
  • 网络aaf;Animals Asia;Animals Asia Foundation
  1. 尽管遭到批评,但是正如亚洲动物基金创始人兼CEO谢罗便臣所见,越来越多的中国人开始关心动物保护。

    Despite the criticism , Animals Asia founder and CEO Jill Robinson has witnessed a significant rise in the number of Chinese citizens showing concern for animal welfare .

  2. 总部驻香港的亚洲动物基金(AnimalsAsia)开展了一项为期四年的研究,对狗肉交易商组成的网络做了记载。这些狗肉交易商将走失或失窃的宠物运往中国的东北、华中和华南——特别是在狗肉受欢迎的冬季。

    A four-year study by Hong Kong-based group Animals Asia documented networks of dog traders that bring strays or stolen pets to northeast , central and southern China , especially during the winter months when dog meat is popular .

  3. 亚洲动物基金发起了一个运动,要求停播这个节目。该组织的声明中说:中国数千社交网络用户响应了他们的呼吁。

    Animals Asia is leading a campaign to have the show canceled , and it says thousands of social media users in China are backing its call .

  4. 亚洲动物基金发起了一个运动,要求停播这个节目。该组织的声明中说:中国“数千社交网络用户”响应了他们的呼吁。

    Animals Asia is leading a campaign to have the show canceled , and it says " thousands of social media users " in China are backing its call .

  5. 根据亚洲动物基金会表示,目前没有关闭水族馆或将动物重新安置的迹象,被关的动物除了北极熊还有北极狼、白鲸、海象等。

    Animals Asia said there was no indication the aquarium would be closed or its animals , which also include arctic wolves , beluga whales and walrus calves , rehoused .

  6. 据香港亚洲动物基金会表示,为制作中草药材,饲养黑熊汲取胆汁,而黑熊的生存条件极其恶劣。

    According to Animals Asia , a Hong Kong-based charity , black bears that are farmed for bile , which is used to produce traditional Chinese medicine , suffer from poor living conditions .

  7. 戴夫尼尔来自总部位于香港的亚洲动物基金,他在一则声明中表示:这档节目严重误导大众,让他们对圈养动物的需求与救助产生误解。

    It is hugely misleading to the public about the needs and welfare of captive animals , Dave Neale of Animals Asia , an advocacy group based in Hong Kong , said in a statement .

  8. 她在亚洲动物基金网站上写道,1985年,我刚来到中国工作时,只有北京一家动物保护组织,而现在全国的动物保护组织已经超过100个,覆盖了全国各省。

    When I first began working in the country from 1985 there was one welfare group in Beijing and now there are over 100 spread across every province , Robinson said on the website of Animals Asia .

  9. 然而,群众对于动物们被迫住在凄凉环境中的愤慨情绪很严重,因为游客经常在动物们旁边自拍。今年4月,总部位于香港的亚洲动物基金会成员受邀参观了该水族馆。

    However , amid outrage over the dismal conditions in which the animals were being forced to live , as tourists posed for selfies beside them , members of the Hong Kong-based charity Animals Asia were invited to visit the aquarium in April .

  10. 亚洲动物保护基金会香港总部收到一封公开信,信上说用于狗肉美食节的狗多数是迷路的流浪狗或是被偷来的。

    According to an open letter by the Hong Kong-based NGO Animals Asia , many of the dogs consumed during the festival are strays and abductees .

  11. 在香港,动物权利组织“亚洲爱护动物动物基金会”也同样尝试改变这一饮食习惯。

    In Hong Kong , animal rights lobby group Animals Asia Foundation is also trying to change eating habits .