
wǔ lún
  • the five cardinal Confucian relationships;five cardinal relationships
  • (in feudal China) the five cardinal relationships;five cardinal relationships between ruler and subject,father and son,husband and wife ,between brothers and between friends
五伦 [wǔ lún]
  • [(in feudal China) the five cardinal relationships;five cardinal relationships between ruler and subject,father and son,husband and wife ,between brothers and between friends] 封建礼教指君臣、父子、兄弟、夫妇、朋友五种伦理关系

  1. 中国传统人伦思想与五伦的道德观

    Chinese Traditional Human Relationships and Moral Views of Five Ethics

  2. 而五伦或我提出的六伦之中的每一个伦,本质是甚麽呢?

    And what is the essence of each of the Five , or Six ( as proposed by me ) Cardinal Relationships ?

  3. 现代人追寻人与自我、人与社会协和共存境界,而传统的“五伦”观点恰可给人以此方面的启示。

    People of the modern times are pursuing a coexistence state in which the person can be in harmony with himself or the society .

  4. 此王道思想即是中国传统道德思想之内外与体用发挥的极致。人伦、五伦、王道等思想都是以道德概念融汇贯通的一种政治伦理哲学,是社会和谐有序的行为准则。

    Human relationships , five ethics and kingcraft belong to political and ethical philosophy and criteria of behaviors , thus keeping society in good order .