
hù bù qīn fàn
  • Non aggression;mutual nonaggression;refrain from invading each other
互不侵犯[hù bù qīn fàn]
  1. 两国将签署互不侵犯条约。

    A non-aggression pact will be signed between the two countries .

  2. 上个月,他与德国签订了新的互不侵犯条约。

    Last month he signed a new non-aggression pact with Germany

  3. 他与德国的新关系受新的互不侵犯条约的保护。

    His new relationship with Germany is enshrined in a new non-aggression treaty

  4. 这使得两国签订了一项互不侵犯条约。

    This led to a non-aggression pact between the two countries .

  5. 在2010年美国司法部开始打击之前,包括谷歌和苹果(Apple)在内的硅谷公司之间的地盘互不侵犯协议颇为猖獗。

    Anti-poaching deals between Silicon Valley companies , including Google and Apple , were rife before the US Department of Justice clamped down on them in 2010 .

  6. 这两个国家刚刚签署了一项互不侵犯条约。

    The two countries have just signed a non-aggression pact .

  7. 这就是苏德互不侵犯协定的全部政治意义。

    Such is the full political significance of the Soviet-German non-aggression treaty .

  8. 在该地区的国家签订了一个互不侵犯的条约。

    The countries in the region signed a non - aggression pact .

  9. 平壤方面表示取消与邻国签订的互不侵犯条约。

    Pyongyang says it 's calling off a non-aggression pact with its neighbor .

  10. 这种阴谋,被苏德互不侵犯条约击破了。

    The Soviet-German non-aggression treaty smashed this plot .

  11. 南非和莫桑比克互不侵犯和睦邻条约

    South Africa and Mozambique Non-aggressive and Good-Neighbourhood Treaty

  12. 关于北南和解、互不侵犯和合作交流协议书论和亲对通贡、互市的意义

    Agreement on Reconciliation , Non-Aggression and Cooperation and Exchange between the North and the South

  13. 互不侵犯和睦邻协定

    Agreement on Non-Aggression and Good - Neighbourliness

  14. 评《苏德互不侵犯条约》与第二次世界大战的关系

    On the Relationship between " Non-aggression Pact of Soviet-Germany " and the 2 nd World War

  15. 互不侵犯和相互援助协定

    Agreement on Non-Aggression and Assistance

  16. 苏德互不侵犯条约订立于一九三九年八月二十三日。

    The Treaty of Non-Aggression Between the Soviet Union and Germany was signed on August 23 , 1939 .

  17. 第一,互相尊重主权和领土完整、互不侵犯、互不干涉内政。

    First , Mutual respect of sovereignty and territorial integrity , mutual non-aggression and mutual non-interference in internal affairs .

  18. 但是,美国还必须解决给网络攻击定性的问题,并与其它国家达成互不侵犯协定。

    However , it also has to tackle the problem of attribution , and reach a non-aggression accord with other nations .

  19. 最近几个月,朝鲜撕毁了与韩国的互不侵犯条约,并拒绝承认海界线。

    In recent months North Korea has torn up its non-aggression pacts with the South and refused to recognise a maritime border .

  20. 她期待建立互不侵犯、互不主宰、有体系的世界。但是她不确定是否会实现她的梦想。

    She expects to establish a non-dominant , organist world , but she is not certain whether she can realize her dream .

  21. 在合作的过程中,《中苏互不侵犯条约》和《苏日中立条约》等问题也要慎重对待。

    In the cooperation process , the Sino-Soviet non-aggression pact and the Soviet-Japanese neutrality Treaty and other problems have to be extremely careful .

  22. 最终,1939年8月23日苏德互不侵犯条约的签订给德日谈判和英法苏谈判带来致命打击,同时德意日苏四国联合构想也孕育而生。

    Finally German-Soviet non-aggression pact which signed on August 23 , 1939 had an deadly effect on the German-Japanese talks and Anglo-French-Soviet talks .

  23. 克林顿也说他支持多边的协定,包括互不侵犯条约,以此交换北朝鲜放弃核计划。

    Clinton also said that he supports a broad agreement , including a non-aggressionpact , with North Korea in exchange for it abandoningits nuclear program .

  24. 至于所谓日苏互不侵犯条约,在过去多年之前,苏联就要求日本签订,日本始终拒绝。

    As for the talk about a Japanese-Soviet non-aggression treaty , the Soviet Union has been proposing it for many years but Japan has invariably rejected it .

  25. 秦朝末年,项羽和刘邦约定以鸿沟(在今河南境内)东西边作为界限,互不侵犯。

    In the late Qin Dynasty , Xiang Yu and Liu Bang made a non-aggression pact by taking Honggou ( in today 's Henan Province ) as the boundary .

  26. 当报纸上铺天盖地报道《苏德互不侵犯条约》时,艾伦已经离开剑桥,去享受为期一周的假期了。他和弗雷德·克莱顿一起去划船,同去的还有来英国避难的孩子。

    The news-stands were announcing the Ribbentrop-Molotov pact as Alan set off from Cambridge for a week 's sailing holiday , together with Fred Clayton and the refugee boys .

  27. 1992年2月,朝鲜与韩国签署了《关于朝韩和解和互不侵犯及交流&合作的协议书》,并共同发表了《关于朝鲜半岛无核化的共同宣言》。

    DPRK and South Korea with mutual nonaggression and exchange & Cooperative agreement was signed in February , 1992 . and they published the common declaration about Korean Peninsula de-nuclearization together .

  28. 毛答:苏德互不侵犯协定是苏联社会主义力量增长和苏联政府坚持和平政策的结果。

    Mao Tse-tung : The Soviet-German non-aggression treaty is the result of the growing socialist strength of the Soviet Union and the policy of peace persistently followed by the Soviet government .

  29. 一直小心翼翼、避免激化波兰与俄罗斯紧张关系的图斯克回答道:“是《苏德互不侵犯条约》导致了波兰遭到攻击。”

    Mr Tusk , was has been careful not to play up tensions with Russia , responded , saying : " the Ribbentrop-Molotov pact led to the attack on Poland . "

  30. 全球所有国家和人民,我希望可以覆盖全球,在寻求和平的道路上,我们遵循坦诚相待,互不侵犯的原则。

    To the peoples and the governments of all friendly nations , and I hope that could encompass the whole world , I pledge an uninterrupted and sincere search for peace .