
  • 网络Jinggangshan University
  1. 中国南部江西省井冈山大学的讲师钟华和刘涛2007年在《晶体学报:E分卷》发表了这些论文。

    Hua Zhong and Tao Liu , lecturers at Jinggangshan University in south China 's Jiangxi Province , published the papers in2007 in Acta Crystallographica Section E.

  2. 井冈山大学体育课程网络资源共享平台建设的必要性

    Necessity of Constructing Sports Curriculum Network Resource Sharing Platform in Jinggangshan University

  3. 井冈山大学应用化学研究所欢迎您!

    Welcome to Institute of Applied Chemistry , JingGangShan University !

  4. 井冈山大学对关于其策略的批评意见反应灵敏,如今它已经停止对科学论文的发表提供经济奖励。

    Sensitive to criticism of its strategy , Jinggangshan University has now stopped financial rewards for scientific publications .

  5. 高校教师校本培训模式的理论与实践&以井冈山大学为例

    On the Mode of School-based Training of College Teachers & Based on the Exploration and Practice of Jinggangshan University

  6. 井冈山大学的一位发言人说,造假事件的发生源于两位讲师“缺乏道德正直”,称学校对此全不知情。

    A university spokesperson said that the fraud had arisen because of the lecturers'lack of moral integrity , saying that the school was fully unaware of it .

  7. 假如有机会,去井冈山大学,好歹是个大学,以后的前途比中学要好得多。

    If have an opportunity , go to university of the Jinggang Mountains , anyhow is an university , the following future is close friends more than the middle school .

  8. 例如,据报道,井冈山大学奖励在受到认可的国际科学期刊上发表论文的科学家5000元人民币(733美元)。

    For example , Jinggangshan University was reported to have offered prizes of5,000 Chinese yuan ( US $ 733 ) for any scientist publishing in a recognised international scientific journal .