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  • pentachlorophenol
  1. 虾类中五氯苯酚残留的气相色谱分析HPLC测定辛硫磷·五氯硝基苯悬浮种衣剂

    Determination of the Pentachlorophenol Residue in Shrimps by Gas Chromatography HPLC analysis of a phoxim and quintozene SE for seed coating

  2. 当pH值小于5,土壤呈酸性的时候,土壤对五氯苯酚的吸附随pH值减小而增大。

    When pH value was less than 5 ( the soil reacts acid ), the adsorption capacity of sodium pentachlorophenol increased with pH value decreased .

  3. α-Fe2O3的制备、负载及对五氯苯酚的作用研究

    Research on the Preparation and Support of α - Fe_2O_3 and It 's Effect to the PCP

  4. 五氯苯酚(pentachlorophenol,PCP)作为一种持久性有机污染物已成为全球性的环境污染物之一。

    As a kind of persistent organic pollutants pentachlorophenol ( PCP ) has become one of the global environmental pollutants .

  5. 其源头追踪到印度的瓜尔胶,其中含有五氯苯酚(PCP),这是一种已经摈弃的杀虫剂。

    The source was traced to guar gum from India that was contaminated with pentachlorophenol ( PCP ), a pesticide no longer in use .

  6. 对EGSB反应器处理五氯苯酚(PCP)废水的运行条件以及PCP的降解途径作了研究。

    The operating conditions of applying EGSB reactor to treat the pentachlorophenol ( PCP ) wastewater and the degradation pathway of PCP were studied .

  7. 根据五氯苯酚(PCP)在活性污泥中吸附和共代谢降解的规律设计出吸附-共代谢再生活性污泥法去除污水中五氯苯酚的新工艺。

    Based on the mechanism of pentachlorophenol ( PCP ) adsorption and cometabolism in activated sludge system , a new sludge process to enhance PCP removal was described .

  8. 五氯苯酚(pentachlorophenol,PCP)及其钠盐(PCP-Na)是许多国家的优先控制污染物。

    Pentachlorophenol ( PCP ) as well as its sodium salt ( PCP-Na ) is a kind of prior control pollutes in many countries .

  9. 五氯苯酚(PCP)是一类危险性较大的环境污染物,属于持久性有机污染物质,具有致癌、致畸、致突变效应。

    Pentachlorophenol ( PCP ) is a kind of environmental pollutant with high risk and is also a kind of persistent organic pollutants ( POPs ), which can cause cancer , monstrosity and mutation .

  10. 结果表明,邻氯苯酚(2-CP)和2,4-二氯苯酚(2,4-DCP)与五氯苯酚的联合毒性效应均表现为协同作用,使五氯苯酚的毒性剧增。

    The results show that the joint toxicities of PCP with 2-CP , PCP with 2,4-DCP and PCP with 2-CP and 2,4-DCP were all synergistic .

  11. 研究了含五氯苯酚的水溶液在HDX-8大孔树脂上的静态、动态吸附及解吸行为。

    The static and dynamic adsorption / desorption of sodium pentachlorophenol on macroporous adsorption resin HDX-8 had been studied .

  12. 建立一种液-液微萃取(LPME)与气相色谱(带ECD检测器)联用检测废水中痕量五氯苯酚(PCP)的方法。

    Liquid-phase microextraction ( LPME ) followed by gas chromatography ( GC ) coupled with an electron capture detector ( ECD ) was applied for the analysis of pentachlorophenol ( PCP ) in aqueous samples .

  13. 腐殖酸和盐度在一定范围内对五氯苯酚在颗粒物上吸附行为的影响为先促进其平衡吸附量增加,然后这种促进作用趋于缓和。

    The salinity and humic substances could accelerate the adsorption capacity .

  14. 零价金属对土壤中五氯苯酚的脱氯研究

    Study on Dechlorination of Pentachlorophenol in Soils by Zero-valent Mental Systems

  15. 五氯苯酚与邻氯苯酚和2,4-二氯苯酚对斑马鱼的联合毒性

    Joint Toxicity Effects of PCP , 2-CP and 2,4-DCP to Zebrafish

  16. 固定化&共代谢技术处理五氯苯酚研究胶态成型固化特性及其应用技术研究

    Research on Solidify Characteristic of Colloidal Process and Its Application Technology

  17. 五氯苯酚废水的处理技术研究与进展

    The Research Progress in the Treatment Technology of PCP Wastewater

  18. 五氯苯酚在厌氧颗粒污泥中的吸附研究

    Study on biosorption of pentachlorophenol on anaerobic granular sludge

  19. 五氯苯酚与腐殖酸作用的荧光猝灭效应研究

    Studies of the fluorescent quenching on the interaction between humic acid and pentachlorophenol

  20. 五氯苯酚在赤铁矿表面吸附的红外光谱研究

    FTIR Study of Adsorption of PCP on Hematite Surface

  21. 五氯苯酚光催化降解的影响因素分析

    Analysis of influence factors of photocatalytic degradation of pentachlorophenol

  22. 光催化降解五氯苯酚过程及数值模拟研究

    Study on Photocatalytic Degradation of Pentachlorophenol and Mathematic Simulations

  23. 五氯苯酚对原生动物群落的毒性研究

    Studies on the Toxicity of Pentachlorophenol to Protozoan Community

  24. 五氯苯酚在矿物表面吸附&实验、表面反应模式及其环境意义

    Sorption of pentachlorophenol on minerals : experiments , surface reaction model and environmental implications

  25. 五氯苯酚在水体颗粒物上的吸附和降解研究

    Studies on the Adsorption and Degradation of Pentachlorophenol on the Particulate Matter in Water

  26. 环境样品中五氯苯酚分析方法的研究进展

    Advance on Analytical Methods of Pentachlorophenol in Enviroment

  27. 厌氧颗粒污泥对五氯苯酚的吸附、解吸和生物降解研究

    A Study on Adsorption , Desorption and Biodegradation of Pentachlorophenol by Anaerobic Granular Sludge

  28. 黑碳对五氯苯酚的吸附呈相似趋势,最大吸附量为30%。

    Sorption toward PCP showed a similar trend with the highest contribution of 30 % .

  29. 五氯苯酚光催化氧化速率明显高于光分解。

    For PCP reaction rate of photocatalytic oxidation is much higher than that of photolysis .

  30. 研究了青虾、草鱼肌肉中五氯苯酚及其钠盐残留总量气相色谱检测方法。

    Residues of pentachlorophenol and its sodium salt in aquatic products were determined by gas chromatography .