
hù zhì
  • be relatively prime
  • relatively prime
互质 [hù zhì]
  • [relatively prime] 两个正整数只有一个公约数1时,它们的关系叫做互质,如3和11互质

  1. 将非线性环节嵌入线性控制器的互质因子中,提出了一种基于线性矩阵不等式(LMI)的动态反馈抗饱和补偿设计方法。

    A novel dynamic feedback compensation design was proposed for anti - windup .

  2. 通过采用H∞环路成形&基于互质因子的鲁棒性和线性矩阵不等式的麦克法兰和格洛弗控制器设计方法,得到了一种新的鲁棒控制器。

    By using the Hoo loop shaping-Mc Farlane and Glover controller design method based on coprime factor robustness and Linear Matrix Inequality ( LMI ), a novel robust controller has been suggested .

  3. 互质因子摄动下的最优稳态跟踪控制器设计问题等价于保证系统鲁棒稳定下的e1最优鲁棒控制器设计问题,最后也转化为解决一个最优化问题。

    Under coprime factor perturbation the problem of designing a controller is reduced to l_1 optimal robust controller design problem ensuring robust stability . The proposed controller eventually can be obtained by solving an optimal problem .

  4. 第二种通过右互质既约分解,给出了通解关于一组自由参量和矩阵J的特征值的显式表达式。

    By utilizing some right coprime fractions , the second solution is given in an explicit form with respect to the free parameter vectors and the eigenvalues of the matrix J.

  5. 通信系统稳定性的n-D多项式矩阵互质性判定方法

    A Coprime Criterion of n-D Polynomial Matrix in Communication Stability

  6. 讨论了由LCG生成的一类组合发生器的结构与周期.证明了在模数mj两两互质的条件下此类发生器仍为LCG;

    Discusses the structure and period of a class of combined pseudorandom number generators consisting of LCGs .

  7. 进而在选取特定加权矩阵保证降阶闭环系统稳定前提下,应用基于频率加权左互质分解的控制器降阶方法,对所设计的高阶H∞控制器进行降阶。

    Then under the precondition of choosing specific weighted matrix to ensure the stability of lower-order closed-loop system , and by applying the controller order reduction technique based on frequency-weighted left coprime factorization ( FWLCF ), the order of designed controller is reduced , and corresponding simulations are carried out .

  8. 然后在第三章中研究了H∞鲁棒控制的基本理论,包括反馈系统的内稳定性、RH∞上的互质因式分解、系统的不确定性,及系统鲁棒性和标准H∞最优控制问题。

    Chapter three describe the basic theory of H_ ∞ control methodology , which include the performance and the stability of the feedback system , the coprime factorization on RH_ ∞, the robustness and the uncertainty of the system , the standard problem of H_ ∞ control .

  9. 用鲁棒控制理论中的规范化左互质因子分解(规范化LCF)法为某型飞机设计纵向飞/推综合控制器,并总结了该方法的一些特点和设计要求。

    This article designed a longitudinal flight / propulsion controller for flight control systems by using normalized left coprime factorization ( normalized LCF ) of robust theories and summarized some character and experience for the normalized LCF .

  10. 讨论了两个多项式矩阵右互质时其广义Sylvester矩阵的性质,指出了广义Sylvester矩阵与R-循环分块矩阵的联系,得到了R-循环分块矩阵可逆时的充要条件。

    The properties of the generalized sylvester matrix are discussed when two polynomial matrices are right coprime . The relations between an R-block circulant matrix and a suitable generalized Sylvester matrix are presented . The necessary and sufficient condition for R-block circulant matrix invertible is obtained .

  11. 正规互质因子扰动模型集的闭环辨识与检验

    Closed-loop identification and validation of normalized coprime factor perturbed model sets

  12. 互质因子摄动下的最优鲁棒稳态跟踪控制器设计

    Design of Optimal Robust Steady-state Tracking Controller under Coprime Factor Perturbations

  13. 基于降阶观测器的双互质分解

    Doubly Coprime Fractional Representations Related to the Nonminimal Reduced Order Observer

  14. 互质稳定因子描述的动态不确定系统的控制器设计

    Design of Controller for Uncertain Dynamic Systems Described by Coprime Stable Factor

  15. 基于互质分解的同时镇定控制器参数化

    The Parametrization of Simultaneous Stabilizing Controller Based on the Stable Coprime Factorization

  16. 辨识对象的正规互质因子频域响应最大似然估计方法分析

    Analysis Maximum Likelihood Estimation of the Frequency Response of Normalised Coprime Factors

  17. 广义系统降阶正常观测-控制器与双互质分解

    Reduced order observer based controllers and doubly coprime factorizations for Singular Systems

  18. 非线性互质分解理论的现状及发展

    The Present Conditions of Nonlinear Coprime Factorizations and its Development

  19. 互质齿数及其齿数比

    The mutual prime number and ratio of the number of gear teeth

  20. 基于互质因子摄动的系统非脆弱鲁棒解耦控制

    Robust non - fragile decoupling control of system with coprime factor perturbations

  21. 非线性系统的反馈镇定和右互质分解

    Stabilization and right - coprime factorization for Nonlinear Systems

  22. 基于互质因子摄动的反馈系统的鲁棒稳定性

    Robust stability of feedback system with Coprime Factor Perturbations

  23. 多项式矩阵互质的结式定理

    Resultant theorem of relative prime of polynomial matrices

  24. 互质因子摄动系统的敏感性分析

    Sensitivity Analysis for Systems with Coprime Factor Perturbations

  25. 该文综述了具有正规互质因子扰动模型集的辨识与检验的结果。

    This paper surveys the identification and validation of model sets with normalized coprime factor perturbations .

  26. 非线性互质分解方法中的系统核表示非线性系统的镇定和右分解

    THE KERNEL REPRESENTATIONS IN NONLINEAR COPRIME FACTORIZATIONS Right coprime factorizations method on stabilization for nonlinear system

  27. 多项式互质与可控性分析

    Polynomial Coprime and Controllability Analysis

  28. 能实现齿数互质的大轮齿数有271种。

    There are 271 kinds of tooth numbers of big gear which can realize mutual prime number .

  29. 因此,利用互质增量时间戳技术就可以较好地解决了移动代理系统中的一些安全问题。

    So using increased time stamp technology can solve some security problems about mobile agent system better .

  30. 研究了存在未知外部干扰时的互质因子摄动系统的鲁棒稳态追踪问题。

    The robust steady-state tracking problem subjected to coprime factor perturbations and unknown external bounded disturbance is addressed .