、拿弗他利人,他们也都出来与他们会合。

    And he sent messengers to Asher , Zebulun , and Naphtali , and they went up to meet them .

  10. 流便、迦得、亚设、西布伦、但、拿弗他利.六个支派的人、都要站在以巴路山上宣布咒诅。

    And these tribes shall stand on Mount Ebal to pronounce curses : Reuben , Gad , Asher , Zebulun , Dan and Naphtali .

  11. 利亚说,我有福阿,众女子都要称我是有福的,于是给他起名叫亚设。

    And Leah said , happy am I ! And all women will give witness to my joy : and she gave him the name asher .

  12. 革顺的子孙,从以萨迦支派,亚设支派,拿弗他利支派,住巴珊的玛拿西半支派的地业中,按阄得了十三座城。

    The descendants of Gershon were allotted thirteen towns from the clans of the tribes of Issachar , Asher , Naphtali and the half-tribe of Manasseh in Bashan .

  13. 以色列人就从拿弗他利,亚设,和玛拿西全地聚集来追赶米甸人。

    And the men of Israel gathered themselves together out of naphtali , and out of asher , and out of all manasseh , and pursued after the midianites .

  14. 利亚的使女悉帕所生的是迦得,亚设。这是雅各在巴旦亚兰所生的儿子。

    And the sons of Zilpah , Leah 's handmaid ; Gad , and Asher : these are the sons of Jacob , which were born to him in Padanaram .

  15. 他打发人走遍玛拿西地,玛拿西人也聚集跟随他。又打发人去见亚设人,西布伦人,拿弗他利人,他们也都出来与他们会合。

    He sent messengers throughout Manasseh , calling them to arms , and also into Asher , Zebulun and Naphtali , so that they too went up to meet them .

  16. 玛拿西的境界,从亚设起,到示剑前的密米他,往北到隐他普亚居民之地。

    And the coast of Manasseh was from Asher to Michmethah , that lieth before Shechem ; and the border went along on the right hand unto the inhabitants of Entappuah .

  17. 那个坐在我旁边的男生“亚设”,总是会抽出一块关键的板,让跟在后面的我非常难办。

    The boy sat beside me who named Asher always could pull out the critical block making the tower so unsteady for me , so I was the one who would topple the stack .

  18. 按着家族,亚设的众子,属音拿的,有音拿族。属亦施韦的,有亦施韦族。属比利亚的,有比利亚族。

    The sons of Asher by their families : of imnah , the family of the imnites : of ishvi , the family of the ishvites : of beriah , the family of the beriites .

  19. 南归以法莲,北归玛拿西,以海为界。北边到亚设,东边到以萨迦。

    Southward it was ephraim 's , and northward it was manasseh 's , and the sea is his border ; and they met together in Asher on the north , and in Issachar on the east .

  20. 亚悉兄弟以设的长子是乌兰,次子耶乌施,三子是以利法列。

    The sons of Eshek his brother : Ulam his firstborn , Jeush the second , and Eliphelet the third .