
yún duān
  • high in the clouds
云端 [yún duān]
  • [high in the clouds] 云上,云中

  • 飞机从云端飞来

云端[yún duān]
  1. 亦或高飞在云端之上。

    Maybe flying high in the clouds .

  2. 这座塔岌岌直至云端,根本就看不到塔顶。

    This tower is so tall that it reaches the clouds , and its top cannot be seen at all .

  3. 苹果公司的系统在视频上传到云端之前不会检查视频,但该公司表示,他们计划在未来以未指明的方式扩展这个系统。

    Apple 's system does not check videos before they are uploaded to the company 's cloud , but the company said it plans to expand its system in unspecified ways in the future .

  4. 对于开发者和架构师来说,平台即服务(PaaS,PlatformAsAService)的一个优点就是可以直接开发出适合云端的应用。

    An advantage of a Platform-as-a-Service for developers and architects is the ability to directly develop applications for the cloud .

  5. 随着我们进入了“后PC”时代,联网移动应用到云端服务应用的转变迅速。

    As we enter a " Post PC " era , there is a rapid shift toward connecting mobile applications to the cloud .

  6. 大多数游戏都有云端的解决方案,比如PlayGamesServices,这样当玩家买了新手机后,就能保留游戏状态,不会失去通关进程。

    Most games have a cloud-based solution , like Play Games Services , for save game state so you don 't lose your progress if you get a new phone .

  7. 不过,Astral所用的基于云端的软件并不是实际版的Office,而是一个开源的克隆版。

    However , the cloud-based program Astral uses isn 't even an actual version of Office , but an open-source clone .

  8. 在云端审计方面的一个关键挑战是要克服SaaS应用的用户访问缺乏可见性的问题。

    A key challenge in auditing in the cloud is overcoming the lack of visibility into user access of SaaS apps .

  9. 我们的Excel绝对拥有这种优势。作为一项SaaS服务,PowerBI可以使你通过云端进行丰富的可视化和仪表盘操作,并进行协作与分享。

    We absolutely have this strength in Excel , but Power BI is a SaaS service that allows you to do these rich visualizations and dashboards and collaborate and share .

  10. 但不同于其他一些iPad应用,iWork没有内置接入Dropbox和谷歌云端硬盘(GoogleDrive)这些热门云存储服务的功能。

    But unlike many other iPad apps , it lacks built-in access to popular online storage sites like Dropbox and Google Drive .

  11. 有了对应云端的用户管理,每个应用都会以不同方式管理用户,而且通常这种管理进行在应用的内部;用户管理API既不一致也不标准。

    With cloud-enabling user management , every app performs user management differently and usually does it internal to the application ; user management APIs are neither con ­ sistent nor standardized .

  12. 吉恩Dropbox就在这里了之后我们就能进入云端了

    Gene , Dropbox is right here . That 's our ticket to the cloud .

  13. ChromeOS大量基于网络的事实让Stallman心绪不宁。因为大量用户的数据将被存储在Google云端。

    The fact that Chrome OS is largely Web-based perturbs Stallman because a great amount of users'data will be stored on Google 's cloud .

  14. 一个SOA解决方案应当能整合基于云端服务和本地服务,而且在云架构上提供自己的服务也应当很容易。

    A SOA solution should be able to integrate cloud based services as well as on-site services , and it should easily be possible to provision your own service on a cloud infrastructure .

  15. 虽然ChromeOS和GoogleDrive需要更为先进的文件管理,你可以下载文档、照片和其他文件到笔记本上的文件夹或者存储到云端。

    While Chrome OS and Google Drive need more advanced file management , you can download documents , photos and other files to a folder on the laptop or to the cloud .

  16. 而RS纠删编码模块的引入也让空间利用率进一步提高,并让放入云端的文件更易恢复。

    The introduction of RS erasure coding module also allows the further improve of the space utilization , and make it more probable to restore a file from the cloud .

  17. 云端、LBS和社交网络服务的需求增长同样也在改变商业模型。

    The increase in demand for cloud services , location-based services , and social networking is also altering the business model landscape .

  18. 在云端,AmazonSQS服务提供应用程序之间的队列服务,即使它们没有连接网络。

    On the cloud side , the Amazon SQS service provides a queuing service between applications , even when they are on unconnected networks .

  19. 我用微软的Word云端应用记会议笔记,用PowerPoint云端应用来编辑幻灯片,依靠我公司的网页版Outlook来处理电子邮件和日程表。

    I used Microsoft Word Online to take notes at meetings , PowerPoint Online to edit a slide , and relied on my company 's Web version of Outlook for email and calendar .

  20. 当然“跳舞吧”跳到Dropbox拿到链接然后升入云端

    Of course . Just Dance , then boogie over to Dropbox , catch the link , and zoom .

  21. 帕克是ConnectX公司的CEO,这家位于洛杉矶的初创公司致力于将企业储存于云端的数据搬到太空。

    Parker is the CEO of ConnectX , a startup company based in Los Angeles that 's working on a way to take corporations " data out of the cloud and into the final frontier .

  22. 然而,它们的大部分收入仍然来自于运行在企业本地的软件(on-premisesoftware),而非基于云端的软件,而且它们尚待证明自己能转型成云计算服务巨头。

    And yet , they still make the majority of their revenue from sales of on-premise , not cloud-based , software , and have yet to prove they can transform themselves into major cloud computing players .

  23. 亚马逊云计算平台EC2、亚马逊简易存储服务S3、亚马逊DynamoDB云端服务以及亚马逊关系数据库服务RDS已经成为众多移动应用程序的基础。

    Amazon EC2 , Amazon S3 , Amazon dynamodb , and Amazon RDS already form the backbone of many mobile applications today .

  24. IDC预测,在该公司所说的第三平台技术(云端、移动、社交媒体和大数据)中,支出增长会达到13%。

    IDC predicts there will be growth of 13 percent in what the research firm calls 3rd platform technologies ( cloud , mobile , social and big data ) .

  25. Celent资深分析师詹姆斯攠尼尔(JamesO'Neill)预计,十年内,多数大银行将从使用成本高昂的大型计算机对客户数据进行隔夜处理,转向使用灵活得多的云端服务。

    James O'Neill , senior analyst at Celent , predicts that within a decade most big banks will have switched from using costly mainframe computers for overnight processing of customer data to using much more flexible cloud-based services .

  26. 然后将系统部署至云端,本地数据库迁移至云端的SQLAzure数据库中,真正将港口船舶生产作业信息平台延伸至云端。

    Then the whole system is deployed to the cloud , local database is relocated to SQL Azure database of the cloud . The port production operation platform is formally extended to the cloud .

  27. 团队任务管理软件Asana的创始人贾斯汀罗森斯坦本能在2006年推出谷歌云端硬盘,他却没为这个项目付出足够多的努力。

    Asana 's Justin Rosenstein could have launched Google Drive in 2006 , but didn 't push hard enough for his project .

  28. 由于HDFS不适合存储小文件,本系统采用将小文件合并的方式在云端存储文件。

    Since HDFS is not suitable for storing small files , the system uses the combined means of small files in the cloud storage file .

  29. iCloud云端服务,计算机不再是管理内容的核心设备,而是让我们的所有设备实现同步无缝对接。

    iCloud , which demoted the computer from its central role in managing our content and let all of our devices sync seamlessly .

  30. 当你输入文档的时候,iWork应用会与基于云端的iCloud服务进行同步,而后可以在任何网页浏览器上访问,并可以以Office格式导出文件。

    iWork synchronizes documents as you type them with its cloud-based iCloud service , which can be accessed from any Web browser and can export the files in Office formats .